Kesihatan wanita

Perubahan ovarium kistik

Satu hempedu dipanggil pembentukan vesikel jinak, rongga yang boleh diisi dengan nanah, plasma darah atau sel darah. Saiznya boleh berbeza, ia bergantung kepada peringkat penyakit.

Perubahan ovarium kistik

Perubahan ovari kistik – penyakit dari kawasan ginekologi yang berkaitan dengan ketidakseimbangan hormon: jumlah hormon lelaki (dipanggil androgens) adalah lebih tinggi daripada jumlah hormon wanita. Oleh itu, ovulasi tidak dijalankan.

Tisu tidak dianggap sebagai pembentukan kanser, tetapi jika tiada rawatan tepat pada masanya dan tepat, ia boleh berkembang ke dalamnya. Di samping itu, akibat penyakit ini adalah kemandulan. Terdapat perubahan sista di kedua ovari (polycystosis), hanya kiri atau hanya ovari yang betul. Punca dan rawatan dalam semua kes adalah serupa.


Punca Perubahan Ovari Cystic

Perubahan ovarium kistik

Terdapat banyak keadaan yang boleh menyebabkan penyakit ini. Selalunya, penyebab sista dikaitkan dengan ketidakseimbangan hormon, apabila androgen mula dihasilkan oleh badan dalam kuantiti melebihi norma.

Keadaan ini boleh berlaku pada wanita muda yang sedang akil baligh, dan pada wanita dewasa dengan menopaus.

Kegagalan hormon juga boleh menyebabkan beberapa sebab lain, iaitu:

  • rawatan dengan mengambil cara hormon;
  • Penyakit sistem endokrin, sebagai contoh, gangguan pada kelenjar tiroid;
  • pengguguran (terutamanya pada kanak-kanak perempuan);
  • penggunaan pil kontraseptif;
  • kehadiran berat badan berlebihan;
  • diabetes mellitus.

Tekanan adalah satu lagi faktor yang kerap berlaku dalam perkembangan penyakit ini. Orang-orang yang kerap mengalami keadaan stres, serta mereka yang mempunyai berat badan yang tajam dan sering berubah di bahagian yang lebih besar atau lebih kecil, berisiko mengalami transformasi cystic ovary kiri.

Sebab lain:

  1. Keturunan.
  2. Perubahan zon iklim.
  3. Penyakit pernafasan, kerosakan saluran pernafasan.
  4. Imuniti lemah.

Apabila memilih kaedah rawatan penyakit yang dipersoalkan, doktor sentiasa bergantung pada apa yang dipanggil untuk dilakukan. Oleh itu, sangat penting untuk memahami punca pembentukan sista.


Penyakit ginekologi ini boleh menjejaskan semua sistem badan, dan oleh itu spektrum simptom heterogen penyakit ini cukup luas.

Yang paling umum adalah:

  1. Pelanggaran kitaran haid: ketidakhadiran bulanan atau lengkap tidak teratur.
  2. Ketidakupayaan untuk hamil kerana kekurangan ovulasi.
  3. Perdarahan yang teruk semasa haid.
  4. Obesiti (ditunjukkan pada pinggang).
  5. Kesakitan yang berterusan di kawasan pelvis (jika sista terbentuk hanya pada satu ovari, sakit boleh diberikan ke sebelah kanan atau kiri).
  6. Masalah kulit: jerawat, bersinar berminyak.
  7. Kehilangan rambut atau, sebaliknya, pertumbuhannya yang meluas di seluruh badan (dengan kerosakan pada ovari kanan).

Jika anda mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya satu gejala, anda perlu pergi ke pakar ginekologi dengan segera, melalui kajian yang diperlukan. Sebagai peraturan, ultrasound ditetapkan untuk diagnosis, yang dengan mudah mengesan pembentukan sista, memberikan maklumat tentang sifat dan saiznya.

