Kecantikan dan kesihatan

Bagaimana hubungan alkohol dan tekanan?

Tahap tekanan darah kita dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor luaran dan dalaman. Adalah diketahui bahawa turun naik yang signifikan bukan sahaja memburukkan kesejahteraan seseorang, tetapi juga mencetuskan perkembangan pelbagai patologi dalam tubuh.

Kadang-kadang mereka tidak hanya berat, tetapi juga maut, contohnya, ketika datang ke stroke. Setiap orang yang mengalami perbezaan makna ini, ingin tahu apa yang sebenarnya mempengaruhi dia, dan bagaimana.

Khususnya, ramai yang bertanya: Adakah peningkatan alkohol atau tekanan darah rendah?

Pendapat pakar

Doktor dalam hal ini adalah pendapat yang berbeza. Ada yang percaya bahawa alkohol secara langsung dikontraindikasikan untuk mereka yang mempunyai masalah dengan sistem kardiovaskular.

Orang lain juga secara terbuka menasihati minum 50 gram cognac hypotensive sehari untuk menormalkan dan menstabilkan tekanan. Sudah tentu difahami di sini bahawa alkohol bukan ubat, dan mempengaruhi keadaan saluran darah (dan oleh itu tekanan darah) secara tidak langsung daripada secara langsung.

Walau bagaimanapun, alkohol dan tekanan sangat berkaitan. Alkohol menjejaskan jantung dan saluran darah, dan, sebagai persembahan amalan, hampir selalu negatif. Malah untuk penggunaan hipotensi seperti itu “Ubat semulajadi” untuk meningkatkan tekanan boleh pergi ke tepi, kerana pengembangan kapal dalam kes ini hampir seketika, yang jelas buruk bagi kedua-dua kesejahteraan dan aktiviti sistem tubuh yang paling penting.

Alkohol berbahaya dengan sendirinya, terutamanya jika diambil oleh orang yang berlebihan. Tetapi jika kita bercakap tentang mengambil dos minimum alkohol berkualiti mengikut skim tertentu, ia benar-benar boleh membantu dalam beberapa kes.

Mari kita lihat bagaimana alkohol mempengaruhi tekanan, dan kepada siapa ia betul-betul contraindicated pada prinsipnya?

Alkohol dan tekanan darah: adakah terdapat hubungan?

Orang sering mendengar nasihat dengan cepat “Peningkatan tekanan” dengan mengambil segelas vodka atau cognac. Dan sesetengah orang mengikutinya secara berterusan, tanpa rasa takut terhadap masalah yang berbeza dan “Kesan sampingan”.

Sekiranya anda bertanya kepada orang tertentu mengenai alkohol apa yang boleh diminum dengan peningkatan atau penurunan tekanan darah, jawapannya akan berbeza. Seperti kedudukan pada perkara ini secara umum. Begitu juga dengan doktor – sesetengah dari mereka menganggap alkohol benar-benar tidak dapat diterima untuk pesakit kardiologi dan ahli phlebologists (biasanya doktor yang sendiri mematuhi gaya hidup yang sihat). Yang lain mengesyorkan wad mereka “Langkau” segelas wain yang diperkaya atau segelas vodka untuk makan malam petang.

Alcohol tertentu mana yang merendahkan tekanan?

Soalan ini paling relevan bagi mereka yang menderita hipertensi yang rumit oleh krisis berkala.

Jawapannya adalah mudah – semua jenis roh mampu menurunkan tekanan ke tahap normal, diterima dalam kuantiti kurang daripada 70 gram.

Sebagai contoh, walaupun segelas cognac dapat menormalkan dan menstabilkan tahap tekanan darah, jika anda meminum alkohol yang kuat pada kadar minimum.

Alkohol adalah perangsang semulajadi, tetapi apabila diambil dalam jumlah 50-70 g, ia menghapuskan kekejangan dan melancarkan kapal, yang menyumbang kepada pemulihan hemodinamik normal di dalamnya. Di samping itu, seseorang telah meningkatkan selera makan dan menghilangkan sakit kepala, dia datang dengan perasaan yang baik dan mood, tidak lagi mengalami sebarang kesulitan dengan tidur malam. Nada kapal melegakan pada masa yang sama, darah mula beredar dengan lancar, mantap dan berarah, dengan mudah mengatasi rintangan yang berkurang.

Satu lagi perkara ialah alkohol yang diambil dapat meningkatkan jumlah pengecutan berirama otot jantung setiap minit. Ini membawa kepada takikardia yang berterusan, dan dengan itu, seseorang mula berasa lebih teruk.

Alkohol, diambil dalam kuantiti yang besar (mana-mana, dari lemah hingga sangat kuat) bertindak ke atas badan dalam arah yang bertentangan. Ia menyempitkan kapal dengan ketara, dan pada masa yang sama meningkatkan tekanan. Oleh itu, darah mula dibuang oleh ventrikel intim pada kadar dipercepat, tetapi dengan daya berkurang. Seluruh proses membawa kepada pergerakan periferal yang lebih buruk, terutamanya di bahagian bawah kaki.

Semua simptom, bergantung kepada pengambilan alkohol, tidak boleh diselaraskan kepada semua. Di sini banyak bergantung kepada berapa kerap orang mengambil alkohol, sama ada dia mempunyai sebarang penyakit kronik sistem kardiovaskular, sama ada dia minum hari sebelumnya.

Juga banyak bergantung pada usia semasa dan gaya hidup secara umum. Seorang lelaki muda yang menjalani gaya hidup yang sihat mungkin tidak berpengaruh sama sekali. Di samping itu, tanpa mengira jumlah pengambilan, alkohol meningkatkan tekanan, jika orang itu baik “Mengambil dada” sebelum eksperimen itu sendiri (kira-kira satu hari). Jelas sekali – untuk minum banyak pada tekanan yang dibangkitkan secara tegasnya contraindicated, dan apa-apa kelebihan daripada penerimaan alkohol pada hypertonia yang dinyatakan untuk menunggu ia tidak perlu.

Meningkatkan tekanan darah selepas mengambil alkohol

Sekiranya anda mengalami peningkatan tekanan selepas mengambil alkohol pada hari berikutnya – ia adalah satu loceng penggera, yang sepatutnya membuat anda berfikir tentang kesihatan anda sendiri dan mendapatkan bantuan daripada pakar yang sesuai.

Biasanya, selepas perayaan ribut, keadaan sebaliknya dicatatkan – pada keesokan harinya orang merasakan kelemahan dan pening yang disebut dengan menurunkan tekanan. By the way, kaca cognac yang sama dalam kes ini menormalkan tahapnya (menaikkannya). Atas sebab ini, selepas “Menghirup” orang itu berasa lebih baik. Sekiranya tekanan keesokan harinya semakin meningkat, anda mungkin mempunyai masalah biasa dengan keadaan sistem kardiovaskular.

Alkohol meningkatkan pembebasan ke dalam darah unsur seperti hipertensi, renin dan norepinephrine. Di samping itu, keseimbangan elektrolit dalam tubuh berubah, fungsi ginjal terganggu, sistem saraf simpatetik dirangsang.

Kepada kaedah “Rawatan” Berkaitan dengan minum alkohol, anda perlu diambil serius. Sila ambil perhatian bahawa semua masalah anda (tekanan darah tinggi atau rendah, takikardia, gangguan jantung yang lain) mempunyai beberapa sebab penting yang harus dijelaskan dengan bantuan seorang pakar semasa menjalani diagnosis yang mencukupi.

Fahami satu perkara yang mudah – anda tidak pasti tahu apa sebenarnya yang berlaku di dalam badan anda. Lagipun, turun naik tekanan darah boleh dirangsang oleh patologi yang teruk, di mana mengambil alkohol adalah benar-benar menentang.

Dan, yang paling tidak menyenangkan, anda tidak dapat memastikan kehadiran atau ketiadaan mereka dari diri anda, jika anda tidak lulus tinjauan. Sebagai contoh, jika anda mempunyai iskemia serebrum fokal, mengambil minuman beralkohol hampir tidak dapat dielakkan membawa kepada strok pendarahan. Adakah berbaloi untuk berisiko, mempercayai “Orang” nasihat?

Apa alkohol yang boleh mengambil hipotonik dan hipertensi?

Adakah mungkin untuk merawat turun naik tekanan darah dengan alkohol?

Sudah tentu tidak. Dan ini pada dasarnya agak berbahaya, terutamanya jika diagnosis kausal seperti patologi belum dijelaskan. Ia juga harus ditekankan bahawa setiap hari “Gelas untuk kesihatan” boleh membawa kepada kebergantungan yang nyata, terutamanya pada wanita.

Jangan ambil “Panas” minuman dan selepas perayaan – jadi anda hanya boleh mencederakan diri sendiri. Lebih baik merujuk kepada perangsang semulajadi seperti kafein, jika anda benar-benar tidak merasa sihat.

Orang yang menghadapi masalah sistem kardiovaskular perlu tahu apa alkohol boleh dimakan pada tekanan tinggi atau dikurangkan.

Alkohol, meningkatkan tekanan darah:

  • Bir;
  • Wain merah;
  • Wain diperkaya;
  • Wain berkilauan (champagne).

Alkohol, menurunkan tekanan darah (jika digunakan dalam jumlah kecil):

  • Wain putih atau kering;
  • Vodka;
  • Cognac.

Walau bagaimanapun, jika terus terang Kelebihannya dengan produk senarai kedua, anda boleh mencapai kesan sebaliknya.

Masih Paracelsus berhujah bahawa mana-mana ubat boleh menjadi racun dalam dos yang tidak munasabah. Dan kerana anda tergolong dalam alkohol sebagai ubat, perhatikan bahawa penting untuk memerhatikan ukuran baik dalam kuantiti dan dalam tempoh “terapi”. Jadilah sihat!

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  • Reply Michael Sinclair 17.09.2023 at 02:11


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  • Reply Michael Sinclair 18.09.2023 at 00:36


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  • Reply Grant Lira 21.09.2023 at 20:19


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  • Reply Chauncey Clubbe 22.09.2023 at 06:35


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  • Reply Ramona Nuttall 23.09.2023 at 15:58

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  • Reply Karma Brault 26.09.2023 at 16:30

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  • Reply James Jones 28.09.2023 at 06:04

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  • Reply William T Worrall 28.09.2023 at 16:59

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  • Reply Jonathon Almeida 29.09.2023 at 18:38

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  • Reply William TAM 30.09.2023 at 06:29

    Hello, we’ve seen a significant demand for our soccer jerseys as corporate gifts recently and wanted to share this with you

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  • Reply Joseph Anderson 30.09.2023 at 20:14

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  • Reply Yvonne Augustin 02.10.2023 at 02:04

    AI Your Website Is Now Obsolete click the link here or Call or Text Tori at the number (423) 207-1332 I have a ai automation agency to help with your I will Volunteer to get you started but only if you ACT NOW!

    You can OPT OUT here:

  • Reply Mitch Trenerry 02.10.2023 at 09:26

    Step 1: Open this email (COMPLETE)

    Step 2: Click this link >

    Step 3: Don’t share this with anyone else…

    This is private invitation only.

    Open It Now

    P.S. Once you are on the inside, you will
    get step by step information on how to get
    started quickly……

    It’s really a no brainer 🙂

    You can OPT OUT here:

  • Reply Michael Anderson 03.10.2023 at 16:28


    Kiss goodbye to noisy nights with the revolutionary EPAP mask—your pocket-friendly passage to peaceful sleep!

    then Go to and let’s make this the best night ever!

    Best regards,

    David Williams


    To stop receiving any further communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply Roberto Travers 05.10.2023 at 07:59

    Wouldn’t it be great to use the info on to develop attention-grabbing videos tailored for YouTube?
    By just pasting the URL to, you can leverage AI technology that converts your website’s content into amazing videos.
    This revolutionary AI tool doesn’t require special skills, and provides you with tons of videos within seconds.

    Imagine the possibilities,

    No longer want to receive emails? Unsubscribe at
    Universal Genius 1270 N Marine Corps Dr, Ste 101 – 2021 Tamuning, GU 96913-4331

  • Reply Michael Williams 05.10.2023 at 08:51

    Hey there,

    No more prescriptions, just quiet sleep! EPAP Mask: Your effortless answer to snoring and sleep apnea.

    Click on to sleep the night away.

    Best regards,

    Michael Jones


    If you wish to discontinue communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply Thomas Smith 06.10.2023 at 12:02

    Hey there,

    No more prescriptions, just quiet sleep! EPAP Mask: Your effortless answer to snoring and sleep apnea.

    Click on to sleep the night away.

    Best regards,

    Charles Taylor


    If you wish to discontinue communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply Matt Lee 06.10.2023 at 13:26

    We can all agree Hiring Sucks, Check out our Remote Hiring Guide. It’s a quick read and packed with tips to make remote hiring a breeze.
    Check it out:
    We have 10 Virtual assistants at $3.5/hour, saves us so much money.

  • Reply Alejandra O'Dowd 06.10.2023 at 19:36

    AI’s Looming Threat: No Joke click the link here or Call or Text Tori at the number (423) 207-1332 I have a ai automation agency to help with your I will Volunteer to get you started but only if you ACT NOW!

    You can OPT OUT here:

  • Reply Sonya Copley 06.10.2023 at 22:45


    Are you ready to skyrocket your sales and take your business to the next level? I’m Sonya from Triple Threat Success-10X Coaching, reaching out with an incredible opportunity to transform your business.

    As a business owner or coach, you understand the importance of closing more sales, increasing attention, and generating a consistent flow of leads. That’s where we come in. Our 10X the Triple Threat Success program is designed to help you do just that – close more deals, attract more clients, and get the attention your business deserves.

    You may be thinking, “Closing deals and getting more leads is easier said than done.” But trust me, it doesn’t have to be. Many people believe that selling is hard and that getting leads costs too much. But here’s the truth: with our proven 10X system, you can close on average 30% more by simply implementing our strategies.

    Imagine the impact on your business – more revenue, more clients, and more success. You’ll see results almost immediately, as long as you’re an “action taker.” Act now and schedule FREE 10X strategy call to receive valuable insights tailored to your business and a clear roadmap to boosting your sales. If you qualify, there’s a limited-time 50% discount on our group coaching package.

    Don’t let the hurdle of closing more deals hold you back. Leverage our 10X system to overcome this obstacle and thrive in your industry. Book your FREE 10X strategy call now:

    Click here: –>

    Ready to say goodbye to stagnant sales and hello to explosive growth? Book your FREE 10X strategy call now and let us show you how to talk to more people and close more deals.

    Looking forward to helping you achieve your business goals!

    Triple Threat Success-10X Coaching

    P.S. For less than the price of a fancy dinner out, gain access to the secrets of closing more deals, attracting clients, and getting the attention your business deserves.

    Click here: –>

  • Reply Jefferson Mosier 07.10.2023 at 22:27


    Classified ad submission still works!
    Thousands of potential buyers scour the online classified ads
    each day for products and services.

    You definitely want to have your ads listed with as many
    classified ads sites as possible.

    The problem is that it is tedious and time consuming submitting and resubmitting
    your ad to the appropriate categories and sub categories each month.

    Every site has a different set of criteria it seems which makes
    submitting ads a very frustrating experience.

    Most advertisers never reach their full potential with classified ad advertising
    because of the time and effort it takes to constantly post ads.

    We have compiled a nice list of classified ads sites here if you
    wish to post your ads manually.

    Have fun!

    Most people are tearing their hair out after just a few tedious
    submissions. Or may we suggest?

    Let Us Post Your Classified Ads For You Each Month To Thousands
    Of Websites Giving Your Ad Exposure To Thousands Of Potential Customers.
    Your campaign can get started within 48 hours or less.

    Much Success,

  • Reply Caridad Fitzgibbons 08.10.2023 at 21:19

    I am a Local Angel Investor
    interested in buying your Multi-Size Storage Units
    if this interests you submit property details here or Call or Text Tori at the number 931-229-0969

    You can OPT OUT here:

  • Reply Mark Hoffman 08.10.2023 at 21:49

    Your Universal Analytics account is no longer collecting visitor data.

    Its time to upgrade to Google Analytics 4!



    Blue Highlighted Text
    422 W Riverside Dr.
    Austin, TX 78704

    reply opt out

  • Reply Felisha Hooks 08.10.2023 at 22:02

    AI Apocalypse: Your Website’s Last Stand click the link here or Call or Text Tori at the number (423) 207-1332 I have a ai automation agency to help with your I will Volunteer to get you started but only if you ACT NOW!

    You can OPT OUT here:

  • Reply Monroe Gunderson 10.10.2023 at 01:58

    Did you know that you can use this very simple Artificial intelligence software that makes it super fast & easy to skyrocket profits for your website

    It’s All Here:

    Our business stopped wasting so much time & money on paid ads… We simply let the Artificial intelligence tool produce sales for us.

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    P.S: The creators of this Artificial intelligence assistant consulted with the world’s leading traffic generation and Direct Response Marketing gurus to teach the AI how to find ideal buyers, for you.
    Your business is seriously missing out right now by not using it…

  • Reply Nellie Odriscoll 10.10.2023 at 10:54

    AI Apocalypse: Your Website Not Ready! click the link here or Call or Text Tori at the number (423) 207-1332 I have a ai automation agency to help with your I will Volunteer to get you started but only if you ACT NOW!

    You can OPT OUT here:

  • Reply Michael Thompson 11.10.2023 at 00:13

    Hi ,

    Sleep snug without a snore. The EPAP mask is your cost-effective portal to peaceful nights.

    Check out to enjoy a restful night’s sleep.

    Revolutionize your sleep with the EPAP mask. Address obstructive sleep apnea, maintain airways open, and enhance sleep quality seamlessly.

    A non-invasive, compact alternative to CPAP devices and is cheaper by more than 75%. Need more info?

    Learn more at and sleep the night away.

    Best regards,

    Robert Brown


    To stop receiving any further communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply David Brown 11.10.2023 at 02:32


    Gain your complementary AI Assistant Now! if not get left behind unless you

    Want to outshine the competition with more customers and saving time?

    Go to now to explore our partnership that promises a surge in leads and sales for your business.

    Best regards,

    James Smith


    To stop receiving any further communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply Gordon Tinsley 12.10.2023 at 00:09


    I hope this email finds you in good health and high spirits. I’m Gordon Tinsley, a firm believer in the power of natural wellness. I wanted to personally reach out and share something truly transformative with you – the incredible benefits of hemp-derived products.

    The problem is that many people are missing out on these benefits due to the misconception that hemp and marijuana are the same thing. This myth is holding them back from finding relief from stress, pain, anxiety, and sleep issues.

    But here’s the truth: hemp-derived products are legal, safe, and offer targeted relief that is backed by research. Imagine being able to alleviate your pain, enhance your overall well-being, and enjoy restful sleep, all through the power of natural solutions.

    At Boro Hemp Co, we have carefully curated over 500 exceptional products to cater to your specific needs. Whether you’re seeking pain relief, stress reduction, or improved sleep, our high-quality offerings are designed to deliver results.

    To help you get started on your wellness journey, we’re offering an exclusive 10% discount. But act fast, as this offer is only available for a limited time. Don’t miss the chance to experience the incredible benefits of hemp-derived products firsthand.

    Ready to take the first step towards a healthier, more balanced life? Visit our website by clicking to explore our range of exceptional products and schedule an appointment today.

    So don’t let misinformation hold you back any longer. Join us in unlocking the potential of hemp for your well-being.

    Looking forward to accompanying you on this path to a better, healthier life.

    Warm regards,

    Gordon Tinsley
    Boro Hemp Co

  • Reply Tami Beckett 12.10.2023 at 09:11

    Hi, I’m sending you this message via your contact form on your website at By reading this message you’re living proof that contact form advertising works! Do you want to blast your ad to millions of contact forms? Maybe you prefer a more targeted approach and only want to blast our ad out to websites in certain business categories? Pay just $99 to blast your ad to 1 million contact forms. Volume discounts available. I have more than 35 million contact forms. Let’s get the conversation started, contact me via Skype here live:.cid.303294bd15a81bc7

  • Reply Maribel Kail 12.10.2023 at 13:19

    AI Unleashed: Is Your Website Ready? click the link here or Call or Text Tori at the number (423) 207-1332 I have a ai automation agency to help with your I will Volunteer to get you started but only if you ACT NOW!

    You can OPT OUT here:

  • Reply Aundrea Knouse 13.10.2023 at 08:09

    I am a Local Seed Investor
    interested in buying your Self-Service Storage
    if this interests you submit property details here or Call or Text Tori at the number 931-229-0969

    You can OPT OUT here:

  • Reply Steve Zuwala 13.10.2023 at 18:36

    Leaving a note to let you know I was here!
    Enjoyed my visit…. continued blessings!

    Steve Zuwala
    Counry Music Artist

  • Reply David Johnson 14.10.2023 at 18:52

    Hey there,

    Are you Ready to Secure a Complimentary AI Assistant? or get left behind

    Get ahead of the competition with more customers and saving time with AI

    Go to

    to uncover a lucrative partnership opportunity that will skyrocket your leads and sales.

    Best regards,

    Charles Brown


    If you wish to discontinue communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply James Jones 15.10.2023 at 00:58

    Hello There,

    Sleep snug without a snore. The Optipillows EPAP Mask is your pocket-friendly gateway to tranquil nights.

    Check out to enjoy a restful night’s sleep.

    Upgrade your sleep with the EPAP mask. Address obstructive sleep apnea, maintain airways open, and improve sleep quality effortlessly.

    A gentle, compact alternative to CPAP devices and is more affordable by more than 75%. Have questions?

    Find out more at and enjoy peaceful slumbers.

    Best regards,

    David Davis


    To stop receiving any further communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply Michel Pedersen 15.10.2023 at 01:25

    This is your Website’s AI Lifeline: Grab It! click the link here or Call or Text Tori at the number (423) 207-1332 I have a ai automation agency to help with your I will Volunteer to get you started but only if you ACT NOW!

    You can OPT OUT here:

  • Reply Jann Broyles 15.10.2023 at 10:11

    I am a Local Investor
    interested in buying your Mini Storage Spaces
    if this interests you submit property details here or Call or Text Tori at the number 931-229-0969

    You can OPT OUT here:

  • Reply Mark Hoffman 15.10.2023 at 16:30

    Your website isn’t learning about your visitors.

    Your Universal Analytics account is no longer collecting visitor data.

    It’s time to upgrade to Google Analytics 4!

    Visit we can help.


    Blue Highlighted Text
    422 W Riverside Dr.
    Austin, TX 78704

    reply opt out

  • Reply Amelia Suckley 17.10.2023 at 19:08

    Hey there!

    I hope you’re doing great. My name is Amelia Suckley, and I’m reaching out on behalf of dti Publishing Corp. We have an exciting product that will change the way you prepare for your certification exams, ensuring you pass with confidence.

    Introducing CertBlaster – the ultimate solution for young software designers and IT professionals like you who are determined to succeed on their certification exams.

    With CertBlaster, you can access high-quality content, an extensive database of practice questions, and the most sophisticated exam simulation available. We provide engaging, informative, and exam-specific materials that have received a stellar 4-star rating on Trustpilot. ✨

    For a limited time, you can save $10 when you sign up for CertBlaster. Simply use the special offer code “SAVE10” at checkout to take advantage of this fantastic deal.

    Ready to unlock your potential? Click the link below to visit our website and secure your spot:

    Remember, this offer won’t last forever, so act fast to save $10 and prepare to conquer your certification exam with confidence. ⏰

    Thank you for considering CertBlaster, and we can’t wait to support you on your journey to success.

    Best regards,

    Amelia Suckley
    dti Publishing Corp.

    P.S. Read testimonials on our website to see how CertBlaster has helped countless IT professionals like yourself achieve their

  • Reply Kyle Vanhoose 19.10.2023 at 04:46

    Hi, my name is Kyle and I’d like to volunteer my time to you. I have a ton of experience in improving and marketing websites. I’ve found that one of the best ways to get to know new people is by volunteering, so I’d like to donate my time to you. Send me a text or call at: 803 574 9421 Talk soon, -Kyle

    Opt out of future messages by replying to the message saying opt out.

  • Reply Penney Comstock 19.10.2023 at 19:02

    Aren’t you sick of paying so much for premium WordPress themes and plugins for Get access to all permium themes and plugins for pennies at Stop dreaming, start dominating!
    Warm wishes!

    No longer want to receive emails? Unsubscribe at
    Universal Genius 1270 N Marine Corps Dr, Ste 101 – 2021 Tamuning, GU 96913-4331

  • Reply Santiago Kepler 20.10.2023 at 00:04

    AI Showdown: Website vs. The Machine click the link here or Call or Text Tori at the number (423) 207-1332 I have a ai automation agency to help with your I will Volunteer to get you started but only if you ACT NOW!

    You can OPT OUT here:

  • Reply Janis Agaundo 20.10.2023 at 01:19

    I am a Local Money Partner
    interested in buying your Short-Term Storage Solutions
    if this interests you submit property details here or Call or Text Tori at the number 931-229-0969

    You can OPT OUT here:

  • Reply Joseph Brown 20.10.2023 at 08:03

    Good Day ,

    Snooze peacefully without a peep. The Optipillows EPAP Mask is your pocket-friendly portal to restful nights.

    Visit to sleep the night away.

    Revolutionize your sleep with the EPAP mask. Address obstructive sleep apnea, maintain airways open, and improve sleep quality with ease.

    A non-invasive, travel-friendly alternative to CPAP devices and is more affordable by more than 75%. Have questions?

    Discover more at and sleep the night away.

    Best regards,

    John Smith


    To stop receiving any further communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply Freeman Villasenor 20.10.2023 at 12:16

    The top Website Owners & Digital Marketers in the world are using AI Backlinks for Getting Traffic & Backlinks to boost their sales online.

    Now you have an opportunity to join them, improve your Google Rank & Get 10X Traffic with a new AI-based app called AI Backlinks.

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  • Reply Rickert 20.10.2023 at 12:27

    Hi, I looked at what you are doing on your website and decided to reach out.

    Would you be open to a successful collaboration where we add between $1 million and $10 million
    in annual profits to your business within the next 12 months without any additional marketing, getting new employees, or increasing time and energy input?

    We have successfully helped over 37,000 businesses like yours .

    Want more information on this?

    Want help with this? You can speak to a team member here:

    Warm regards,
    Daniel Udezi, MD, MBA.

  • Reply William Jones 20.10.2023 at 17:09

    Hello There,

    Gain your Zero-Cost AI Assistant Now! to gain More customers and Save time Get ahead of the competition with AI or get left behind.

    Go to

    to uncover a lucrative partnership opportunity that will skyrocket your leads and sales.

    Best wishes,

    Joseph Smith


    To stop receiving any further communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply Chris McCourt 21.10.2023 at 16:37


    Seize Your Chance for Financial Freedom Now!

    Watch the video below to unlock the power of Rapid Profit Machine For FREE today!


    If you do not want any further communications, you can opt out by visiting the link below

  • Reply Bryan Grasser 22.10.2023 at 06:11

    You’ve never heard of me. Hi, I’m Daniel. I got your website from top secret servers using a biorythmic metaspyder with a 100GB nutro-plasmic VPN that I….

    Ok, I got it by just googling you.

    Let me get right down to it…

    I don’t know if this is a problem you have, but I GROW companies like yours by assisting them in acquiring their competitors or other complimentary businesses so that they do not have to do any additional marketing, getting new employees, or increasing time and energy input.

    I work with a team of acquisition experts who are all better than me, and they take care of the whole business acquisition process even up to funding. You do not have to lift a finger.

    I’m not sure if this is a problem you have, and if it’s not, that’s totally cool.

    If it is, here’s how our CEO explains the process. 

    If you are even slightly curious about what our CEO is offering, I promise to be somewhat useful and give you some ideas you’re free to steal. If you play your cards right, I might even tell you the lamest joke I know if you book a call here:

    Finally, it’s time to release my favorite weapon. A picture of Rufus the cat nervously anticipating a response… (Don’t lie, you are looking for the Cat…LOL)

    I await your deservedly annoyed response.

    Have a more than tolerable day!
    Daniel Udezi, MD, MBA.
    Team 3500 Businesses Bought / Feeding 200 Kids Monthly / Below Average Runner

  • Reply David Williams 25.10.2023 at 00:58

    Hello There,

    Gain your Zero-Cost AI Assistant Now! to gain More customers and Save time Get ahead of the competition with AI or get left behind.

    Go to

    to uncover a lucrative partnership opportunity that will skyrocket your leads and sales.

    Best wishes,

    William Brown


    To stop receiving any further communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply Cornell Blakeley 25.10.2023 at 06:11


    Did you try to make m0ney with
    AI, ChatGPT, Bard, Midjourney etc
    but failed miserably?

    They are all awesome tools, but
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    What if tell you – there is a *SECRET
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    Here’re some results newbies getting
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    ViralFaces AI is available for a Low
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    See you inside.

    All the best

  • Reply Charles Jones 25.10.2023 at 11:00

    Hi ,

    Rest comfortably without a snore. The Optipillows EPAP Mask is your pocket-friendly portal to peaceful nights.

    Go to to sleep the night away.

    Transform your sleep with the EPAP mask. Tackle obstructive sleep apnea, maintain airways open, and boost sleep quality effortlessly.

    A gentle, portable alternative to CPAP devices and is cheaper by more than 75%. Need more info?

    Discover more at and experience restful nights.

    Best regards,

    Michael Brown


    To stop receiving any further communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply Emelia Frew 25.10.2023 at 18:53

    Hey, is tax-proof yet? Get worry-free services and support at to make sure you aren’t overtaxed! Protect your personal assets now – 2023 ends in just 2 months!

    All the best…

    No longer want to receive emails? Unsubscribe at
    Universal Genius 1270 N Marine Corps Dr, Ste 101 – 2021 Tamuning, GU 96913-4331

  • Reply Ramonita Hurtado 27.10.2023 at 23:05

    Hi there,

    Here’s something you could probably use…

    Instant, hands-free, high quality traffic,
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  • Reply Joseph Brown 27.10.2023 at 23:14


    Gain your complementary AI Assistant Now! if not get left behind unless you

    Want to outshine the competition with more customers and saving time?

    Go to now to explore our partnership that promises a surge in leads and sales for your business.

    Best regards,

    David Davis


    To stop receiving any further communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply John Wilson 28.10.2023 at 06:44

    Hi ,

    Sleep snug without a snore. The Optipillows EPAP Mask is your pocket-friendly gateway to peaceful nights.

    Visit to experience peaceful slumbers.

    Revolutionize your sleep with the EPAP mask. Address obstructive sleep apnea, keep airways open, and improve sleep quality with ease.

    A gentle, compact alternative to CPAP devices and is cheaper by more than 75%. Any questions?

    Discover more at and experience restful nights.

    Best regards,

    Charles Thompson


    To stop receiving any further communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply Harvey Lampman 28.10.2023 at 07:16

    Hey, SEO Pro!

    ​Did you know that Shinefy has an annual deal that breaks down to about 42 bucks a month? (499 per year)

    Most SEO tools cost hundreds a month and do a fraction of what Shinefy does.

    With Shinefy, you can replace tools like:

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    Shinefy is you all in one AI content creation and SEO tool!!!

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    ==> Grab The Shinefy Deal Right Now​

    I can’t offer this deal forever but if you want to get in right now you will also get access to the tool and updates with the early adopters plan.

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    Happy SEO’ing,

  • Reply Sarah Cerv 30.10.2023 at 18:05

    Get paid to take FREE surveys. Earn up to $15 per survey!

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    If you would like to opt-out of communication with us, visit:

  • Reply Felicia Belisario 30.10.2023 at 21:47


    Hope all is well! I am just wondering if you will be interested to download 9 millions of USA business contacts database that was updated in June 2023. It consist of the name of the key person in company, email, contact no., linkedin profile, business industry etc.

    If you are in B2B, you definitely would like to download them to generate more leads and sales for your business. You can download them here –

    Hope you have a great day ahead.

    Thank you,
    Biz Data Pros

  • Reply Charles Jones 01.11.2023 at 05:18

    Hey there,

    Are you Ready to Secure a Complimentary AI Assistant? or get left behind

    Get ahead of the competition with more customers and saving time with AI

    Go to

    to uncover a lucrative partnership opportunity that will skyrocket your leads and sales.

    Best regards,

    Robert Johnson


    If you wish to discontinue communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply John Williams 01.11.2023 at 17:24

    Hi ,

    Sleep snug without a snore. The Optipillows EPAP Mask is your budget-friendly gateway to tranquil nights.

    Visit to enjoy a restful night’s sleep.

    Upgrade your sleep with Optipillows EPAP Mask. Combat obstructive sleep apnea, keep airways open, and boost sleep quality seamlessly.

    A non-invasive, travel-friendly alternative to CPAP devices and is cheaper by more than 75%. Any questions?

    Find out more at and enjoy peaceful slumbers.

    Best regards,

    William Anderson


    To stop receiving any further communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply Rich 02.11.2023 at 22:23

    There’s more investment capital available than you can imagine and much of it never gets placed. Tired of running low or running out of cash just when you need it most? I have a permanent fix to this problem.

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    To access my FREE FORUM and start receiving all the capital you need, check this two-minute video I recorded for you:

    See you there!


    To opt out of future messages, click or tap here:

  • Reply Rolland Hockaday 03.11.2023 at 02:53

    Hey, SEO Pro!

    ​Did you know that Shinefy has an annual deal that breaks down to about 42 bucks a month? (499 per year)

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    With Shinefy, you can replace tools like:

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    Shinefy is you all in one AI content creation and SEO tool!!!

    On top of that, when you get Shinefy, you support the development of the tool – I am spending nearly all of my time making something that will help you CRUSH it on Google.

    ==> Grab The Shinefy Deal Right Now​

    I can’t offer this deal forever but if you want to get in right now you will also get access to the tool and updates with the early adopters plan.

    That means next year you won’t have to pay more when the price of the tool skyrockets!

    Happy SEO’ing,

  • Reply Robert 03.11.2023 at 10:06


    I’m Rob, a skilled E-Commerce Content Writer and Blog Writer. I specialize in crafting SEO-friendly product descriptions, product reviews, service descriptions, website copy, keyword research, topic research, and content uploads for websites.

    Feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you have any specific needs.

  • Reply Sim YC (Leslie) . 04.11.2023 at 00:51


    Hope all is well! Exclusive for only!