Kaedah rawatan

Perubahan ovarium kistik

Selepas doktor, setelah memeriksa pesakit, serta menjalankan kajian yang diperlukan, didiagnosis, mengetahui sebab-sebab penyakit, dia harus memikirkan rancangan rawatan. Ia boleh berubat, atau, jika kaedah pertama tidak mencukupi pada tahap ini, pembedahan.

Rawatan ubat kista melibatkan mengambil ubat yang ditetapkan oleh pakar sakit ginekologi.

Biasanya senarai ubat yang disyorkan diwakili oleh kumpulan ubat berikut:

  1. Pil kawalan kelahiran. Mereka diperlukan untuk memulihkan keseimbangan hormon. Komposisi ubat-ubatan ini, yang merangsang resorpsi bebas daripada sista, membawa kepada latar belakang hormon normal. Satu contoh dadah tersebut adalah Logest – sebuah kontraseptif, yang perlu diambil satu pil setiap hari (masa penerimaan diterima).
  2. Antibiotik adalah kelas kedua ubat-ubatan yang ditetapkan untuk mengubati tumor cystic, jika penyakit ini disebabkan oleh adanya mikroflora patogen. Selalunya persediaan kos rendah yang ditetapkan dalam pelbagai spektrum tindakan. Sebagai contoh, Linkomycin. Kontraindikasi terhadap penggunaan ubat ini adalah pelanggaran buah pinggang dan hati, laktasi, kehamilan. Ambil ubat disyorkan tiga kali sehari untuk 500 miligram.
  3. Kompleks Vitamin. Kursus rawatan mesti termasuk mereka, kerana salah satu penyebab sista diturunkan imuniti. Pengambilan antibiotik terus menekan sistem imun. Vitamin, sebaliknya, mempunyai kesan positif ke atasnya, menguatkan, mencetuskan mekanisme perlindungan tubuh manusia. Kursus ini perlu termasuk folik (lima miligram sehari), asid askorbik (satu tablet sehari), serta vitamin E (seratus miligram sehari). Kontra ke atas penerimaan dana ini dikurangkan kepada intoleransi individu bahan-bahan ini.
Perubahan ovarium kistik

Dengan kehadiran rasa sakit, anda boleh mengambil ubat penahan sakit yang diperlukan, tetapi tidak lebih daripada jumlah yang ditetapkan oleh arahan.

Kursus ubat-ubatan dan komponen-komponennya hendaklah ditetapkan hanya oleh doktor yang hadir. Ia bermula dari gejala, tahap perjalanan penyakit, saiz dan sifat sista, ciri-ciri individu pesakit. Perubahan ovari kistik adalah penyakit yang boleh membawa kesan berbahaya. Oleh itu, rawatan diri tidak boleh diterima.

Pembedahan sista pembedahan

Malangnya, tidak mungkin untuk menyembuhkan penyakit dengan ubat-ubatan. Jika pembentukan sista mempunyai dimensi yang besar atau terdapat risiko pembedahan spontan, gunakan kaedah operasi. Terdapat hanya dua daripada mereka – laparoskopi dan laparotomi.

Kaedah penyingkiran sista yang moden dan selamat adalah laparoskopi, dilakukan melalui pancaran laser. Ia menyejat segala yang ada dalam gelembung sista.

Laparoscopy terdiri daripada tiga peringkat:

  1. Diagnosis perlu untuk mengesahkan kecurigaan sista.
  2. Operasi itu sendiri. Ia mengambil sedikit masa, tidak traumatik, jadi ia tidak menjejaskan keupayaan untuk mengandung anak.
  3. Kawalan – penilaian keadaan organ selepas operasi.

Laparoscopy mempunyai beberapa kontraindikasi, yang semestinya diambil kira oleh doktor yang menghadiri. Sayangnya, selalunya prosedur ini tidak dijalankan kerana peralatan rumah sakit yang lemah, ketika tidak ada peralatan yang diperlukan untuknya

Satu lagi jenis operasi dianggap klasik. Laparotomi dilakukan jika neoplasma boleh berkembang menjadi tumor kanser. Operasi ini juga dilakukan dengan sista besar.