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    If you are in B2B, you definitely would like to download them to generate more targeted leads and grow your sales. You can download them here – (this link will expire soon, act now)

    Hope you have a great day ahead.

    Thank you,
    Sim YC
    Biz Data Pros

  • Reply Abdul Ring 05.11.2023 at 06:13

    Given all the content on, have you thought about using it to make videos for YouTube?
    By simply adding the URL to, you can leverage AI technology that converts your website’s content into incredible videos.
    This revolutionary AI tool doesn’t require special skills, and provides you with tons of videos ready for use.

    Imagine the possibilities,

    No longer want to receive emails? Unsubscribe at
    Universal Genius 1270 N Marine Corps Dr, Ste 101 – 2021 Tamuning, GU 96913-4331

  • Reply Lester S. 05.11.2023 at 11:54


    Hope all is well! I am reaching out to ask if you would like to revamp and upgrade your website –’s looks and feels?

    I am in the business of website development, to help my clients to develop a professional website, with security in mind that will prevent from any hacking or spamming activities.

    I charge one time website’s revamp fee at US$695 only for up to 15 pages, no other hidden fee.

    If interested, kindly email to me at [email protected], with email subject “website development”. DO NOT reply to this email as I won’t be checking this I afraid.

    Thank you.

    Yours sincerely,
    Lester S.
    The Digital Maven

    P/s: To opt-out from my marketing list, kindly request it here –

  • Reply Lottie Heim 06.11.2023 at 02:36

    Hey [Recipient’s First Name],

    The festive season is upon us, and it’s the perfect time to connect with your customers in a memorable way.

    Introducing our Ready-Made Christmas Greeting Video!

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    Take Massive Action Now!
    Click Here to Grab Your Branded Christmas Or Black Friday-Video

    Warm wishes,
    Beverly Frazier

    P.S. Elevate your brand this Christmas. Let your customers feel the festive spirit with a video they’ll remember!

  • Reply Ashely Kovach 07.11.2023 at 07:28

    Traffic, more traffic, and even more traffic! We all know that traffic is the lifeblood of our businesses, and without it, we’re doomed to failure. But getting the right traffic to our links can be a real challenge.

    That’s where we come in, we’ve spent years mastering the art of driving traffic effectively. Today, we’re thrilled to introduce you to a groundbreaking opportunity: Big Ten Traffic.

    What’s Big Ten Traffic?

    It’s unlike anything we’ve ever done before. You can place any URL of your choice on the rotators of all 10 of my all-time best-selling traffic products. Each rotator provides daily traffic from a completely different traffic source, including a brand-new Rotator created especially for this launch.

    Why Big Ten Traffic?

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    Exclusive Offer: Act fast to secure your spot on the new Big Ten Traffic Rotator, which is currently empty, ensuring you get traffic from the red-hot source before anyone else does.
    How to Get Started:

    Pick up your copy of Big Ten Traffic today before the price goes up.
    Choose the URL you want to promote and submit it.
    That’s it! Sit back and enjoy daily traffic from 10 different sources.
    But remember, act quickly. The new Big Ten Traffic Rotator is ready for your links, and it’s from a brand-new, high-converting source.

    Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to 10x your traffic results with Big Ten Traffic. Grab your link and get started now.

    This offer won’t last forever, so seize it while you can. You don’t want to miss out on a chance to supercharge your traffic and take your business to new heights.

    To your success,

  • Reply Robert Brown 08.11.2023 at 06:09

    Hey there,

    Are you Ready to Secure a Complimentary AI Assistant? or get left behind

    Get ahead of the competition with more customers and saving time with AI

    Go to

    to uncover a lucrative partnership opportunity that will skyrocket your leads and sales.

    Best regards,

    David Johnson


    If you wish to discontinue communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply Dominick Savard 08.11.2023 at 17:12

    I noticed the potential to elevate success with effective Affiliate Strategies Communities approaches on I found a few areas where your business, Bagaimana hubungan alkohol dan tekanan? | 2023, might significantly benefit from some expert insights.

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  • Reply Michael Smith 08.11.2023 at 19:18

    Good Day ,

    Sleep snug without a snore. The EPAP mask is your pocket-friendly portal to restful nights.

    Visit to experience peaceful slumbers.

    Upgrade your sleep with Optipillows EPAP Mask. Tackle obstructive sleep apnea, maintain airways open, and improve sleep quality seamlessly.

    A non-invasive, portable alternative to CPAP devices and is cheaper by more than 75%. Any questions?

    Discover more at and experience restful nights.

    Best regards,

    Michael Jones


    To stop receiving any further communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply Steve Daniels 08.11.2023 at 22:07

    Need Working Capital for your business?

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  • Reply Sang Krause 09.11.2023 at 01:40

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  • Reply Alan Quan 09.11.2023 at 21:41

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    Text me at my cell phone found at:

  • Reply Lester S. 09.11.2023 at 23:03


    I just checked your website’s contact us form and noted that it is not properly secured. I suspect you may have been inundated with a ton of spam by now. I am a independent website developer, and I can support you protect it to stop others from sending spam to it.

    This message is not junk, I am manually filling out this contact form, not using a automated program. Please be courteous with your reply, as I am a committed individual providing my time and assistance only to whoever that may need it.

    If you are not in a position to make decisions, I would appreciate it if you could relay this email to your superior.

    Thank you,

  • Reply Tonia Pulleine 10.11.2023 at 06:33

    Hey there!

    I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to introduce you to an incredible tool that has been revolutionizing the way businesses create and optimize their ad content: is a cutting-edge platform designed to supercharge your advertising efforts, making it easier than ever to create compelling, high-converting ad creatives. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, our platform offers a suite of features that will help you drive better results for your campaigns.

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    Personalization at Scale: Tailor your messages to different segments of your audience, ensuring a more personalized and engaging experience.

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    Ready to take your ad campaigns to the next level? Click the link below to sign up for a free trial and experience the power of for yourself:

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    Don’t miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize your ad campaigns. Join the thousands of businesses already experiencing success with

    Thank you for your time, and I look forward to seeing the incredible results you’ll achieve!

    Best regards,

  • Reply Uwe Eager 10.11.2023 at 17:53

    Are you working long hours and worried about your home and loved ones?

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    Visit to learn more about the SpyBulb Camera today!

  • Reply James Smith 12.11.2023 at 23:34

    Good Day ,

    Sleep snug without a snore. The EPAP mask is your cost-effective gateway to peaceful nights.

    Visit to enjoy a restful night’s sleep.

    Transform your sleep with the EPAP mask. Combat obstructive sleep apnea, keep airways open, and improve sleep quality with ease.

    A gentle, compact alternative to CPAP devices and is more affordable by more than 75%. Need more info?

    Find out more at and experience restful nights.

    Best regards,

    Joseph Jones


    To stop receiving any further communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply Joseph Brown 13.11.2023 at 06:22

    Hello There,

    Gain your Zero-Cost AI Assistant Now! to gain More customers and Save time Get ahead of the competition with AI or get left behind.

    Go to

    to uncover a lucrative partnership opportunity that will skyrocket your leads and sales.

    Best wishes,

    William Davis


    To stop receiving any further communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply Mark Hoffman 14.11.2023 at 22:14

    Your marketing team may be wasting money unless you do this!

    Your Universal Analytics Account is officially no longer collecting visitor data.

    Time to upgrade to GA4!

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  • Reply John Williams 15.11.2023 at 05:57

    Hi ,

    End your snoring troubles and sleep disorder issues now! A single easy solution to halt snoring and guarantee a tranquil night. The Optipillow EPAP Mask naturally halts snoring using a comfortable nose piece. It offers comfort, silence, and can be reused.

    Visit to experience peaceful slumbers.

    This anti-snoring solution is accessible to all and addresses sleep disorders related to snoring!

    Just set the resistance to your liking and experience the most comfortable sleep. This is a game-changer for couples.

    Find out more at and experience restful nights.

    Relish in economical, tranquil, and cozy nights, avoiding the inconvenience of less effective products.

    Best regards,

    Joseph Taylor


    To stop receiving any further communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply Jason Jones 15.11.2023 at 06:14

    I wanted to reach out to introduce BuyLeadz, a comprehensive suite of marketing tools crafted to supercharge your lead generation efforts. Take a moment to explore how BuyLeadz can enhance your business’s growth.

    Visit now to learn more.

    Best regards,


  • Reply Michael Wilson 16.11.2023 at 10:53

    Hi ,

    No more snoring while treating sleep disorders! One straightforward action to cease snoring and secure a peaceful night’s rest. The Optipillow EPAP Mask naturally halts snoring using a comfortable nose piece. This mask is comfortable, silent, and reusable.

    Check out to enjoy a restful night’s sleep.

    It is an anti-snoring device that is available to everyone and will fix sleep disorders caused by snoring!

    Adjust the resistance easily to your comfort preference for the most peaceful sleep ever. This is a game-changer for couples.

    Discover more at and sleep the night away.

    Relish in economical, tranquil, and cozy nights, avoiding the inconvenience of less effective products.

    Best regards,

    Charles Jones


    To stop receiving any further communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply Richard Smith 17.11.2023 at 10:04

    Hello There,

    End your snoring troubles and sleep disorder issues now! A single easy solution to halt snoring and guarantee a tranquil night. The Optipillow EPAP Mask stops snoring naturally with a nose piece. It’s very comfortable, quiet, and reusable.

    Go to to sleep the night away.

    Available to all, it’s an anti-snoring device that resolves snoring-related sleep disorders!

    Simply adjust the resistance to the preferred comfort level and enjoy the most restful night possible. It’s a relationship saver.

    Learn more at and experience restful nights.

    Enjoy affordable, restful, and comfortable nights without the hassle and limitations of other products that aren’t effective.

    Best regards,

    John Brown


    To stop receiving any further communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply Alfred Pottinger 18.11.2023 at 22:37

    Hey, site speed could use a boost. Upgrade to cloud hosting for faster performance now!
    Check out the deal at for 4 months free.

  • Reply Tonia Clogstoun 19.11.2023 at 10:02


    If you ever need Negative SEO or a de-rank strategy, you can hire us here

  • Reply Darryl Sansom 20.11.2023 at 17:02

    Quite the selection:

  • Reply David Anderson 22.11.2023 at 00:37

    Hi ,

    Say goodbye to snoring and hello to peaceful sleep! Just one simple step to stop noisy snoring and ensure a quiet night’s sleep. The Optipillow EPAP Mask stops snoring naturally with a nose piece. This mask is comfortable, silent, and reusable.

    Check out to sleep the night away.

    It is an anti-snoring device that is available to everyone and will fix sleep disorders caused by snoring!

    Adjust the resistance easily to your comfort preference for the most peaceful sleep ever. This is a game-changer for couples.

    Find out more at and experience restful nights.

    Experience cost-effective, peaceful, and comfy nights, free from the troubles of ineffective alternatives.

    Best regards,

    Richard Jones


    To stop receiving any further communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply Larue Wylie 22.11.2023 at 01:56

    Home Run Trading Mastery

  • Reply Tyler Rentoul 23.11.2023 at 04:49

    I sincerely believe you will love these:

    Have a wonderful day

  • Reply Sung Orellana 24.11.2023 at 22:33

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  • Reply Charles Thompson 25.11.2023 at 11:23

    Hey there,

    Are you Ready to Secure a Complimentary AI Assistant? or get left behind

    Get ahead of the competition with more customers and saving time with AI

    Go to

    to uncover a lucrative partnership opportunity that will skyrocket your leads and sales.

    Best regards,

    Thomas Williams


    If you wish to discontinue communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply Catherine Demarest 26.11.2023 at 13:59

    Do you do this?

  • Reply Todd Robertson 27.11.2023 at 05:53

    Hi, I have an AI system that gets you instantly connected to thousands of leads that want to pay you for your services. When can we talk about getting you setup on it?

  • Reply Jill Frankfurter 28.11.2023 at 12:10

    Listen we aren’t going to sugar coat it.
    We sell jerseys.
    Find yours here:

  • Reply Charles Johnson 29.11.2023 at 09:27


    Gain your complementary AI Assistant Now! if not get left behind unless you

    Want to outshine the competition with more customers and saving time?

    Go to now to explore our partnership that promises a surge in leads and sales for your business.

    Best regards,

    Joseph Anderson


    To stop receiving any further communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply Richard Taylor 29.11.2023 at 11:11

    Hi ,

    End your snoring troubles and sleep disorder issues now! One straightforward action to cease snoring and secure a peaceful night’s rest. The Optipillow EPAP Mask stops snoring naturally with a nose piece. It’s very comfortable, quiet, and reusable.

    Visit to enjoy a restful night’s sleep.

    Available to all, it’s an anti-snoring device that resolves snoring-related sleep disorders!

    Simply adjust the resistance to the preferred comfort level and enjoy the most restful night possible. A lifesaver for every relationship.

    Find out more at and experience restful nights.

    Enjoy affordable, restful, and comfortable nights without the hassle and limitations of other products that aren’t effective.

    Best regards,

    Joseph Jones


    To stop receiving any further communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply William Williams 02.12.2023 at 00:02

    Hello There,

    Say goodbye to snoring and hello to peaceful sleep! One straightforward action to cease snoring and secure a peaceful night’s rest. The Optipillow EPAP Mask stops snoring naturally with a nose piece. This mask is comfortable, silent, and reusable.

    Visit to experience peaceful slumbers.

    This anti-snoring solution is accessible to all and addresses sleep disorders related to snoring!

    Just set the resistance to your liking and experience the most comfortable sleep. This is a game-changer for couples.

    Find out more at and experience restful nights.

    Relish in economical, tranquil, and cozy nights, avoiding the inconvenience of less effective products.

    Best regards,

    Thomas Anderson


    To stop receiving any further communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply David Johnson 02.12.2023 at 08:14

    Hey there,

    Are you Ready to Secure a Complimentary AI Assistant? or get left behind

    Get ahead of the competition with more customers and saving time with AI

    Go to

    to uncover a lucrative partnership opportunity that will skyrocket your leads and sales.

    Best regards,

    Charles Anderson


    If you wish to discontinue communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply Kellie Mackinnon 04.12.2023 at 10:32

    have you ever tried revolutionary blueprint that makes it fast & easy to grow profits for your website without you having to put in the hours? revolutionary technique uses automation to help you work far less on every day without fail….

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    This blueprint enables you to systemize your business, so that you can work infinitely less.
    It works wonders. Check out the results in the free Masterclass

    Kind regards

    P.S: The creators of this strategy consulted with the world’s leading time management and efficiency experts to refine their system.
    Your business is seriously missing out right now by not using it…

    Kellie, Mackinnon

    4016 Watson Lane, Baltimore, MD 21202, United States.

    08857 31 15 53

    If you do not wish to receive further emails from us, you may opt-out by filling this form:

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  • Reply Rosalyn Bivens 05.12.2023 at 00:51

    Hi there

    Just checked your Site_name’s baclink profile, I noticed a moderate percentage of toxic links pointing to your website

    We will investigate each link for its toxicity and perform a professional clean up for you free of charge.

    Start recovering your ranks today:

    Mike Bivens
    Hilkom Digital SEO Experts

  • Reply Moises Kaufman 05.12.2023 at 03:41


    Ever wonder how you can generate more leads & sales from your website Watch this video and learn how to convert your website in a rapid-profit machine that will generate income online. Watch it now here & claim your F.REE system here, before it is taken down –


    Exciting news in the world of lead generation! A groundbreaking app has arrived and is revolutionizing how businesses and professionals connect with potential customers. Powered by A.I. with OSINT tech, this tool transforms LinkedIn profiles into 100% authentic email leads in real time.

    Imagine the ease of mining LinkedIn for leads that are of high-quality by using a simple Chrome extension. This feature ensures 99.9% email accuracy and leads that are not only useful but also very flexible. Connecting with those leads is easy, due to features such as 1-click outreach, as well as preloaded cold reach-out scripts.

    Created to address the varied demands of companies, startups, freelancers, and more it makes lead generation a seamless and efficient procedure. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for leads that are top quality or providing the direct contact of decision makers, the app is designed to enhance your outreach efforts effectively.

    Profit from this opportunity to elevate your lead generation plan. Click here – to learn more and begin transforming your approach to business growth today!

  • Reply Michael Anderson 05.12.2023 at 17:42

    Good Day,

    Picture your business thriving with a minimum 23% increase in revenue, all thanks to our AI solutions. That’s not just a possibility; it’s a promise with our cutting-edge AI solutions.

    While many businesses are yet to discover AI’s transformative power, you have the opportunity to set a new standard. Our tailored solutions are designed to help you outshine the competition, setting you on the path to dominate your market.

    Consider this: one of our clients is on track for a staggering 230% revenue increase. We’re aiming to make triple-digit growth the new norm for businesses like yours. Our distinctive blend of AI, automation, and growth hacking marketing has repeatedly resulted in exceptional results, frequently beyond human capability.

    We’re eager to reveal how our revolutionary approach can elevate your business. Let’s set up a meeting at your convenience to explore the opportunities of AI-driven growth for your company.

    If you’re ready to transform your business, simply reply with “Yes” and we’ll take it from there.