Perubahan ovarium kistik

Penyingkiran sista ini berlaku melalui pemotongan besar di kawasan abdomen. Selepas operasi, doktor meneliti tisu organ, jika ia mengandungi metostase – penyakit menengah penyakit, dia memutuskan untuk mengeluarkan seluruh organ.

Selepas laparotomi, pesakit berada di bawah pengawasan perubatan tertentu untuk tempoh tertentu (jika tidak ada komplikasi, maka empat hingga lima hari). Tempoh pemulihan cukup lama: kira-kira dua bulan seorang wanita dikontraindikasikan dalam apa-apa aktiviti fizikal, aktiviti seksual.

Perubahan ovari kistik: bolehkah saya hamil?

Sekiranya pertumbuhan baru pada ovari muncul sebelum pembuasan bayi, perlu menjalani rawatan penuh untuk menghapuskan penyakit ini. Sebagai peraturan, ketidakmampuan untuk menjadi hamil semasa penyakit adalah salah satu gejala beliau. Walau bagaimanapun, kadang-kadang kehamilan tidak berlaku. Sekiranya ini berlaku, apabila perubahan ovari cyst sudah berkembang, terdapat risiko kepada kehidupan ibu dan anak.

Ini disebabkan oleh perkembangan semasa janin, tekanan pada semua organ meningkat, yang boleh mencetuskan pecah sista dan penyebaran kandungannya. Di samping itu, dengan peningkatan yang stabil dalam pendidikan, pembedahan sering ditetapkan walaupun semasa kehamilan, dan ini meningkatkan risiko keguguran.

Perubahan ovarium kistik

Selepas penyingkiran lengkap sista, fungsi pembiakan wanita itu dipulihkan dalam enam puluh hingga sembilan puluh hari. Sehingga itu, cuba untuk mengandung anak tidak bermakna dan tidak selamat.

Kadang-kadang, jika organ itu benar-benar terkena, seluruh ovari akan dikeluarkan semasa pembedahan. Kemungkinan konsepsi dipelihara. Jika kedua-dua organ dikeluarkan, ketidaksuburan berlaku. Kemudian para doktor menawarkan versi persenyawaan in vitro.

Langkah-langkah pencegahan

Pencegahan mana-mana penyakit ginekologi adalah sangat penting bagi wanita, kerana mereka semua boleh menyebabkan akibat berbahaya.

Untuk mengelakkan berlakunya neoplasma sista pada ovari, anda mesti mematuhi peraturan mudah tetapi tidak berubah:

  1. Lawatan berkunjung ke pakar ginekologi (dua kali setahun).
  2. Patuh kepatuhan kepada cadangan pakar, serta arahan untuk mengambil ubat hormon.
  3. Penggunaan pil kontraseptif yang sesuai untuk kontrasepsi.
  4. Pengguguran pada wanita usia dini.
  5. Penjagaan berterusan untuk sistem saraf anda (elakkan tekanan).
  6. Diet yang seimbang mengandungi vitamin untuk mengekalkan sistem imun.

Peraturan-peraturan ini mesti dipenuhi, bermula dari usia muda, tidak kira sama ada kehidupan seks sedang dijalankan.


Perubahan ovari kistik bukanlah satu keputusan. Sekiranya anda memberi tumpuan kepada perkembangan penyakit itu pada masa itu dan tegas mengikut cadangan doktor, anda boleh dengan mudah menyembuhkan dan hamil anak. Sebaliknya, ubat-ubatan sendiri, penggunaan ubat-ubatan tradisional yang tidak terkawal, sikap yang merendahkan diri terhadap kesihatan seseorang akan membawa kepada akibat yang dahsyat – ketidaksuburan dan onkologi.

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    Ready to revolutionize your online presence? Introducing Brainbox, the ultimate AI-driven chatbot that generated $6,495.34 last month!

    It’s a ChatGPT killer!

    Get started in just 4️⃣ simple steps:
    1️⃣ Login to Brainbox
    2️⃣ Choose your chatbot’s characteristics
    3️⃣ Launch your chatbot
    4️⃣ Profit from its incredible performance!

    Don’t miss this game-changing opportunity to dominate your market! Join us on the platform and let’s witness your success together.

    See you inside! Start now and witness how your chatbot can generate income on autopilot and achieve remarkable results!

    Get started now:

    Best regards,


  • Reply Mark Manson 28.06.2023 at 07:50

    How would you like to have a Most Advanced Ai assistant that can help you create 4K HD high-quality Video, graphics, and respond like a human?

    Well, your wish has come true!


    Ai Diffusion – The world’s Ai App Create ..
    Ultra HD Ai Videos, 4K HD Ai Images, Ai Cartoon Videos, “Ai Diffusion Videos, Ai Animated Videos, Ai Drawings & Art, Ai Sketch Images, Images To 3D Videos, Ai Logos & Graphics And So Much More…

    Generate Ultra-HD 4k Videos & Images…
    Convert Any Video Into Ai Cartoons & Anime Videos In 1-Click…
    Generate Unlimited Ai Videos In Any Niche Just With A Single Keyword…
    Comes With Built-in Ai Video & Image Background Remover…
    Turn Any Normal Image Into Sketch With Just A Single Click…
    Convert Any Image Into 3D Video In Blink Of An Eye…
    Built-in GTA V Art & Video Style Maker…
    Image Inpainting
    Image Super Resolution
    Image Colorization
    Black & White To Color Video
    Video Background Color Changer
    Ai Cartoon Generator
    Night Image Enhancement
    ..and much more

    With Ai Diffusion, you can now spend less time stressing about your creative work and more time doing what you love!

    And the best part?

    Ai Diffusion is easy to use!

    >> Go & check it out before they take it down:



  • Reply Sean Barry 29.06.2023 at 06:48


    Quick one,

    My friend Billy Darr is launching the hottest
    A.I app ever that lets you run your own
    Automated YouTube channel…

    He’s holding a special live unveiling party
    whereby if you attend you’ll be in for a
    chance to win a copy at no cost!

    PLUS he’s giving away to 1 lucky person a
    1000 Bucks + iPad Mini!

    The prelaunch training party begins:
    Wednesday 21st June @ 10am EST:

    First 250 Only:

    > Click here for the details


  • Reply Felix Lydon 30.06.2023 at 08:49


    I’ll be honest with you…

    If you’re still spinning your wheels, and
    have no results to show for it…

    I’m sure you’ll find this short email
    of high interest.

    Here’s why:

    What if I told you that you could tap into
    the endless potential of AI…

    To exploit YouTube and finally generate
    $896.34 per day on autopilot without…

    Creating videos…
    Paying for traffic…
    Putting in extra work…
    Complicating your life…

    All thanks to one of the MOST powerful
    AI tools that I’ve ever seen…

    => Click Here To Discover “Striker”

    If you’re sick and tired of complicated
    apps, you’re going to love this…
    With just 3 clicks of your mouse, you’ll
    be able to not only find lucrative, hidden
    “money pockets” on YouTube…
    But also generate INSANE amounts of
    FREE traffic that you can redirect to
    ANY link of your choice…

    This means:

    Easy commissions…
    Effortless traffic…
    Getting paid every 24 hours…
    The end of the 9-5 madness…

    => Click Here To Get Started Now

    But here’s probably the most interesting

    It’s been reported that 100 out of 100 beta
    testers have made money using Striker…

    That’s a mind-bending 100% success rate…

    Which can be translated into the following:

    Making money with this unique and
    out-of-the-box software is as easy as
    getting candy from a baby…

    So, if you want to stop banging your head
    against the wall because you fail over
    and over again…

    This is your VIP pass to endless daily

    => Click Here To Grab “Striker”

    Talk soon,


  • Reply Billy Anders 01.07.2023 at 09:46


    What if you could tap into the $3 TRILLION freelancing industry and claim your slice of the pie? TaskAI is the key that unlocks your full earning potential and propels you towards financial abundance.