    Looking forward to unlocking new heights for your business,

    Best regards,

    David Anderson

  • Reply Dr. Mark Wilba 06.12.2023 at 16:32

    Hi, I have a ton of leads that want to pay for your products / services. When do you have a second to chat about them? Would you be willing to do a comission on the leads I send over? Please respond with the word “interested” if you’d like to discuss. -Dr. Mark W.

  • Reply Michael Thompson 08.12.2023 at 06:07


    We’ve pinpointed 5 leads interested in what you offer. can this help you?

    then Go to and let’s make this happen!

    Best regards,

    Thomas Johnson


    To stop receiving any further communication,
    please opt out at

  • Reply Wendy Graham 08.12.2023 at 10:43


    We have some new technology that we are using to get qualified leads.

    We are looking to test the technology with different businesses in different industries.

    So we are giving away 20 leads absolutely FREE!!

    If you are interested in receiving FREE leads, please CLICK the link below.

    Thank you,
    Wendy Graham


  • Reply Alan Quan 09.12.2023 at 03:12

    Want a new way to take credit cards while paying near zero in fees?

    New discount processing allows you to pocket more of your money each month.

    Fill out a quick application here and we’ll pay you $250 if we can’t meet or beat your current rate:

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    Just upload 3 months of your credit card processing statements and we’ll get you a better rate here:

  • Reply Lester Ingle 11.12.2023 at 06:18


    Ever wondered how to get your website,, to rank on Google’s #1 page with a step-by-step action plan? Get your F.REE SEO audit report including customized action plans at –

    Have a great day ahead.

    SEO Consultant
    Novustri Digital

  • Reply Giles Nicholas 12.12.2023 at 15:49

    Hi, I am doing a free lead generation service, I’d like to send your company some leads for free, if you’re interested let me know and I can show you how it works!

  • Reply Jennifer Hamilton 12.12.2023 at 20:05


    After visiting your website, I wanted to let you know that we can publish a custom-made marketing/promotional video that features your company online.

    This video would feature your company’s products or services and promote what’s special about your business.

    To learn more, please visit:

    Also, you can visit our website today to get a free video marketing report for your business.

    Thank You.

    -Jennifer Hamilton
    Client Services

    To unsubscribe your domain from receiving any future messages from us, click the link below:

    AMV Inc
    PO Box 60172
    King of Prussia, PA 19406

  • Reply Emery Macalister 13.12.2023 at 23:48

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  • Reply Milton Hendon 17.12.2023 at 22:16

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    Best Regards

  • Reply Chris Benedict 18.12.2023 at 22:20


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    Visit here to unlock the secret for yourself –

    Thank you,


    23 Cartwright Road, Nicollebury, DE 41804
    To unsubscribe, kindly submit your request here –

  • Reply Wil Bur 24.12.2023 at 21:10

    Hey, there! My name is Wil and I have a MASSIVE list of leads that are interested in buying from you. Is this a good place to to send you more information about the leads? Let me know.

  • Reply Ada Balas 24.12.2023 at 21:30

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    Makes a good Christmas gift too!

  • Reply Doug Shume 25.12.2023 at 03:42

    Hi, I have an overflow of customers that I’d like to send to you but I want to make sure you can handle more leads, let me know if you’d like me to send you more info.

  • Reply Robert Williams 27.12.2023 at 16:54

    Hello There,

    There’s some potential leads ready and waiting. Interested? Just click on the link below to begin the journey:


    Thomas Jones


    If you wish to unsubscribe from our communications from us, please opt out at

  • Reply Candy Eade 04.01.2024 at 19:03

    High Quality Leather Shoes Video

  • Reply Ron Sinnett 08.01.2024 at 02:05

    Hey There,

    My name is Ron and I work with Different Marketing Agencies right here in the US.

    I hope this email finds you well. I’m reaching out to introduce you to a world of opportunities with our premier digital marketing services at. In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, staying ahead of the competition requires innovative strategies, and we’re here to ensure your business not only keeps up but stands out.

    Why Choose Us?

    Expertise and Experience: With years of industry experience, our team of digital marketing experts is adept at crafting strategies that align perfectly with your business goals.
    Customized Solutions: We believe in a personalized approach. Your business is unique, and your marketing strategy should be too. We tailor our services to fit your specific needs and objectives.
    Data-Driven Results: We rely on hard data to drive our campaigns, ensuring measurable results that you can see and feel in your business growth.
    Comprehensive Services: From SEO and PPC to social media management and content marketing, our full suite of services covers every aspect of digital marketing.
    How Can We Help Your Business?

    Increase Visibility: Through targeted SEO and PPC campaigns, we’ll boost your online presence, ensuring your brand gets noticed by the right audience.
    Drive Engagement: With compelling content and strategic social media marketing, we’ll help you engage with your customers, building lasting relationships.
    Boost Sales: Our targeted approach means not just more traffic, but quality leads that are more likely to convert into sales.
    Stay Ahead: With our finger on the pulse of the latest digital marketing trends, we’ll keep you ahead of the curve and the competition.
    We’re excited about the prospect of working with you and would love to discuss how we can tailor our services to help achieve your specific business goals. Could we schedule a call or a meeting at your earliest convenience to explore this further?

    If so, hit that reply button and lets take the first steps in to your future together.

    Thank you for considering us for your digital marketing needs. We’re looking forward to the opportunity to help your business thrive in the digital world.

    Best regards,

    P.S.: Don’t miss out on the chance to transform your digital presence. Let’s connect and start your journey towards remarkable business growth!

    153 Aragon Street,
    Unit 119, Mongmong
    GU. 96910

    Reply with the word unsubscribe or “STOP” in the subject to opt-out

  • Reply Kristan Longford 09.01.2024 at 01:37

    NEW “60 Second Side Hustle” Banks A Crazy $61 Per Hour..On Complete Autopilot… Making Me Over $1,300+ Per Day!

  • Reply Sonja Calloway 10.01.2024 at 04:33

    Exploring the possibilities of modern lingerie and shapewear


  • Reply Colette Langford 11.01.2024 at 03:26

    This is seriously perfect for you

  • Reply Victoria Carman 11.01.2024 at 12:31

    You won’t believe this completely automated system that earns you $1,000 a day without effort:

  • Reply Aleisha Hursey 11.01.2024 at 19:04

    I didn’t think this was possible:

  • Reply Jessica Wright 12.01.2024 at 11:43

    I hope this message finds you well. My name is Jessica, I wanted to reach out to you with an exciting opportunity to enhance your website’s social media presence effortlessly.

    We specialize in providing a cost-effective solution to amplify your online influence by boosting your social media followers. Our service is designed to help websites like yours thrive in the digital landscape without breaking the bank.

    Here’s how our service can benefit you:

    Increased Visibility: Boosting your follower count will significantly increase your social media visibility, attracting more eyes to your website and content.

    Credibility and Trust: A substantial follower base enhances your website’s credibility, fostering trust among your audience and potential collaborators.

    Engagement Uplift: More followers mean increased engagement on your social media platforms, creating a vibrant online community around your brand.

    Competitive Edge: Stay ahead of the competition by establishing a strong and influential online presence with our affordable follower boost service.

    If you’re interested in taking your social media game to the next level you may click the link below and check out our services!

    Best Regards,

    Jessica Wright

  • Reply Ryan Dunlop 13.01.2024 at 05:00

    I’m reaching out because we have an exciting opportunity for high achievers interested in increasing their earnings. Your profile stood out to us. Are you interested in exploring this further?

  • Reply Rob Dwight 13.01.2024 at 19:23

    Hi. I am a human resources executive with 40 years’ business experience offering a complimentary half-hour workplace problem solving session with company leaders. Reply with “Yes” for more information.

    Thank you.

    P.O. Box 385, Katy TX, 77492
    Reply with the word “unsubscribe” in the Subject line to opt out.

  • Reply Wendy Fulkerson 13.01.2024 at 22:56


    This has to be one of the easiest methods
    to make 500-1500/day that I’ve ever seen.

    Once you master this skill (it takes less
    than hour) you will never struggle again.

    You just need to get started.

    >>> Activate it HERE:

  • Reply Bobby Ryan 15.01.2024 at 20:05

    Hi, I noticed a few problems affecting your website on Google, is this a good place to send them?

  • Reply Brent Fouch 16.01.2024 at 23:04

    Hey, I noticed your website isn’t using AI yet, can I send over something that I think would help?

  • Reply Fletcher Smith 17.01.2024 at 11:48

    Hey I just published an Ebook about YouTube and made a video you can use to promote your website.
    If you want to get them both just respond with the word yes.

  • Reply Caryn Martino 17.01.2024 at 14:33

    Are you interested in getting an article published on 200 top news sites, including Google News and Fox News?

    This is an incredible SEO boost with articles on pages of up to 92 Page Rank. Guaranteed publicity on sites like Benzinga, Google News, and Business Insider in 7 days! Service rated 4.7 by Trustpilot from 230+ reviews.

    Publish your story on influential news sites that your competitors can’t reach. With millions of readers every month, you’ll get a massive boost in exposure, interest, and credibility.

  • Reply Daniel 18.01.2024 at 00:03


    You’re reading this message and I can make millions of people read your message where you promote your products or service the exact same way! We specialize in utilizing contact forms – a common feature found on numerous websites – to send your messages directly to your targeted recipients. Costs are much, much cheaper than regular advertising.

    What makes this method stand out? Here are a few key benefits:

    – Privacy-First Approach: We ensure that no personal data is compromised during the process, adhering strictly to privacy norms.
    – Enhanced Deliverability: Messages sent via feedback forms are less likely to be flagged as spam, as they are recognized as important communications.
    – Secure and Reliable: Our system uses forms designed to receive messages securely, ensuring that your communication is both safe and effective.

    As a token of our commitment to quality and to give you a taste of what we offer, we are delighted to provide you with a complimentary trial of our service. Experience the impact of sending up to 50,000 messages, absolutely free of charge.

    For those looking to expand their reach further, we offer an incredibly cost-effective package: send one million messages for just $99.

    Contact me at:

    Skype Name: live:.cid.32a8cfbcf097b10d

  • Reply Matthew Martinez 18.01.2024 at 00:22

    Hi, I’ve observed some inaccuracies in your Google listing; is this the correct contact for addressing them?

  • Reply Richard Thomas 18.01.2024 at 10:21

    I saw that your google my business listing is not working as it should. Like where google show customers your business. I can give you a list of a couple things to fix, is that ok?

  • Reply Ed Mason 18.01.2024 at 10:54


    Remember the Employee Retention Credit (ERC)? That government grant worth up to $26,000 per employee for simply keeping your team on payroll during the pandemic?

    Don’t let this valuable opportunity slip by!

    Even without revenue loss, and even businesses with 500 employees qualify!*

    No red tape, just results. Bottom Line, a trusted firm, helps claim this free grant (avg. $10k/employee). They’ve secured $2.1 billion for 13,000+ businesses!

    Submit your business info in less than 1-minute, see what you qualify for:

    Unlock your refund. It’s easy, risk-free, and waiting.

    Click the link: to get started OR just reply and let me know.

    Best regards,

    P.S. Share this email with anyone you know who owns a business with under 500 employees! They’ll thank you for it.

    44489 Town Center Way
    Palm Desert CA 92260

    Reply with the word “Unsubscibe” in the subject to opt out.

  • Reply Deb Neumann 18.01.2024 at 11:01

    I would like to share with you the youtube video from my research on the top 5 questions and the best answers for Hotel Reservation and sales job interviews.
    Wish you enjoy it.  


    Hotelier Channel

  • Reply Andrew Rodriguez 18.01.2024 at 23:11

    Hi, I’ve noticed some discrepancies in your Google listing. Can I report them here?

  • Reply James Richards 19.01.2024 at 05:17

    Hey there,

    We have a video that we made about your website that will help you get more traffic and boost your online visibility, would you like to see it?

    More and more businesses are opening up in 2024, and none of them are focusing on these factors.

    Just reply and let us know.

    Thanks and talk to you soon.

    James and Maria

    SEO Physics Solutions DBA
    Missouri – USA
    Veteran Small Business SBA Certified

    Sent from my Iphone

    The information within this communication is intended solely for the recipient detailed in this email. If you received this email by mistake and want to opt out, go ahead and respond to this email with “UNSUBSCRIBE” so that we can remove your information. Alternatively, you can notify us at SEO Physics Solutions – 3218 Stonecreek Drive Nixa Missouri 65714

  • Reply Jetta Nazario 20.01.2024 at 06:45

    AI Doomsday: Is Your Website Prepared? click the link here I have a ai automation agency to help with your I will Volunteer to get you started but only if you ACT NOW!

    You can OPT OUT here:

  • Reply Steven Clark 21.01.2024 at 07:37

    noticed your google setup is messed up, didn’t know if you knew, I can tell you what it is if you want?

  • Reply Richard Wishart 22.01.2024 at 23:43

    Hi. Obtain instant “authority” and “expert” status for your business by being featured in Business Insider, Bar Chart, Medium, The Globe and Mail and other trusted brands. Reply with “Yes” only if sincerely interested.

    Thank you.

    P.O. Box 385, Katy TX, 77492
    Reply with the word “unsubscribe” in the Subject line to opt out.

  • Reply Alan McKeel 23.01.2024 at 10:09

    Is your website ADA compliant as is required by federal law in the USA?


  • Reply Richard Thomas 23.01.2024 at 12:33

    I saw your google, its not, well its not right. Like where google show customers about your business. I don’t want to impose, but there are a couple things that are just not right, may I tell you what they are?

  • Reply Mason Baxter 23.01.2024 at 13:02

    Hey, I have a free report to show you about getting more clients, would you like to see it?
    Just reply and let me know.

    17011 Beach Blvd Suite 900 PMD
    Huntington Beach, CA 92647
    Reply with the word unsubscribe in the subject to opt out

  • Reply Steve Zuwala 23.01.2024 at 16:20

    Leaving a note to let you know I was here!
    Happy Holidays and continued blessings!

    Steve Zuwala
    Counry Music Artist

  • Reply Lacey Monsen 26.01.2024 at 17:46

    Is there a reason you’re not hosting on a faster, more cost-effective platform like Cloudways?

  • Reply Maurice Wilson 27.01.2024 at 07:05


    Are you using the power of your business EIN to the full?

    Are you actively building business credit that’s NOT linked to your personal SSN?

    Would you like a FREE copy of our step-by-step guide which shows you how to get business credit without a personal guarantee or credit check?

    You’ll discover the secret to accessing high-limit business credit lines, credit cards, and vehicle financing even when you think you can’t qualify.

    Warm Regards,

    2000 S Colorado Blvd
    Denver CO 80222

    If you’d rather not find out more about building business credit, simply reply to this email with the word REMOVE and your wish will be promptly granted.

  • Reply Mark Shultz 27.01.2024 at 08:20

    Boost your business revenue effortlessly with ProfitMarc! Our AI-driven platform writes and sends high-converting emails for you, targeting fresh, pre-qualified leads.

    With our state-of-the-art delivery system, see a significant increase in engagement and sales. Don’t miss out on the easiest way to enhance your marketing strategy and drive profits.

    Click Below to explore ProfitMarc and start generating leads!


  • Reply Laura Fusco 30.01.2024 at 09:21

    Demotration Video :

    Building muscle with resistance bands is an effective way to enhance your strength and fitness. By incorporating the following moves into your workout routine, you can target various muscle groups and achieve a full-body workout.

    Start by stretching your entire body and then pull up with your arms, using the fitness resistance band to bring it to shoulder level. This action engages your upper body muscles and helps in building strength.

    Next, position the resistance band at the soles of your feet and push your hips back while bending your knees. This move targets the lower body muscles, particularly the glutes and thighs.

    To work on your upper body, place the resistance band between the soles of your feet and pull upward with your hands, contracting your shoulder muscles and engaging your core.

    For a challenging full-body exercise, place your hands on the ground shoulder-width apart to support your body. Keep your body and feet in a straight line, ensuring your chest is up, abs are engaged, and shoulders are down.

    To target the triceps, keep your arms close to your body, straighten your elbows, and feel the muscles tighten as you contract at the highest point for one to two seconds. Then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat this movement with both arms to ensure balanced muscle development.

    Additionally, you can incorporate lateral and front resistance band pulls to strengthen the muscles in your legs. By securing the elastic band and pulling horizontally, you engage the muscles in your arms and chest.

    To further enhance lower body strength, perform thigh side-to-side or front-and-back pulls with the resistance band. This helps in strengthening the muscles in your legs and improving overall stability.

    Remember, resistance bands can be used anywhere, making them a convenient option for home workouts or while traveling. With ankle straps and door attachments, you can easily incorporate resistance band exercises into your fitness routine without the need for bulky equipment.

    Incorporating these resistance band moves into your workout regimen can help you achieve a well-rounded strength training routine that targets various muscle groups throughout your body.

  • Reply Terry Cade 30.01.2024 at 18:39

    AI video tool that allows you to generate videos on autopilot
    just by clicking buttons.

  • Reply Hal Knoll 31.01.2024 at 05:53

    Want to skyrocket your brand? TV is the best way to do that!

    Not only can we get you on NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, etc…

    But we can also get published on over 130 sites like Yahoo.

    We GUARANTEE that we will get your business on one of the major TV networks.