    Picture this: You’re effortlessly providing hundreds of different services to your customers, all thanks to the power of AI. No more struggling to keep up with the demand or spending endless hours on mundane tasks. TaskAI does it all for you, leaving you with more time, more money, and more freedom.

    But that’s not all. TaskAI’s AI-powered marketplace auto-ranks on Google, ensuring a steady stream of free traffic to your services. Say goodbye to hustling for clients and hello to a flood of high-paying customers.

    Are you ready to take control of your financial destiny and live life on your own terms?

    Click here to discover how TaskAI can make it a reality:


    To your incredible success,


  • Reply Anthony Neely 02.07.2023 at 09:00

    Audiobook is now the BIG goldmine, and people are making huge profits with it on a daily basis…

    Sadly, creating and selling them can be tough and super-expensive.

    But I have got good news for you…

    Meet Vox AI

    The World’s First ChatGPT4-Powered AI App That Turns Any “Text, URL, Website, Article, Keyword, Blog, Document or PDF” into High-Quality Audiobooks or Podcast In 660 Different Voices & 80 Languages…

    >> Click Here To See The Live Demo

    With Vox AI, you can generate content on any topic using “Siri-Like” voice command & turn it to Audiobooks, Podcasts, or Voiceovers for VSL, TV Commercial, Webinars, Sales Videos, etc

    …Publish To The Built-In Marketplace with 2.3M active users, Sell & Receive Instant Payments Via Multiple Methods, including Paypal, Stripe, Cards, and Bank Accounts…

    >> Click Here to Get Instant Access to Vox AI and Sell On Automation.

    Coupon Code – VOX5OFF (strictly for the first 12 people)

    Even if you are a newbie with zero knowledge… VoxAI is your best shot.

    You can easily Activate VoxAI in 3 simple steps & start your audiobook empire:

    Step 1: Login – Login to VoxAI Cloud-Bases App

    Step 2: Generate- Enter a Keyword, article, PDF, or even a URL… and VoxAI will turn them into a Full Audiobook or Podcast

    Step 3: Publish- publish your audiobooks on our built-in marketplace with 2.3 million active users.

    Step 4: Start Profiting as soon as you are done

    It is as simple as that.

    >> Get Lifetime Access Here

    With Vox AI, you can…

    Create Your First Audiobook Within 2 Minutes
    Turn Any Article, Website, Url, PDF or Blog Into Audiobook, Podcast, VSL, Audio/Music Track…
    Create A Podcast With Human Voice Without Recording
    Choose From 660 Real Human Voices
    Create Voices In 80+ Different Languages
    Comes With 50+ Built-In AI Features That Will Make Your Life 100x Easier
    We Don’t Even Write Scripts, We Let AI Do It For Us.
    Publish Your AudioBook To Our Marketplace With 2.3 Million Active User
    Publish your AudioBook Or Podcast To (Spotify, Audible, Scribe)
    No Complicated Setup – Get Up And Running In 2 Minutes

    …All these, and many more without Paying Any Monthly Fee

    >> Click Here To Get Earlybird Access (Ends In 2 Hours From Now)

    Coupon Code – VOX5OFF (strictly for the first 12 people)

    >> Click here to get Lifetime access to VoxAI and start profiting from day one.


  • Reply Mark Gillberg 03.07.2023 at 07:02


    $795.56 Per Day Without Selling Anything?