    – You can do this virtually

    – You can do this in the studio

    – We can provide a spokesperson for you

    – You can have Kevin Harrington, one of the original Sharks on Shark Tank on with you

    Go to –
    Email Us At – [email protected]

  • Reply Matthew Martinez 01.02.2024 at 11:56

    Hello, I noticed mistakes in your Google listing. Can I contact you to fix them?

  • Reply Alex 02.02.2024 at 03:15

    Hi! We’re excited to launch our new SEO division and are offering complimentary SEO audits to a limited number of businesses.If you’re interested, please reply with your website URL. Thank you!

  • Reply Charles Holcomb 02.02.2024 at 14:03


    We are expanding our free network.

    If you would like access to our loan programs as soon as they are released (ahead of nationwide offering) reply to this message.

    Latest offering:
    100% Acquisition…100% Rehab

    Loan Benefits – 100% Purchase, 100% Rehab. No
    PPP, No Exit Fees, Interest Only on loans. This is relationship funding
    at its BEST. Once you become a REPEAT customer with deals, things
    Do get better for the rates, etc.

    Reply to this message.

    Talk soon,

    44489 Town Center Way
    Palm Desert CA 92260

    Reply with the word “Unsubscibe” in the subject to opt out.

  • Reply James Davis 02.02.2024 at 16:55


    Get your free Sales Funnel Guide for Success now!

    Charles Johnson


    If you wish to stop receiving from our communications going forward, simply click the link at

  • Reply Robbie Sinclair 02.02.2024 at 19:48


    Imagine a workforce (Or Yourself) optimized for peak performance, fueled by personalized vitamins based on their / your unique genetic needs.

    As a fellow business owner, you know happy, healthy employees translate to engaged, productive teams. And what if you could unlock their natural potential on a cellular level?

    We offer DNA-specific vitamin programs designed to boost your/your teams team’s:

    Energy & focus
    Stress resilience
    Immune system strength
    Weight Loss
    Special Offer for Businesses:

    We’re extending FREE DNA TESTING to companies like yours. Get started with at

    Claim your competitive edge!

    To your Health,

    44489 Town Center Way
    Palm Desert CA 92260

    Reply with the word “Unsubscibe” in the subject to opt out.

  • Reply Gabe Mcintosh 02.02.2024 at 19:48


    This email is going to be a very short one since my wife unexpectedly went into labor early this morning. Usually, I use Google Maps for “pizza near me” but this morning it was for “hospital near me”. Fatherhood, am I right?!

    Ok, here we go… If you recall, Google started allowing businesses to add their social media links to their Google Business Profiles a few months ago. Have you added yours yet?

    Here’s a guide on how:

    It might seem like a waste of time compared to everything else on your plate, but as we move towards generative AI search results (like the one I linked to above) and a backlink-less world (thanks to people gaming that system too much), Google will need to better understand business identities and business authorities on their own, which you can help them with by linking all of your digital “properties” together.

    Google needs help building its understanding of your business and is openly asking you for help. Trust me, you should help them before your competitors do.

    Reply to get free google news and informatio.

    Best regards,

    44489 Town Center Way
    Palm Desert CA 92260

    Reply with the word “Unsubscibe” in the subject to opt out.

  • Reply Elane Stonehaven 02.02.2024 at 22:00


    Awesome website at

    Need more Business while lowering your costs ?

    Did you know AI can get you better qualified leads ?

    If you have an old lead list or customer database, you can use AI to reactivate those prospects.

    Let us show you “How to turn old leads into cash using Ai” Video


    Scott Paul
    whatsapp +66800528082
    [email protected]

    If you don’t want to receive messages like this at:, please write me at [email protected] with “unsubscribe” in the subject line and we will remove you.t

  • Reply Tyler Grimshaw 03.02.2024 at 04:02

    Want to skyrocket your brand? TV is the best way to do that!

    Not only can we get you on NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, etc…

    But we can also get published on over 130 sites like Yahoo.

    We GUARANTEE that we will get your business on one of the major TV networks.

    – You can do this virtually

    – You can do this in the studio

    – We can provide a spokesperson for you

    – You can have Kevin Harrington, one of the original Sharks on Shark Tank on with you

    Go to –
    Email Us At – [email protected]

  • Reply Luciana Papst 03.02.2024 at 04:52

    Hey! I’ve been loving your videos and content – seriously awesome stuff. You know what could take it up a notch?

    Adding subtitles or captions!

    As a content creator, I’ve been using this cool tool for my videos:

    It’s been a game-changer for me.

    Give it a shot! Hope that helps. Cheers!

  • Reply Alissa Noack 04.02.2024 at 14:23

    Hi there,

    My name is Alissa from Monkey Digital,

    Allow me to present to you a lifetime revenue opportunity of 35%
    That’s right, you can earn 35% of every order made by your affiliate for life.

    Simply register with us, generate your affiliate links, and incorporate them on your website, and you are done. It takes only 5 minutes to set up everything, and the payouts are sent each month.

    Click here to enroll with us today:

    Think about it,
    Every website owner requires the use of search engine optimization (SEO) for their website. This endeavor holds significant potential for both parties involved.

    Thanks and regards
    Alissa Noack
    Monkey Digital

  • Reply Brent Fouch 05.02.2024 at 09:12

    Can I send you something to help your website use AI?

  • Reply Aracely Arriaga 05.02.2024 at 13:36

    Save Your Site from AI!

    click the link here

    I have a ai automation agency to help with your

    I will Volunteer to get you started but only if you ACT NOW!

    You can OPT OUT here:

  • Reply Orlando Sanor 06.02.2024 at 02:23

    This is going to surprise you…

    A little-known whistleblowing doctor walked into a top US hospital with this common pantry food, prepared it and gave it to the overweight patients…

    And within weeks 96% of them had dropped an average of 29.4 lbs, supporting healthy blood sugar and blood pressure…

    How the doctor’s unusual method works is nothing short of incredible… and it has changed everything we thought we knew about weight loss.

    The craziest part?

    You can do this method for yourself in less than 30 seconds a day…

    With one simple pantry food.

    Try it for yourself now:


    I was too, but then I saw this shocking proof for myself.

    To your health,

    PS. If you have weight concerns, you should try this method for yourself right now. The $80 billion dollar weight loss industry do not want you to see this video and discover the amazing fat-melting pantry food. Watch it now before it’s too late.

    To unsubscribe reply with the word “unsubscribe” in the subject.

  • Reply Brehm 06.02.2024 at 15:45


    Did you notice the problems with your website’s performance?

    if you would like to improve your website’s
    performance as per Google’s standards,
    just reply to me, at ( [email protected] )

    Thank You.

    Waiting for your reply.


  • Reply Keeley Goldie 06.02.2024 at 18:43

    This massive suite of done-for-content includes an eCourse and so much more. Not only do you get the course, you get
    multiple ways to deliver it, content to generate leads and tools to drive traffic. Look below to see full details on what is included.

    Private Label Rights included (see license at bottom of sales page) so you can share this powerful information with your audience.

    Plus Get A Huge Bonus Delivered At Time Of Purchase!


    To Stop Further Communications-Reply by Adding Unsubsribe in Subject Line.
    1750 Powder Springs Rd 190-133
    Marietta GA 30064

  • Reply Harper Davis 07.02.2024 at 03:18

    Do you want to grow on Instagram, X (Twitter), or LinkedIn?

    Do you want to write Ads quickly for your products?

    Do you want to boost your newsletter?

    Use your competitors’ best content and rework it with an AI that specializes in it.

    Are you skeptical?

    Try it for FREE here,

    It’s sure to become your secret weapon 😉

  • Reply Pflaum 07.02.2024 at 08:07


    Would you like to discover the secret to accessing high-limit business credit lines, credit cards, and vehicle financing even when you think you can’t qualify?

    Find it in our FREE step-by-step guide which also shows you how to get business credit without a personal guarantee or credit check… whether you’re a startup or have an 8-figure business.

    Follow the link below and download your complimentary copy today:

    Wishing you much success in business and in life for 2024 and beyond.


    2000 S Colorado Blvd
    Denver CO 80222

    If you’d rather not find out more about building business credit, simply reply to this email with the word REMOVE in the subject line and your wish will be promptly granted.

  • Reply Thomas Davis 07.02.2024 at 17:28

    Good Day,

    Get your free Sales Funnel Guide for Success now!

    Thomas Smith


    If you wish to stop receiving from our communications in the future, please opt out at

  • Reply Ross Ohara 07.02.2024 at 19:47

    I have free leads for your business.

    Imagine if you could have a list of name, email, phone, address and other information for people searching for your type of business online without ever visiting your website?

    Reply with a “YES” and I’ll send you a few.

    To opt out, UNSUBSCRIBE HERE

  • Reply Dallas Birks 08.02.2024 at 12:51

    I noticed that your website is not ranking as good as it could be on Google, and that is costing you customers.
    I can send you a free report of your website to help improve your rankings.
    Please let me know if it is ok to send you the free report.
    Thank you!

  • Reply William Williams 08.02.2024 at 21:34


    Get your free Sales Funnel Guide for Success now!

    William Thompson


    To stop receiving from our communications in the future, please opt out at

  • Reply Hollis 09.02.2024 at 06:03

    Want more leads at a reduced cost that close at a higher rate than any other advertising platform out there?

    We Are Looking For 7 Businesses To Test Our Proven AI Lead Generation Machine And Add A Minimum Of 40% More To Their Bottom Line In 2024!

    We’ve Increased Deal Flow, Reduced Cost, and Blown Up Profit In Almost Every Industry On The Planet…

    So, if you want to use AI to grow your business, comment YES and we will get back to you ASAP

  • Reply Bobby Ryan 10.02.2024 at 06:15

    Hello, I’ve observed some issues with your website’s performance on Google. May I send the details here?

  • Reply Earle Walker 10.02.2024 at 11:55

    I know this is random, but I’ve found a way to guarantee you exclusive targeted phone calls almost immediately with no time spent on your part.
    Would you like to hear how it works?

  • Reply Cunneen 10.02.2024 at 13:01

    Hi, I teach businesses like yours on getting new clients. When do you have time for a call this

  • Reply Sam Burns 10.02.2024 at 13:47

    Gutter cleaning is not for the faint of heart.

    Let Clean Pro Gutter Cleaning Take Care Of It For you

    In business for over 20 years and thousands of happy Customers

    Get Your Quote Today!

  • Reply Jacob Stewart 13.02.2024 at 05:53

    Hey, I’m using the contact form because I noticed you didnt have an A.I. chat option

    I have a software that adds an A.I. chat feature for small businesses like yours.

    You got a few minutes so I can demo it for you?

    Its making some of the other users lots of money and its mostly automated so it won’t add to your plate.

    PS reply back “AI Chatbot” for more info

  • Reply Emanuel Windham 13.02.2024 at 06:12

    Special promotion: Get started with conversation Ai and boost your business operations for under $1,000 a month.

    Don’t get left behind; unlock your free 30 minute demonstration here.

  • Reply Alex 13.02.2024 at 07:32

    Hello! We’re excited to share the launch of our new SEO division.

    To celebrate the launch, we’re offering a personalized SEO audit for your business at no cost.
    For your complimentary audit, please text your website URL to (602)-888-1425.

    Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to helping you enhance your online presence!

  • Reply Brent Fouch 13.02.2024 at 15:51

    May I send you something to enhance your website with AI?

  • Reply Wendy Jansema 13.02.2024 at 20:59

    Could you please direct me to the appropriate person or department I should speak with regarding a utility audit on your electric account that is pending?

    I need to verify some information to ensure that there are no errors under the Capacity, Classification, or Tariff.
    Over the past few years, we have seen an increase in errors that are not visible on the bill but buried within the utility that you may be due a refund.

    Please have whoever is in charge of controlling the cost of the business give me a quick call.

    Thank you!

    Wendy Jansema
    Utility Energy Advisor
    Direct: (833) 302-1808 ext. 708

  • Reply Michael Thompson 14.02.2024 at 04:06

    Hello There,

    Free marketing and sales platform.

    Get it now:

    James Anderson


    To stop receiving from our communications in the future, simply click the link at

  • Reply Keith Edmunds 14.02.2024 at 07:27

    Boost efficiency & leap ahead of the competition with our easy-to-integrate AI tools.
    Let’s unlock your business’s potential together.
    If this interests you, respond to this email with a YES.


  • Reply Janet Garside 15.02.2024 at 21:55

    Hi there,
    Most people store information on computers and smartphones, so 88% of paper cards are thrown away within a week.
    That’s why you can call this solution your last business card, the coolest way to share your digital profile.

    You can design your own web-based digital landing page complete with clickable phone numbers, websites, social icons, and more.
    Edit any time from your dashboard.

    This page represents you and only you.
    It’s a micro-website, so text it, email it, or share it easily with anyone you encounter.

    Click here to learn more.

    Janet Garside
    30934 Grady Pines
    New Evangeline, Indiana
    03669 USA

  • Reply Alisha Greenleaf 15.02.2024 at 21:57

    Watch a quick Demo of how this incredible new AI technology responds to your Google business reviews providing well written engaging responses.

    Click on the link for the demo: (includes a 30 day Trial)

    *** After watching the short demo video – You can demo the AI software using your business to see how well it works ***

    This technology will enable you to respond to negative and positive reviews with minimum effort. Each response being unique and with a professional tone.

    In 2024 Google will reward you with better visibility when you respond to Google reviews.

    It also builds trust and positive customer relationships turning them into “word of mouth” advocates for your business.

    From a review management perspective, it does’t get any better than this!

    Click on the link for the demo: (includes a 30 day Trial)



    physical address: 8 The Green, Dover Delaware. 19901

    To opt out – reply with subject line – REMOVE

  • Reply Emily Vang 15.02.2024 at 23:54


    Do you want real-time, intent-based leads?
    You can now predictably generate buyer leads.
    Get prospects searching online for your product or service based on the keywords they’re searching for, while they’re searching!

    What you’ll get:

    Contact information of people searching for your product, service or offer in real-time.

    1. Their first name
    2. Last name
    3. Up to 2 phone numbers
    4. Up to 2 email addresses
    5. Current mailing address
    6. The keyword phrase they were identified searching for.

    Want to start connecting with your new leads? Click here now to chat with us.

    Emily V.
    Marketing Rep.
    Concierge Leads

  • Reply Jake Torreggiani 16.02.2024 at 05:19

    Fear AI! Here’s Why You Should

    Click here

    I will design you a custom Chat Bot GPT for

    I will Volunteer to get you started but only if you ACT NOW!

    Click the link here

    You can OPT OUT here:

  • Reply Wilburn Erb 16.02.2024 at 07:38

    How much money are missed calls costing you?

    Our Missed Call Text-Back service instantly
    engages your missed calls with personalized
    text messages, turning potential losses into
    engaged customers.

    Try it now and see the difference for


    To Opt-Out please click this link:

  • Reply Brent Fouch 16.02.2024 at 09:25

    Have you noticed your website’s performance problems?

  • Reply Rob daBruce 17.02.2024 at 01:17

    I made a fun marketing video you can use for your business, can I send it over?…


    If you don’t want to receive these messages opt-out here:

  • Reply Amelia Miller 17.02.2024 at 07:27


    Ready to elevate your marketing strategies with a single, powerful solution? Our comprehensive SaaS platform offers everything you need to take your marketing to the next level:

    – Simplify campaign management with automated sequence and newsletter tools.

    – Leverage B2B email extraction from social media to widen your prospect pool.

    – Ensure lead quality with our API that blocks fake email sign-ups.

    – Discover new opportunities with data enrichment and advanced email finding tools.

    – Aggregate contacts efficiently with our email, phone, and social media extractor.

    – Find specific emails effortlessly using just a name and company.

    – Convert more visitors into leads with our interactive chatbot.

    – Stay ahead with daily insights on newly registered domains.

    – Enhance your online reputation through streamlined review management.

    – Boost website conversions with our dynamic social proof widget.

    In just a few clicks, our platform can transform your marketing efforts, providing you with the tools to attract, engage, and convert your audience more effectively than ever.

    Why wait to see the impact?

    Don’t miss this chance to explore each feature at no cost. Click here to start your FREE trial today:

    Experience the difference each of our tailored marketing tools can make for your strategy.

    Best regards

  • Reply Leora Walker 18.02.2024 at 05:16

    Hello, did you notice the problems with your website’s web design?

  • Reply Cecelia Shultz 18.02.2024 at 06:28

    Hello, did you notice the problems with your website’s web design?

  • Reply Bobby Ryan 18.02.2024 at 07:22

    I’ve got some leads that are interested in your company, who/where can I send them?

  • Reply Matthew Martinez 18.02.2024 at 21:33

    I’ve got some leads that are interested in your company, who/where can I send them?

  • Reply Patty Valente 19.02.2024 at 08:15


  • Reply William Shepherd 20.02.2024 at 20:03


    I was looking at your website and it’s good, but

    I was unable to find an approved vendor list for Automation Intelligence Agencies.

    I understand this is new technology, so you may not have this yet.

    Right now, we’re looking for businesses to help us test our software.

    I’m looking forward to speaking with you.

    Please respond to this email so we can set up a time to go over everything.

    Thank you,

    William Shepherd

    P.S. I get a lot of automated responses stating that my message was received
    so if this is something you’re serious about learning more about please put
    “Please tell me more” in the subject line of your response. Thank you.


    Reply to this email with the subject line “Unsubscribe” to opt out of further emails.

  • Reply Chau Kleiman 21.02.2024 at 04:14

    Missed calls mean missed opportunities. Discover
    Missed Call Text-Back, the service that transforms
    your missed calls into sales by automatically texting
    your callers, ensuring you never miss a lead.

    See how it works and its cost-effective benefits for
    your business here:

    Best regards,

    116 Agnes Rd, Ste 200
    Knoxville, TN 37919

    To Opt Out reply go here: http://www./
    or reply UNSUBSCRIBE in subject line

  • Reply Louis Strangways 21.02.2024 at 09:21

    Hi, I made a free video for your business. May I ask if this is the best place to send it?

  • Reply Mike Kibby 21.02.2024 at 16:40


    Mike Here.

    I was checking your Online Marketing on Social Media and Google and I believe that you are leaving money on table with some Marketing Strategies that you are not doing right now. If you want to know more about it let me know and I will have the pleasure to show you what I can do for you.



    1550 Tiburon Blvd. 631
    Tiburon CA 94920

    Reply with the word unsubscribe in the subject to opt out. Or you can simply click the link below.

  • Reply Michael Taylor 22.02.2024 at 19:29

    Good Day,

    Get your free Sales Funnel Guide for Success now!

    Thomas Thompson


    If you wish to stop receiving from our communications going forward, please opt out at

  • Reply Claudio Fullwood 22.02.2024 at 20:20

    It’s time to create VIRAL content through our POWERFUL AI tool!
    Shinefy creates VIRAL content for you in SECONDS!
    Visit https://deidre– now!

  • Reply Darnell Carboni 23.02.2024 at 17:43

    Elevate your business on Google, Facebook, and
    Yelp effortlessly with our automated 5-star
    review service.

    Tailored for entrepreneurs eager for more
    visibility and free leads, our platform
    streamlines the process of gathering
    genuine reviews from satisfied customers.
    Discover the simple start to enhancing your
    Google My Business profile and attracting
    more customers—automatically.

    Ready to see the difference?

    Begin here:

    Best regards,

    116 Agnes Rd, Ste 200
    Knoxville, TN 37919

    To Opt Out go here:
    or reply UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line

  • Reply Chase Reiner 24.02.2024 at 05:05


    Do you dare to tread into the shadowy realm of online opportunities, where whispers of untold riches and chilling mysteries beckon? Prepare yourself, for I am about to reveal the bone-chilling tale of Scary Tool, a forbidden archive of websites that hold the key to unlocking a world of financial prosperity… and peril.

    Imagine… a moonless night, the dim glow of your screen casting eerie shadows as you stumble upon the cryptic pages of Scary Tool. Each website listed, a doorway to a realm unknown, promising treasures beyond your wildest dreams. But heed this warning, dear reader: not all who venture into these digital depths emerge unscathed.

    Legends speak of unsuspecting souls who dared to delve too deep, lured by the siren call of easy money and boundless riches. Yet, as they traversed the twisted paths of these online domains, they soon discovered the true price of their avarice. Dark forces lurk within these virtual corridors, preying on the naive and the greedy, extracting a toll far greater than mere currency.

    But fear not, for amidst the shadows lies a flicker of hope. Scary Tool, with its ominous facade, also harbors the promise of knowledge and power. Within its forbidden pages lie the secrets to harnessing the very forces that have ensnared so many before you. With caution as your guide and courage as your ally, you may yet emerge victorious, wielding the tools of affiliate marketing mastery like a seasoned sorcerer.

    So, dear adventurer, will you heed the call of Scary Tool? Will you brave the unknown, armed with nothing but your wits and a thirst for conquest? The choice is yours, but remember: once you step into the realm of Scary Tool, there may be no turning back.

    Take the first step into the darkness… if you dare.

    Unveil the secrets of Scary Tool today.

    Click here:

    Yours in the shadows,

    Chase Reiner
    CEO Scary Tool

  • Reply James Smith 24.02.2024 at 21:25

    Good Day,

    Get your free Sales Funnel Guide for Success now!

    Charles Smith


    To stop receiving from our communications in the future, please opt out at

  • Reply Adrian Walker 25.02.2024 at 00:00

    Hello, I’ve detected some inconsistencies in your Google listing. Is this the right place to discuss them?

  • Reply Jonnie Rubin 27.02.2024 at 03:33

    Missed calls mean missed opportunities. Discover
    Missed Call Text-Back, the service that transforms
    your missed calls into sales by automatically texting
    your callers, ensuring you never miss a lead.

    See how it works and its cost-effective benefits for
    your business here:

    Best regards,

    116 Agnes Rd, Ste 200
    Knoxville, TN 37919

    To Opt Out reply go here: http://www./
    or reply UNSUBSCRIBE in subject line

  • Reply John Taylor 27.02.2024 at 19:58

    Hello There,

    Get your free Sales Funnel Guide for Success now!

    John Jones


    To unsubscribe from our communications from us, simply click the link at

  • Reply Sheldon Ram 27.02.2024 at 22:55

    Hi, I’m looking to buy a business like yours. Can I make you an offer?

  • Reply Maricruz De Satg 28.02.2024 at 01:40

    Find out here:

    Best regards,

    116 Agnes Rd, Ste 200
    Knoxville, TN 37919

    To Opt Out reply go here: http://www./
    or reply UNSUBSCRIBE in subject line

  • Reply Kenneth White 28.02.2024 at 05:01

    Hello, did you notice the problems with your website’s performance?

  • Reply Jim Shultz 28.02.2024 at 10:36

    Hi, I noticed a few problems affecting your website on Google, is this a good place to send them?

  • Reply Edcel Sandoval 28.02.2024 at 20:06


    I just noticed your website. I really like the great design and usability of it. It’s really nice.

    This is Edcel. I worked as a Social Media Management professional. We specialized in continuously updating the social media handles of brands over the last few years using eye catching images and engaging captions. By following this routine, it builds trust when people see that you have an updated social media profiles. Trust builds confidence for customers. And when they are confident, they are likely to convert into customers.

    I’d happy to give you a complimentary 3-days test of our service. A total of 3 posts.

    I would love the chance to discuss how we can contribute to the growth of through effective social media management. Are you available for a quick chat to explore this further? I’d be delighted to connect.

    All the best,
    Edcel Sandoval
    Social Media Management Specialist
    [email protected]

  • Reply Brent Fouch 28.02.2024 at 21:19

    Are you aware of the performance issues with your website?

  • Reply Callum Holland 29.02.2024 at 20:59

    Picture this: Every ring of your phone is a ka-ching in your pocket. But when you miss that call, it’s like throwing cash out the window. We’re on a mission to plug that leak in your business boat. Our genius system turns “Oops, missed that one!” into “Cha-ching, new customer!”

    Curious how much you’re really losing out on? And how easy it is to stop the bleed? Dive in here:

    Best regards,

    116 Agnes Rd, Ste 200
    Knoxville, TN 37919

    To Opt Out go here:
    or reply UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line

  • Reply Aaron Wright 01.03.2024 at 12:18


    Take a moment…..How would $100k in Business Credit + 0% interest in 12 months… change your business & life?!…
    – Advertise on social media/ Hire a marketing company to help bring more sales
    – Hire more employees/ Upgrade computers, software, phones, systems etc/ Create more products …

    You’re about to get a system that’ll allow you to grow your business, have extra money to fall back on and allow you to fulfill your dreams! It’s FREE!

    Aaron Wright
    Business Credit Workshop
    458 Elizabeth Avenue, Suite 5104
    Somerset NJ 08873

  • Reply Robert Anderson 02.03.2024 at 15:08

    Hello There,

    Get your free Sales Funnel Guide for Success now!

    Thomas Davis


    To stop receiving from our communications going forward, simply click the link at

  • Reply Ellen Ferrer 05.03.2024 at 12:21

    Missed calls = Lost revenue. With Missed Call Text-Back, we make every ring count.

    Stop the loss.

    Start earning more now:

    Best regards,

    116 Agnes Rd, Ste 200
    Knoxville, TN 37919

    To Opt Out go here:
    or reply UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line

  • Reply David Johnson 05.03.2024 at 17:34

    Good Day,

    Get your free Sales Funnel Guide for Success now!

    Richard Williams


    If you wish to stop receiving from our communications from us, please opt out at

  • Reply Michael Johnson 07.03.2024 at 13:55


    Get your free Sales Funnel Guide for Success now!

    Thomas Anderson


    If you wish to unsubscribe from our communications going forward, please opt out at

  • Reply Roberta Fennescey 08.04.2024 at 04:47

    FUNDING in 30-90 DAYS
    Email me and I will send you a link for free signup
    Promotion is good only until April 15th
    [email protected] or
    Call 508-709-5433

  • Reply Chiquita Lucero 09.04.2024 at 15:00

    I’m keen in learning more about your company.

    Chiquita, Lucero

    1718 Red Hawk Road, Las Vegas, NV 89101, United States.


    If you do not wish to receive further emails from us.

    Please note that it may take up to 10 business days for your request to be processed.

    If you have received this communication in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately.

  • Reply Jonathan Byrd 10.04.2024 at 12:15

    Are you struggling with trying to make money from your email list?

    I’ve been there too.

    I got help – I decided to learn from the best.
    It worked for me, and it will work for you too.

    Watch the short video and learn exactly what to do to take your dead list and turn it into money in the bank.


  • Reply Connor Walker 10.04.2024 at 14:24

    Hello, I’vegot some leads that are interested in your company, who/where can I send them?

  • Reply Steven Clark 10.04.2024 at 17:56

    Can I buy your Facebook page and your Instagram account?
    Let me know here

  • Reply Kenneth White 11.04.2024 at 02:08

    May I purchase your Instagram account and your Facebook page?
    Please let me know here

  • Reply Richard Thomas 11.04.2024 at 03:47

    Interested in acquiring your Facebook page and Instagram. Are you interested in selling it?
    If so I just need a little info here please

  • Reply Brent Fouch 12.04.2024 at 20:33

    May I buy either your Facebook page or your Instagram account or both?
    Please tell me here

  • Reply Mark Stevens 13.04.2024 at 19:26

    I went to your Google listing to read some great reviews!

    I’m a website analyst and after going to your website I realized that none of the 5 star reviews on Google could be found on your website.

    This might be pushing dozens of new customers away from contacting you. They may not have seen any of your great reviews because they visited your website without going to Google.

    There is something you can do to fix everything that will only take a few minutes.

    Check out

    Or simply reply back and let me know if you’re interested and I can share with you what to do so you can do it yourself.

    I can send you some quick information and show you exactly what to do so reviews like this don’t stop new customers from calling you.

    If you prefer, text me at +1(236)349-5070

    Talk soon,

    Mark Stevens

    P.S. This simple strategy can increase your website conversions by up to 250%. If this strategy is Converted even 2-3 more clients a month from your website, what would it be worth to you?

    We’re here to help businesses grow, but if you’d rather Unsubscribe click here:

    ClientSuite Corporation
    Mailing Address: 178 Ashnola Road Keremeos, BC, Canada V0X1N1

  • Reply Bettye Lomax 14.04.2024 at 06:06

    DO YOU WANT MORE BUSINESS ? GET on TOP of the NEAR-ME Results to Crush Competition.Drive more calls ,more clicks and more leads.
    Increase Traffic & sales fast
    Multi-keyword Map Rankings
    Image Optimization
    FUlly Automated Tracking and Reporting
    40 Super Citations
    Full 9 Point Google Business Profile Optimization
    To Schedule a demo of the most robust reporting on the market: You will see
    Animated 7×7 mile grid reports
    grraph compare by ,week , month and year
    PPC cost per click value of each keyword
    Global account overview
    Automatic Montly reports
    This is the only tool that tracks NEAR ME keywords
    Schedule your Demo now
    See reults in as little as 30 Days
    respond that you are intrested and someone will call you to set up a good time for the Demo

  • Reply Kenneth White 25.04.2024 at 00:22

    Curious if you would be willing the part with your Facebook page or your instagram account or both?

    If so can you give me a bit more info here please

  • Reply David Sebastian 01.05.2024 at 05:54

    Hi there, my name is David Sebastian. I apologize for using your contact form, but I wasn’t sure who the right person was to speak with in your company.
    Can you have whoever is in charge of the business call me at their earliest convenience regarding a pending Utility Audit.
    I need to validate specific details that may uncover hidden errors in the utility bill that could warrant substantial refunds.

    Thank you!

    David Sebastian
    Utility Audit Advisor
    Direct: (833) 302-1808 ext. 740

  • Reply Susan Peterson 01.05.2024 at 09:20

    Did you know real estate investors use business credit to expand their property portfolios? How? By securing $600k to $800k credits with 0% interest for 12-18 months. You may not need that much, but do you require cash for investments, studying, or starting up? Discover how they do it, enjoy free access to the course here.

    -To unsubscribe, please reply “unsubscribe” at [email protected] (please provide the website that forwarded this message)-

  • Reply Ralf Schrantz 04.05.2024 at 23:27

    Watch a Demo of how this AI technology responds to you business Google reviews providing well written engaging responses.

    *** After watching the short demo video – You can demo it for your business to see how well it works ***

    This technology will enable you to respond to negative and positive reviews with minimum effort. Each response being unique and with a professional tone.

    This builds trust and positive customer relationships turning them into “word of mouth” advocates for your business.

    From a review management strategy perspective, it does’t get any better than this!

    Click on the link for the demo:



  • Reply Ashley Hughes 09.05.2024 at 17:48

    Explore Roland Fraiser’s proven method for acquiring businesses without any upfront expenses and earning millions yearly, 50 times faster than real estate. Here’s the course link for you to access for free.

    -To unsubscribe, please reply “unsubscribe” at [email protected] (please provide the website that forwarded this message)-

  • Reply Cliff Simon 10.05.2024 at 04:57


    We’ve built an AI-powered chatbot based on your website content. Can we send it over?


    Cliff Simon
    (516) 518-4680

    P.S: We can also turn your website into a robust lead gen machine by sharing 2 more tools that you can install yourself.

  • Reply Janet Garside 18.05.2024 at 01:24

    How a car dealer transformed lead generation, turning data into gold in just three days using our Audience Builder which Provides Over 280m Full Contacts, Tied to Over 30 Billion Behaviors.

    Click here to learn more.

    Concierge Lead Gen Team

  • Reply Caleb Davis 27.05.2024 at 18:25

    Hey there, hope everything’s going well with you~

    I was just going through your website, and would it be correct to assume that you are classified as self-employed?

    As a self-employed American, I just wanted to let you know that you may be eligible for up to $32,220 through the IRS’s Self-Employed Tax Credit program:

    If you want, you can easily check your estimated refund amount for the SETC program:

    BTW,if you do decide that this is for you, please know that our process is designed with your security in mind.

    We get paid only if we’ve successfully secured your funds, ensuring an entirely risk-free experience for our clients.

    Hoping to hear from you.

    Best regards,

    Caleb Davis

    SETC Relief Consultants
    +1 619 798 8260

    To stop receiving marketing messages, reply “Stop” in the subject line for your website:

  • Reply Matthew Williams 05.06.2024 at 21:23


    Are you interested in a sms/whatsapp bot that can reactive all your old leads within minutes, warm them up, and either close the sale or book an appointment using the best practices for sales?

    It’s free of cost to get started. You only pay when you book an appointment or close a sale a fixed amount or fixed commission.

    This way you can re-engage all of your old leads by sms/whatsapp with a bot trained on your sales data, product data, and knowledge base in minutes without having to contact them manually or design a campaign to re-engage them by email, sms, etc. The bot does it all for you.

    Does that sound like something you’re interested in?

    If you are click the link below to book an appointment to learn more.


    Matthew Williams

    Reply to this email with the word “UNSUBSCRIBE” as the Subject to unsubscribe.

  • Reply Karma Sheahan 07.06.2024 at 04:48

    Hey, I was on your Facebook page earlier and I love what you’ve built. That being said, you’re definitely leaving money on the table with your current strategy, and I know it’s costing you some customers.
    I’ve worked with other clients similar to you and have delivered amazing results for them.
    I would love to do the same for you and help amplify your business!
    Would you like to hop on a call?

  • Reply Ray Sullivan 12.06.2024 at 21:13


    Unless you’re living under a rock (remember that commercial) you have heard about AI (artificial intelligence), but do you know that you can use AI tools to get more money into your business? Did you know you can use AI tools to automate and save time on many of the tasks in your business? And, you can use that time to DO your business.

    Go to to see a video showing how AI tools can revolutionize your business – Watch it to the end to get our free eboook “Unleash The Power of AI: Discover The 37 AI Tools Transforming Businesses.”

    Ray Sullivan

    Unless you’re living under a rock (remember that commercial) you have heard about AI (artificial intelligence), but do you know that you can use AI tools to get more money into your business? Did you know you can use AI tools to automate and save time on many of the tasks in your business? And, you can use that time to DO your business.

    Get our free eboook “Unleash The Power of AI: Discover The 37 AI Tools Transforming Businesses” to start transforming YOUR business at

    Ray Sullivan

    2412 Irwin St
    Melbourne, FL 32901

    To Opt-out of this list reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject.

  • Reply Matthew Williams 15.06.2024 at 20:46

    Hi there,

    Are you ready to take your social media presence to the next level? Imagine having a library of 35,000 engaging Reels and Shorts at your fingertips, ready to captivate your audience on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

    At AgencyFuse, we offer a comprehensive bundle that provides exactly that—35,000 high-quality Reels designed to boost your engagement and expand your reach. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a social media marketer, or a CMO, this bundle is your ticket to dominating the social media landscape.

    Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your social media strategy. Discover more about our Reels bundle and start growing your following today: [Explore the Reels Bundle](

    Best regards,

    Matthew Williams
    President, AgencyFuse

    Reply with the word “UNSUBSCRIBE” as the subject to unsubscribe.

  • Reply Waganabe Reck 21.06.2024 at 04:29


    I just noticed your website. I really like the great design and usability of it. It’s really nice.

    I have an interesting offer for you.

    This is Waganabe.

    I have a Linkedin upgrade service. I specialized in upgrading anyone’s Linkedin account to Premium Business with subscription period of 12 months.

    The price of this upgrade service is only $99.99 for 12 months subscription. That’s only $8.33/month. You don’t need to pay the standard price of $59.99/month.

    You can read more here:

    Looking forward to upgrading your account.

    Note: You must not have an active subscription to get upgraded.

    All the best,
    Waganabe Reck
    Linkedin Premium Upgrader specialist
    [email protected]

  • Reply Eliott Saldivar 22.06.2024 at 00:47

    Discover how GoHighLevel can streamline your operations and boost your client engagement effortlessly.
    Join thousands of successful businesses that have transformed their workflows and achieved outstanding results with our all-in-one platform.

  • Reply Matthew Williams 23.06.2024 at 19:08

    Hey there!

    Your website is your face to the world, so why not make it a showstopper? At DreamSite.Me, we’re all about empowering your brand with a stellar online presence that captivates and converts. Ready for a digital transformation?

    Here’s how we make it happen:

    Optimal Digital Presence: From stunning designs to powerful functionalities, we’ve got you covered. Pick from our curated styles and watch your site come to life!

    Monthly Upgrades: Hosting? Check. Managing? Double-check. We even throw in up to 5 hours of monthly customization to keep your site fresh and fab.

    Tech Magic: We handle all the technical stuff—security, cookies, SEO—you name it, we’ve got it. Plus, our smart chat-bot keeps your visitors engaged and happy.

    Quick & Easy Setup: Choose your style, share your vision, and we’ll take care of the rest. Fast, seamless, and absolutely stunning.

    White-Glove Service: Focus on your business while we handle your online presence.

    And if you’re not totally in love, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. No risk, all reward!

    Let’s get started!

    Reply to this email, and let’s chat about how we can make your website the best it can be.

    Or you can head over to our site to know more!

    Can’t wait to create something amazing together!

    Matthew Williams,
    President, DreamSite

  • Reply Junior Munz 25.06.2024 at 03:01

    Free Report – Discover your online business reputation score!

    This is a detailed report that covers several areas such as Reputation, Directory Visibility, social media, website, etc. Each section is graded and shows items that may need attention.

    Just click on the link and get your detailed report quickly:

    You will find this information extremely valuable use it you your advantage.

    If you have any questions or need assistance feel free to reach.


  • Reply Matthew Williams 25.06.2024 at 17:59

    Hi there,

    In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, staying ahead requires more than just keeping up—it demands innovation and strategic foresight. At ARSource, we specialize in propelling businesses like yours to new heights through our expertise in mobile app development, web development, AI development, automation, and cybersecurity.

    Whether you’re looking to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, or fortify your digital defenses, ARSource offers tailored solutions that align with your strategic goals.

    Explore how we can transform your business and set you on a path to sustained growth. Book a consultation with us today: [Book an Appointment](

    Best regards,

    Matthew Williams
    President, ARSource

    Reply with the word “UNSUBSCRIBE” as the subject to unsubscribe.

  • Reply Matthew Williams 25.06.2024 at 22:44

    Hi there,

    Engagement is the key to social media success, and what better way to boost it than with a vast collection of high-quality Reels and Shorts? Our bundle of 35,000 Reels is crafted to help you captivate your audience and keep them coming back for more.

    With content tailored for Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, you can ensure consistent and engaging posts across all your social media channels. Perfect for promoting your business, enhancing your personal brand, or amplifying your clients’ presence, our Reels bundle is a game-changer.

    Ready to elevate your engagement? Click here to learn more and make this powerful tool yours: [Get Your Reels Bundle](

    Warm regards,

    Matthew Williams
    President, AgencyFuse

    Reply with the word “UNSUBSCRIBE” as the subject to unsubscribe.

  • Reply Bob 26.06.2024 at 11:27

    Hi, I did a free marketing video for your website, is this a good place to send it?
    Please fill out your info here if so:

  • Reply Violette Roman 28.06.2024 at 04:54

    Hi there,

    My name is Violette from Monkey Digital,

    Allow me to present to you a lifetime revenue opportunity of 35%
    That’s right, you can earn 35% of every order made by your affiliate for life.

    Simply register with us, generate your affiliate links, and incorporate them on your website, and you are done. It takes only 5 minutes to set up everything, and the payouts are sent each month.

    Click here to enroll with us today:

    Think about it,
    Every website owner requires the use of search engine optimization (SEO) for their website. This endeavor holds significant potential for both parties involved.

    Thanks and regards
    Violette Roman
    Monkey Digital

  • Reply Sarat 28.06.2024 at 13:11

    Excellent article! I appreciate the thorough and thoughtful approach you took. For more details and related content, here’s a helpful link: LEARN MORE. Can’t wait to see the discussion unfold!

  • Reply Matthew Williams 02.07.2024 at 20:45

    Hey there,

    Ready to skyrocket your business growth? Discover the ultimate lead generation ecosystem tailored just for you:

    ✨ Marketing Ecosystem Tailored for Your Business
    AI-Powered Lead Generation Software
    Dedicated Marketing Team
    Dedicated Sales Team
    Advanced CRM Integration
    24/7 Support

    With us you’ll get a world class marketing, sales, and lead generation strategy and implementation. We’ll work with you to tailor a marketing strategy that fits your business, provide you with AI software tools, dedicated marketing and sales teams, a CRM, and 24/7 support all for a staggering low upfront cost and ongoing revenue share.

    Let’s take your business to new heights! Book a free consultation today and watch your leads pour in!

    [Book Your Free Consultation](

    Looking forward to helping you achieve amazing success!

    Matthew Williams

    Reply with the word “UNSUBSCRIBE” as the subject to unsubscribe.

  • Reply Matthew Williams 09.07.2024 at 02:55


    Boost your social media presence with our collection of 35,000 engaging Reels. Crafted for attention and engagement, these Reels are perfect for all major platforms.

    Ready to elevate your social media game? Cliick here:

    Best regards,

    Matthew Williams
    President, AgencyFuse

  • Reply Brandon MacDonald 10.07.2024 at 08:23

    Hey, I did a free marketing video for your website, is this a good place to send it? Please fill out your info here if so:

  • Reply Matthew Williams 11.07.2024 at 19:57

    Hey there,

    Imagine never having to worry about hitting API limits or paying recurring fees ever again. Sounds too good to be true? Well, let me introduce you to ARSource’s game-changing Custom Unlimited Lifetime APIs!

    I’m Matthew Williams, and I’m here to tell you how our APIs can revolutionize your business. Whether you’re a tech founder, developer, CTO, CEO, entrepreneur, or solopreneur, this is the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for.

    Here’s the deal:
    – Unlimited API calls – No more worrying about limits. Ever.
    – Lifetime access – Pay once, use forever.
    – Custom solutions – APIs tailored to your specific needs.

    Don’t let limits hold you back. Click here to learn more about how ARSource can fuel your growth!

    Ready to unlock your business’s full potential? Click the link now to get your Custom Unlimited Lifetime API and start your journey to limitless success! [Get Your API] (

    Warning: The website works best on desktop.

    To your limitless success,
    Matthew WIlliams, President, ARSource

    Reply with the word “UNSUBSCRIBE” as the subject to unsubscribe.

  • Reply Jamey Friese 12.07.2024 at 09:33

    This legend just launched the most mind-blowing hack of the year for consultants and coaches in what many describe as THE Linkedin event of the month!

    => go to to reveal this groundbreaking method

    Coaching experts in every corner of the world are buzzing about this Linkedin event…

    The previous edition had over 1,500+ attendees in every corner of the world

    (Note: You could be blown away)

    Jamey, Friese

    4716 Pleasant Hill Road, Lilburn, GA 30047, United States.


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    If you have received this communication in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately.

  • Reply Matthew Williams 12.07.2024 at 15:17

    Hey there,

    Remember when I said our Custom Unlimited Lifetime APIs are a game-changer? Let’s dive into why.

    Imagine running your business without the fear of hitting API limits. No more sleepless nights worrying about data caps or unexpected bills. Just pure, unadulterated growth.

    Here’s how our APIs can transform your business:
    1. Unlimited API calls – Scale without constraints.
    2. Lifetime access – Save big on recurring fees.
    3. Custom solutions – Perfect fit for your unique needs.

    Our APIs are already powering the success of businesses across industries – from e-commerce to healthcare, finance, and more.

    Curious to see how it works? Click here to see our APIs in action.

    Don’t just take our word for it. Click the link now to see how our Custom Unlimited Lifetime APIs can revolutionize your business! [Get Your API] (

    Warning: The website works best on desktop.

    Here’s to your limitless future,
    Matthew WIlliams, President, ARSource

    Reply with the word “UNSUBSCRIBE” as the subject to unsubscribe.

  • Reply Matthew Williams 16.07.2024 at 00:06

    Hey there,

    I know what you’re thinking – “This sounds amazing, but is it really for me?” Let’s tackle those doubts head-on.

    Concern 1: “I’m not tech-savvy enough to manage custom APIs.”
    Our APIs are designed to be user-friendly. If you can send an email, you can integrate our APIs. Plus, our support team is here to help every step of the way.

    Concern 2: “Is it really worth the investment?”
    Absolutely! Think of the savings on recurring fees and the endless growth potential. It’s an investment that pays for itself in no time.

    Concern 3: “Will it fit my unique needs?”
    Our APIs are custom-built to fit your exact requirements. You get exactly what you need, tailored for your business.

    Stop holding back your growth. Click here to explore how our Custom Unlimited Lifetime APIs can work for you.

    Ready to break free from limitations? Click the link now to get your Custom Unlimited Lifetime API and watch your business soar! [Get Your API] (

    Warning: The website works best on desktop.

    To breaking barriers,
    Matthew WIlliams, President, ARSource

    Reply with the word “UNSUBSCRIBE” as the subject to unsubscribe.

  • Reply Marietta McBryde 19.07.2024 at 12:06


    Are you confident in your business’s cybersecurity measures? Cyber Umbrella is here to help protect American businesses like yours against cyber risks. Our non-profit organization is dedicated to offering a penetration test grant to every qualifying business in America, ensuring that you are aware of any potential threats that may be lurking in your IT system.

    Don’t wait until it’s too late to discover a sleeper agent on your server or other vulnerabilities that your IT department may have missed. Our mission is to help you identify and address any gaps in your cybersecurity measures, keeping your vendors, employees, and customers safe.

    Take advantage of our free penetration testing grant today and receive a detailed report that will provide you with peace of mind and a better understanding of your security posture. Trust Cyber Umbrella to keep your business protected from cyber threats.

    To sign up go to the following link

  • Reply Matthew Williams 26.07.2024 at 19:29

    Hey there,

    Time is of the essence! Our exclusive offer on Custom Unlimited Lifetime APIs won’t last forever. This is your chance to secure unlimited API access for a lifetime with just one investment.

    Imagine the freedom of scaling your business without constraints. No more monthly bills, no more data caps. Just endless possibilities.

    Don’t miss out on:
    – Unlimited API calls
    – Lifetime access
    – Custom solutions tailored to you

    This offer is going fast, and I don’t want you to miss out. Click here to grab this opportunity before it’s gone.

    Don’t wait! Click the link now to get your Custom Unlimited Lifetime API and secure your business’s future today! [Get Your API] (

    Act now and unlock your limitless potential,
    Matthew Williams, President, ARSource

    Reply with the word “UNSUBSCRIBE” as the subject to unsubscribe.

  • Reply Matthew Williams 26.07.2024 at 23:08

    Hi there,

    Engage and grow your audience with our collection of 35,000 unique Reels. Designed to captivate, these Reels are perfect for consistent and engaging content across all major platforms.

    Click here to learn more: [Get Your Reels Bundle](

    Warm regards,

    Matthew Williams
    President, AgencyFuse

  • Reply Cyrus Sandoval 09.08.2024 at 01:58


    I just visited your website. I really like the cool design and usability of it. It s really nice.

    Let me get to the point.

    My name is Cyrus. I am an Artificial Intelligence Web Automation Specialist.

    Here are my specialties:
    1. I can automate your content creation like writing articles for blogs.
    2. I can automate your social media posts for your social media pages.
    3. I can automate repetitive data entry tasks for Google Docs & Sheets.
    4. I can automate 95% of your newsletter.

    I’m here to help you save hours of work, money and man power.

    I’m willing to create your first automation for free and test run it for 3 days.

    With that being said, you see the value of what I am about to offer.

    If you think you need my help with any of the above specializations, let’s talk.

    I’m available from 7AM to 10AM EST.

    You can book a Zoom call here:

    You can choose a day from Monday to Friday.

    Thank you.

    All the best,
    Cyrus Sandoval
    AI Web Automation Specialist
    [email protected]

  • Reply Chris Smith 10.08.2024 at 18:24


    I was on your website and noticed some words are missing. It might sound silly, but this could be costing you customers and affecting your monthly revenue.

    Would you like a complimentary Website Checkup to see how your site compares with your competition on Google? I can send it over shortly.

    Warm regards,

    Chris Smith

    700 S. 7th St.
    Philadelphia, PA 19147
    To Unsubscribe:

  • Reply Haley Stubbs 14.08.2024 at 11:07

    Hi there
    Get unlimited organic website traffic for 6 months, day by day, traffic by specific keywords.

    Check it out today

    Note 1: Only English keywords accepted
    Note 2: Daily visits depend on the keywords you choose

    Digital X SEO Experts
    Whatsapp us:

  • Reply Bianca Shephard 19.08.2024 at 05:42

    Please read this carefully if you are interested in growing your business.

    I’m looking to work with 5-10 businesses where we will create quality online marketing content for your business for free. This information will be used on the biggest and best

    traffic sources companies like amazon, Walmart, eBay and many local businesses have successfully used.

    In exchange we are looking for a testimonial and a referral if you like what happens.

    Checkout the site below to learn about this unique service.

    Please do not wait, the last time we did something like this the spots were taken quickly.

    Send a message to: [email protected]

    Subject: I’m interested
    Message: the name of your local business with your contact information.


  • Reply Hanna Tinline 19.08.2024 at 10:16

    Hi there
    Get unlimited organic website traffic for 6 months, day by day, traffic by specific keywords.

    Check it out today

    Note 1: Only English keywords accepted
    Note 2: Daily visits depend on the keywords you choose

    Digital X SEO Experts
    Whatsapp us:

  • Reply SCOTT Holly 29.08.2024 at 05:11

    Are you tired of being taken advantge of by the credit card processor???
    No MORE
    Guranteed lowest CREDIT CARD payment processing fees.Guaranteed!!!!



    Respond that you are interested and we will get back to you to set up a brief meeting answer
    all of your questions and guarantee to save you money !


    Sincerely ,
    MR. Scott
    [email protected]

  • Reply Tilson 04.09.2024 at 23:13


    Tried giving you a call earlier.
    I wanted to chat about how we might be able to help simplify your business financing.

    We’ve teamed up with Kevin Harrington from Shark Tank to offer a funding solution that could really make a difference for your business —designed to help cut through all the usual red tape.

    If you’ve got 5 minutes, I’’ve got a quick video on how it works.

    Do you have time today or tommorrow to check it out?

    It’s at

    Let me know if this is something that might be useful for you.

    Joel Tilson,
    Founder & President, JTMorgan Lending and Consulting

    P.S. Apologies if there’s a typo or two—just wanted to get this out to you quickly!

    If you have any questions, send me a text at 614-289-8002 or shoot me an email at [email protected]

  • Reply Michael Beals 06.09.2024 at 12:49

    Hi there
    Cheap social traffic with good engagement rate

    Check it out today

    Digital X SEO Experts
    Whatsapp us:

  • Reply Hope Crook 09.09.2024 at 07:55

    Hi there
    Cheap social traffic with good engagement rate

    Check it out today

    Digital X SEO Experts
    Whatsapp us:

  • Reply Teddy Allwood 11.09.2024 at 14:43

    Hi there
    Cheap social traffic with good engagement rate

    Check it out today

    Digital X SEO Experts
    Whatsapp us:

  • Reply Matthew Williams 19.09.2024 at 02:08

    Hey there,

    Imagine if creating viral, high-converting ads was as easy as hitting “generate.” Now imagine AI doing all the heavy lifting while you sit back, sip your coffee, and watch the magic happen.

    Guess what? It’s real. It’s Creatify.

    With Creatify, you’ll have AI-generated video ads that are smart, sleek, and optimized to sell. It’s like having a 24/7 marketing team in your pocket—but better (and cheaper!).

    [Click here to make your ads go viral without breaking a sweat!](

    Trust me, you don’t want to miss this.

    Catch you on the inside,
    Matthew Williams
    Infinity Marketing

    To unsubscribe reply with the word “UNSUBSCRIBE” as the subject.