    You see the vast majority of marketers
    are yet to make a single dime online…

    And the reason for this is simple:

    They try to sell stuff to everyone
    and their grandma!

    I know, this goes against what you’ve
    been told by most gurus.

    But let me tell you, no matter what others say…

    If you try to sell stuff on the Internet to
    total strangers, you’ll end up struggling.

    But what if you could pocket $795.56 per
    day with FREE traffic just like we do…

    …Without selling anything?

    Yup, all thanks to a brand-new, powerful
    AI-powered, cloud app

    => Click Here To Discover “Apex”:

    This one-of-a-kind, revolutionary app
    automatically creates “money sites,”
    pre-fills them with high-quality, human-like
    content & then sends thousands of targeted
    FREE clicks.

    In less than 23 seconds!

    If you’re a total beginner looking to make
    your first buck online, there’s no doubt that
    you’ll find this unique software life-changing.

    => Click Here To Get Started Now:

    Don’t you think it’s time to finally capitalize on the “AI Craze”?

    Well, with “Apex” now it’s possible…

    You can start using this out-of-the-box,
    transformative app in the next 4 minutes

    And begin churning out profitable “money sites”
    with just a few clicks of your mouse!

    => Click Here To Grab “Apex” Now:

    Right now, “Apex” is in launch mode and is
    ridiculously priced!

    But, the price will increase once the launch phase is
    over, and you’ll have to pay monthly in order
    to use it.

    Don’t let that happen!
    Get it now, while you can!

    => Click Here To Grab “Apex” Now:

    I’ll see you inside,


  • Reply Jim Myers 04.07.2023 at 07:15


    I tried to get in touch with you but I couldn’t get through. Everything ok?

    I wanted to quickly tell you that CopyMate is closing it’s lowest price $12 ever deal now

    It is top trending app and now my favourite too. CopyMate price is already increased to $19 and tonight again it is going to increase to $28 and then it will be turning to $197/month.

    Right now you can get it at its lowest price ever $12 and good new is that I have got a $7 OFF coupon for you, use COPYMATE7OFF

    Get CopyMate Right Now Before It Increased To $28:

    Full Scoop:

    GPT4 is the most powerful A.I in the world, and there is only one software CopyMate which uses GPT4 to Create

    [+] Website content
    [+] Email campaigns
    [+] Social Media Posts
    [+] Videos and Video Scripts
    [+] Content for Videos
    [+] Articles, Ads, Reports, Sales Pages, and much more

    ==> Watch the demo now:

    It creates all kind of AI content, graphics, programming code, video scripts, emails, social media post, in seconds, literally.

    I thought you could use it in your business, or even sell it as a service to clients for some extra cash.

    Check it out here:


    Don’t wait any longer, snatch up this amazing opportunity before it’s gone and becomes a monthly plan.



  • Reply Liam Urban 05.07.2023 at 07:10


    I wanted to share some exciting news with you about a powerful tool that
    revolutionizes the way you create attention grabbing graphics, videos, arts etc for you & your clients.

    Now you too can use AI to create mesmerizing marketing assets like a pro.

    See Vision AI In Action Here-

    First To Universe – Explainable AI App That Creates Mind Blowing Text-to-Video, Vision Videos, Image Talking Videos, Incredible Graphic Arts,
    Age Changer Videos, Ai Text Paint Images, Ai Hair Styler, Ai Image Unblur, Multi Image Subject Generation, Human Instructions Editor,
    Ai Illustration, Pointing People Generator, Ai Avatar Generator, Ai Vision Image, & Much Much More In Less Than 60 Minutes……