  • Reply Matthew Williams 19.09.2024 at 16:54

    Hey there,

    Want to know how the biggest brands create those insane video ads that practically print money? Spoiler alert: It’s Creatify! But they don’t want you to know that.

    Why pay a huge agency or spend hours learning complicated ad software when you can have AI create professional video ads in minutes?

    It’s like hiring a genius ad team without the 6-figure salary.

    [Tap here and let the AI create your next viral campaign!](

    Let the robots work for you,
    Matthew Williams
    Infinity Marketing

    To unsubscribe reply with the word “UNSUBSCRIBE” as the subject.

  • Reply Bob Lalonde 22.09.2024 at 20:40

    Would this help your business?

    Incredible technology using AI to help your customers help your business.

    Look I know you get bombarded with messages, just take a minute and look for yourself, you will be pleasantly surprised.

  • Reply Silke Gooch 02.10.2024 at 07:27

    Resending this in case you overlooked it. The interest has been tremendous, it’s closing soon don’t miss out!

    This incredible technology using AI allows your customers to really help your business, super easy to use!

    Take a few minutes and look for yourself, I think you will be pleasantly surprised.



    physical address: 8 The Green, Dover Delaware. 19901

    To opt out – reply with subject line – REMOVE

  • Reply Lelia Ashcroft 04.10.2024 at 22:45


    Are you ready to boost your online visibility and attract the right audience? For just $10, you can access targeted social ads traffic that can be customized by industry and country!

    Here’s what you can expect:
    • Targeted Traffic: Reach your ideal customers based on specific industries and geographical locations.
    • Affordable Pricing: For only $10, you get 5,000 visits that can significantly enhance your website’s exposure.
    • Quick Setup: Our process is simple—just set your parameters, and we’ll take care of the rest!

    Don’t miss this opportunity to drive quality traffic to your site at an unbeatable price.

    Get Started with Targeted Social Ads

    If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out!

    Best regards,
    Mike Mcbride
    Digital X SEO Experts

  • Reply Matthew Williams 11.10.2024 at 03:37

    Hey there,

    Imagine never having to worry about hitting API limits or paying recurring fees ever again. Sounds too good to be true? Well, let me introduce you to Zentara’s game-changing Custom Unlimited Lifetime APIs!

    I’m Matthew Williams, and I’m here to tell you how our APIs can revolutionize your business. Whether you’re a tech founder, developer, CTO, CEO, entrepreneur, or solopreneur, this is the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for.

    Here’s the deal:
    – Unlimited API calls – No more worrying about limits. Ever.
    – Lifetime access – Pay once, use forever.
    – Custom solutions – APIs tailored to your specific needs.

    Don’t let limits hold you back. Click here to learn more about how Zentara can fuel your growth!

    Ready to unlock your business’s full potential? Click the link now to get your Custom Unlimited Lifetime API and start your journey to limitless success! [Get Your API] (

    To your limitless success,
    Matthew Williams, President, Zentara

  • Reply Don Santana 19.10.2024 at 04:29

    Hi, Don here with some exciting news! The team behind the new TokMate product invited me to test their TikTok viral traffic software, and I was blown away by the results!

    The statistics and hashtag reports it generates are incredible, and the “Remix” feature, which makes already viral videos even more engaging, is a game-changer.

    Check it out in action here (early discount available!)

    In short, TokMate is an AI-powered TikTok content growth platform designed to drive niche-specific, highly targeted, organic traffic to your profile or fan pages—for free.

    It taps into viral content discovery, one-click reposting, and powerful scheduling tools to help your TikTok pages go viral without any heavy lifting on your part.

    With TokMate, you can quickly grow your audience, boost engagement, and monetize your traffic—all without spending a dime on ads.

    Here’s how to start using TokMate right away:

    Discover Viral Content: Use TokMate’s dashboard to search for trending videos in your niche by keyword, hashtag, or account.

    Select and Schedule: Easily repost viral content with one click using their Chrome extension, seamlessly integrating it into your dashboard.

    Automate Posting: Let TokMate handle your posting schedule to maximize engagement and effortlessly grow your TikTok presence.

    Now, how can you leverage TokMate to your advantage? Here are a few ideas to get you started:

    Affiliate Marketers: Find viral content in any niche and repost it to drive targeted traffic to your offers, converting views into commissions—without spending on ads.

    List Building: Automate content delivery to the right audience, building your email list through CTAs in your bio, post text, or post content. TokMate simplifies the process.

    Digital Marketing Agencies: Manage multiple client accounts, discover high-performing content, and schedule posts to increase engagement—all with TokMate’s all-in-one management tool.

    Influencers & Content Creators: Find and curate trending viral content, grow your follower base, and keep your audience engaged with regular posts that TokMate helps you source and schedule.

    eCommerce Store Owners: Use TokMate to create viral TikTok pages that promote your products, attract organic traffic, and drive sales—no ad spend required.

    Consultants & Coaches: Build authority in your niche by sharing high-quality viral content and automate your TikTok growth, so you can focus on nurturing leads.

    Small Business Owners: Strengthen your TikTok presence and reach a wider audience with minimal effort, thanks to TokMate’s automated tools and strategies.

    This app comes packed with incredible features like:

    ▶️ Viral Feed Explorer
    ▶️ Niche Explorer
    ▶️ TokMate Live Search
    ▶️ Trend Hunter
    ▶️ TikTok Posting

    Get Access Now at a Special Launch Discount!

    TokMate is perfect for going viral even if you’re not a content creator yourself! But act fast—this discount is only available during launch week, after which they’ll switch to monthly and yearly payment plans.

    Right now, you can secure lifetime access with a one-time payment.

    Grab TokMate here before this offer expires

    No monthly fees, and this is the best price you’ll get! Plus, they’re offering an amazing double money-back guarantee—if you don’t see results in 60 days, you’ll get twice your money back. How’s that for motivation?

    I highly recommend adding TokMate to your marketing arsenal during this launch week. Take action today!

    Thanks for reading!


    9169 W State St #952
    Garden City ID 83714


  • Reply Matthew Williams 28.10.2024 at 19:43

    Hey there,

    Most creators are one paycheck away from panic. They hustle brand deals, chase ad revenue, and hope algorithms don’t kill their reach overnight.

    Here’s the truth: They’re building someone else’s empire, not their own. Companies pay them to promote products because brands know influencers are sitting on a goldmine.

    What if they built their own empire instead—one where they OWN the platform and get paid directly from their followers?

    We’ve cracked the code. With a branded mobile app (built in less than an hour), influencers can unlock paid communities, recurring revenue, and total control over their audience.

    You can be the one to make it happen.

    Become a Content Creator App Partner today → [](


    Matthew Williams

    To unsubscribe reply to this email with the word “UNSUBSCRIBE” as the subject.

  • Reply Nan Stingley 04.11.2024 at 08:14

    Hi there,

    While checking your for its ranks, I have noticed that there are some toxic links pointing towards it.

    Grab your free clean up and improve ranks in no time

    It really works, get a free backlinks clean up with us today

    Mike Stingley
    Email us: [email protected]

  • Reply Marylin Wilkin 08.11.2024 at 21:53

    Hi there,

    While checking your for its ranks, I have noticed that there are some toxic links pointing towards it.

    Grab your free clean up and improve ranks in no time

    It really works, get a free backlinks clean up with us today

    Mike Wilkin
    Email us: [email protected]

  • Reply Matthew Williams 11.11.2024 at 20:45

    Hey there,

    Imagine having access to an API that’s not just a tool, but a total game-changer. The Infinite API isn’t just a product—it’s the ultimate key to custom, unlimited, lifetime API access.

    No more caps. No more limits. Just pure, unstoppable access. You know that could mean everything for your business, right?

    > Unlock an API that grows with you. No hidden fees, just raw, unrestricted power.

    [See What Infinite API Can Do](


    Matthew Williams

    To unsubscribe reply to this email with the word “UNSUBSCRIBE” as the subject.

  • Reply Scott Clibborn 13.11.2024 at 14:31

    I noticed that your website might be missing out on approximately a thousand visitors daily. Our AI powered traffic system is tailored to increase your site’s visibility:
    We’re offering a free trial that includes four thousand targeted visitors to show the potential benefits. After the trial, we can supply up to 250K targeted visitors per month. This opportunity could greatly amplify your website’s reach and visitors.

  • Reply Jett Spinks 17.11.2024 at 02:26

    I saw that your website may be missing out on approximately a thousand visitors daily. Our AI powered traffic system is tailored to enhance your site’s visibility:
    We’re offering a free trial that includes four thousand targeted visitors to show the potential benefits. After the trial, we can supply up to 250,000 targeted visitors per month. This opportunity could greatly enhance your website’s reach and engagement.

  • Reply Matthew Williams 17.11.2024 at 20:49

    Hi there,

    I wanted to share something powerful with you—our revolutionary product, TrafficFuse.

    This isn’t just any traffic tool. With TrafficFuse, you’ll have access to tens of thousands of visitors, views, and clicks daily to your website. 100K to 900K/month and millions of visitors a year. Here’s how it works:

    We leverage your Facebook pixel to deliver red-hot buyer traffic—the kind of traffic sourced from multimillion-dollar companies’ product launches. This is proven, high-intent traffic that has already generated millions in sales and continues to do so.

    Imagine receiving visitors who are ready to buy, credit card in hand, just like Amazon shoppers. These are customers who are actively seeking products or services like yours. If your business aligns with their interests, they’re highly likely to convert into paying customers.

    Does this sound like the kind of traffic you need to scale your business?

    For a limited time for our Black Friday Event and in celebration of the highly anticipated launch of our growth partnership digital platform, ZENTARA, starting TODAY we have opened the doors to TrafficFuse to you for you to get for any amount.

    That’s right put any amount into the checkout link and you’ll receive tens of thousands of visitors, views, and clicks daily to your website for a monthly subscription for the amount you enter.

    This is only for a limited time then we’ll be switching to a monthly subscription price point.

    Get locked in with your early bird access now to the fastest way to make 6 figures online!

    Click below to learn more and get started with TrafficFuse today:
    [Learn More About TrafficFuse](

    Best regards,
    Matthew Williams

    To unsubscribe reply with the word “UNSUBSCRIBE” as the subject line.

  • Reply Loise A. 02.12.2024 at 11:43


    I’m Loise, an experienced Content Strategist from the Philippines, and I’m reaching out to see if you’re hiring for a Content Writer or Strategist role.

    I specialize in creating high-quality, user-focused articles and, with AI tools, I can produce 5–6 well-researched pieces daily and post to your website I’d be happy to write and provide a free sample article for your business just to showcase my skills.

    Let me know if you’d like to set up an interview or discuss further. I can send you my resume too. My expected salary is US$1,000 /m for a full-time role.

    Looking forward to your response!

    Best regards,

  • Reply Matthew Williams 02.12.2024 at 18:04

    Hey there,

    Imagine gripping the wheel of a life-size Formula 1 simulator, feeling every turn, every acceleration, as if you’re on the actual track. At EuroSim, we bring that dream to life with our meticulously crafted F1 Simulator Show Car.

    Why Settle for Less?

    Our simulator isn’t just a game; it’s an experience. With a modern or classic full-size F1 body, direct drive force feedback and carbon steering wheel with a built-in screen, every detail is designed to immerse you in the world of F1 racing.

    Unmatched Realism

    Powered by a high-end gaming PC running Assetto Corsa, F1 2024, and iRacing programs, our simulator offers unmatched realism. The pro-grade adjustable race pedals and built-in speaker system enhance the immersive experience, making you feel every nuance of the race.

    Tailored to Your Passion

    Crafted with a fiberglass construction reinforced by carbon elements, the F1 Simulator Show Car is not only durable but also customizable to reflect your unique style and passion for motorsports.

    Don’t just dream about the thrill of F1 racing—experience it firsthand. Reserve your EuroSim F1 Simulator Show Car today and elevate your passion for racing to new heights.

    Reserve Your Simulator Now


    Matthew Williams
    Chief Growth Officer

    To unsubscribe reply with the word “UNSUBSCRIBE” as the subject.

  • Reply Thelma Eldershaw 16.12.2024 at 20:41

    Did you know that your website may not be achieve maximum traffic? With our advanced AI traffic system, you may connect with thousands of additional visitors each day.

    We’re offering a no-obligation trial of 4,000 visitors to showcase what’s possible. Once you see the difference, our scalable options deliver up to 250,000. Let us help you convert lost potential to meaningful traffic growth. Get more information here:

  • Reply Johanna De Vis 21.12.2024 at 05:41

    Hi there,
    I recently checked your website’s Moz DA score, and it could benefit from a significant boost. Moz is a well-known authority for measuring a domain’s strength, and improving your score can enhance your online credibility.

    Don’t wait—get started today!

    For more information, feel free to reach out via WhatsApp:

    Best regards,
    Mike Brown
    Monkey Digital

  • Reply Toni Mackie 24.12.2024 at 08:50

    This WordPress user went viral after turning a simplistic WordPress website, with a small audience, into a customer-generating machine, despite being only a few days old.

    They used a very simple approach called “sideways” that’s spreading like wildfire.

    Here’s the article explaining exactly how they pulled this off:

    You should definitely check it out if you are running WordPress.

    Toni, Mackie

    2871 Luke Lane, Las Vegas, NV 89119, United States.


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    Please note that it may take up to 10 business days for your request to be processed.

    If you have received this communication in error, please delete it and notify the sender immediately.

  • Reply Austin Jeffrey 25.12.2024 at 10:17

    Hi there,
    I recently checked your website’s Moz DA score, and it could benefit from a significant boost. Moz is a well-known authority for measuring a domain’s strength, and improving your score can enhance your online credibility.

    Don’t wait—get started today!

    For more information, feel free to reach out via WhatsApp:

    Best regards,
    Mike Brown
    Monkey Digital

  • Reply Carlo Gerard 29.12.2024 at 08:45

    Hi there,
    I recently checked your website’s Moz DA score, and it could benefit from a significant boost. Moz is a well-known authority for measuring a domain’s strength, and improving your score can enhance your online credibility.

    Don’t wait—get started today!

    For more information, feel free to reach out via WhatsApp:

    Best regards,
    Mike Brown
    Monkey Digital

  • Reply Maryellen Budd 30.12.2024 at 01:32

    This loophole became an authority after turning a mere WordPress website, with no traffic, into a profit-generating powerhouse, despite being only a few months old.

    They used a little-known angle called “Daily Client Machine” that’s taking over the internet right now.

    Here’s the article detailing exactly how they did it:

    You should read it if you are running WordPress and need traffic desperately.

    Maryellen, Budd

    3658 Fieldcrest Road, Winston Salem, NC 27104, United States.


    If you do not wish to receive further emails from us, you may opt-out by filling this form:

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  • Reply Josh Kerferd 07.01.2025 at 06:36

    This hack became an authority after turning a simplistic WordPress website, with almost no traffic, into a customer-generating powerhouse, despite being only a few months old.

    They used a little-known angle called “Daily Client Machine” that’s going viral everywhere.

    Here’s the article detailing exactly how they pulled this off:

    You should definitely have a quick look if you are running WordPress and need traffic ASAP.

    Josh, Kerferd

    1718 Red Hawk Road, Las Vegas, NV 89101, United States.


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  • Reply Jerilyn Baley 07.01.2025 at 23:55

    Please read this carefully, I cannot believe something like this is being offered to the business community.

    There are many tools that are already available that any business can use to run their entire company and processess digitally.

    But these products are expensive, complicated and limited in customization

    However, now there is an incredible, easy solution available that provides everything a business needs to grow online, and I mean everthing!

    Get this, It is free FOR ONE YEAR! No credit card required to join. This is absolutely crazy!!!

    I took advantage of this offer and I cannot believe what is included for an entire year.

    See for yourself by going to this link:

    Do not pass this up, it is a limited time offer, opportunities like this do not come often.


  • Reply Ewan Cronin 12.01.2025 at 21:00

    How A Harvard Doctor Saved My Life with A 30-Second “Snack” That Eliminates Food Cravings & Burns Away 34 Pounds of Ugly Fat in Record Time!

    The 5 Hormonal Blocks that make it impossible to lose weight…

    Plus, the 30 Second Fix that unclogged my hormones and had me dropping pound-after-pound in under a week.

    Visit for More:

  • Reply Amanda Lively 15.01.2025 at 12:49

    We’re giving it away one of our bestselling social media automations absolutely FREE.

    It creates viral content for any business or market on autopilot.

    Think of it as your personal AI content factory on autopilot.

    We’re giving it away for FREE to entrepreneurs for the next 24h.

    Can I send it here for you to have a look at?

    Just answer “sure” if this is a good place to give it to you.

    Here’s what the bot does for you:

    – Automatically aggregates viral content across industries
    – Turns newsletters into viral social media posts
    – Creates video scripts for LinkedIn and YouTube
    – Generates platform-specific content variations
    – Delivers fresh ideas to your inbox daily

    It means that:

    You’ll never run out of content ideas again – It’s all automated. And, we are giving it away 100% Free (no catch, no strings attached).

    Just Reply “sure” if you are the right person to show it to.

    It’s Yours for free for the next 24 hours only, then it goes back to it’s original price.

    Best Regards

    Amanda Lively

    Bradley, Semmens

    3658 Fieldcrest Road, Winston Salem, NC 27104, United States.


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