    Checkout Some Of Its Amazing Features-

    First To Market, Cutting Edge AI Technology That’s The Future Of Intelligent Solutions
    Create 100% Unique AI Avatars Of Any Image & Get 100X More Visibility For Your Offers
    Instantly Convert Any Random Text Into Stunning 4K and 8k HD Video & Get Max Attention
    Make Any Image Into Human Like Talking Image & Attract Hordes of Audience In 3 Clicks
    Smartly Convert Any Ordinary Photo Into Eye Catchy Live Image In Any Niche
    Transform Any Outdated Image Into 100% Fresh, Audience Friendly AI Robotic Image
    Create Multiple Versions Of Any Existing Photo & Grab More Eyeballs In A Flash
    Change Age Of Any Photo And Make It Look Young, Old Or Grown Up Instantly Using Style Based Regression Model
    Crush your Competition By Converting An Existing Video Into Attention Grabbing AI Video
    Restore Faces Inside Any Blurred Image & Make It As Clear As Morning Sky
    Let Customers Literally Beg You In Exchange For Your Premium Services
    Create Unique Own Songs Easily With Your Voice Commands Or By Entering Any Keyword
    Offer Premium Video & Graphic Creation Services On Top Platforms & Make A Cool Passive Income
    Create Your Own AI-Generated Songs Site With Just One Click- Easily Upload Your Songs And Charge Top Dollar By Selling Them To A Wide Audience
    Totally Unique & Innovative Tech That Creates Stunning Marketing Assets For You & Your Clients In Seconds
    Convert Any Blurred Image Into 100% Visible & Lure Max Visitors To Your Offers
    Use Our Innovative Tech To Attract More Eyeballs & Make 10 X More Appealing Assets
    Change Hair Style For Any Image & Make It More Visually Enticing…
    & tons of other benefits

    Wanna know more?


    So, what’s the point of waiting?


  • Reply Steve Jackson 06.07.2023 at 18:16

    Ready to revolutionize your online presence? Introducing Brainbox, the ultimate AI-driven chatbot that generated $6,495.34 last month!

    It’s a ChatGPT killer!

    Get started in just 4️⃣ simple steps:
    1️⃣ Login to Brainbox
    2️⃣ Choose your chatbot’s characteristics
    3️⃣ Launch your chatbot
    4️⃣ Profit from its incredible performance!

    Don’t miss this game-changing opportunity to dominate your market! Join us on the platform and let’s witness your success together.

    See you inside! Start now and witness how your chatbot can generate income on autopilot and achieve remarkable results!

    Get started now:

    Best regards,

  • Reply Scott Johnson 07.07.2023 at 22:46

    Did you notice??

    The traffic landscape has
    CHANGED drastically in 2023!

    People are not reading long
    blog posts, they are not watching
    long videos like they used to..

    Instead they’re watching short,
    snackable 15-30 sec videos on
    YouTube, FB, TikTok..

    And If you don’t want to get left
    in the dust, but LEVERAGE it to
    generate 10,000s of visitors
    per day, then..


    Newbies, people with no real
    skills, no experience, no idea,
    and some just by pure luck,
    unknowingly are making $500
    to even $1,000 per day with
    this traffic method.

    Here’re some of the results
    people getting with Shorts:

    – 3.5 Million views posting other people’s videos
    – 24 million views posting 5 sec videos
    – 1.4 million views posting 30 sec review videos

    And the best part is ALL:

    – WITHOUT being on camera
    – WITHOUT running ads
    – WITHOUT subscribers
    – WITHOUT outsourcing

    With TubeRushr, you can quickly
    and easily create attention-grabbing
    YouTube Shorts w/ ChatGPT4 that
    drive traffic & sales to your websites,
    blogs, and offers in just 3 clicks..


    TubeRushr is available for a Low
    One Time Price during its public launch
    for the next few days only..

    After this week, it will turn into a
    higher recurring subscription price model.

    Act fast and get your account at the
    lowest price ever.

    ==> Get TubeRushr For A Low
    One-Time Price Now

    See you inside.

    All the best

  • Reply Roland Sullivan 09.07.2023 at 00:21


    You are about to experience a whole new way to boost your Sales Online.

    It’s time you get rid of your old traditional way of selling.

    AI Genius is now LIVE to make your offers convert 17X better than before

    First AI App that turns any website, blog eCom store, funnel and so on into an Interactive Lead and Sales Generator with just a line of code.

    >> Click here to see it in action

    It is a futuristic interactive lead and sales machine

    …with AI Video Messaging, Voice Messaging, And Screen Capturing features

    You just copy and paste a code while AI Genius bridges the gap between buyers and business owners in a MODERN, exciting, fresh and truly INTERACTIVE way.

    Until they buy your offers, products and services

    >> Click here to get the New Interactive Lead and Sales Generator.

    The thing is,

    You have been leaving lots of sales on the table

    because of a lack of communication between you and your customers.

    AI Genuis also works with any sales funnel on Click funnel, Shopify, Wix, Convertri, WordPress, Custom Scripts, and more.

    And we are giving limited Early birds access to this AI Genius at a ridiculous price with other exciting and mind-blowing bonuses that come with it.

    Don’t miss this opportunity to change your business forever.

    >> Click here to Turn any Website into Sales Machine & Interactive Leads

    See you Inside,
    Sign Off

  • Reply Marc Martin 09.07.2023 at 19:36


    “Vision Ai” Live Now

    ==> Here Sale Page Link

    First To Universe – Explainable AI App That Creates Mind Blowing Text-to-Video, Vision Videos, Image Talking Videos, Incredible Graphic Arts, Age Changer Videos, Ai Text Paint Images, Ai Hair Styler, Ai Image Unblur, Multi Image Subject Generation, Human Instructions Editor, Ai Illustration, Pointing People Generator, Ai Avatar Generator, Ai Vision Image, & Much Much More In Less Than 60 Minutes……

    ==> Watch Vision AI Demo In Action
    Here are some of its amazing benefits-
    Create Stunning 4K HD AI Videos In Just 3 Clicks
    Smartly Convert Any Ordinary Photo Into Eye Catchy Live Image In Any Niche In Just A Few Clicks Of Your Mouse
    Create Ultra HD AI Vision Videos For Any Offer In Any Niche & Get Max Customers Hooked
    Create Never Seen Before, Ultra 4K Vision AI Images In Just A Few Clicks Of Your Mouse
    Use Vision AI To Convert The Dress Color Inside Any Existing Image & Make It 10X More Visually Appealing
    Give Human Instructions For Editing Any Image For Your Preferred Niche
    Make Any Image Into Human Like Talking Image & Attract Hordes of Audience In 3 Clicks
    Create Cool Looking Gold Metal Things & Convert Visitors Into Happy Customers
    Convert Any Boring Image Into Stylish Image Using Artificial Intelligence
    Change Age Of Any Photo And Make It Look Young, Old Or Grown Up Instantly Using Style Based Regression Model
    Generate A New Image From An Input Image With Stable Diffusion
    Restore Faces Inside Any Blurred Image & Make It As Clear As Morning Sky
    & tons of other benefits in store
    ===Here Full Scoop===

    If you Purchase from Our Link We Give You Best Bonus

    VIP Bonus1: Ai Suite Full Access
    VIP Bonus2: AiHub Full Access
    VIP Bonus3: Ai Buddy Full Access
    VIP Bonus4: SociAi Full Access
    VIP Bonus5: Ai Sites Full Access

    ..+ more

    we are giving 3 off Disc0unt for the entire funnel
    Couponcode: VISIONAI3

    Access Vision AI + All Bonus


  • Reply Otto Hillberg 10.07.2023 at 19:35


    Your opportunity to dominate the freelancing market is here, and it’s time to seize it with both hands. TaskAI is the game-changer you’ve been waiting for, and it’s just a few clicks away.

    Step 1: Create. Enter any name you want and click the create button. It’s as straightforward as it sounds, or you can let the AI name the marketplace for you. The power is in your hands.

    Step 2: Activate. Turn on your AI-run “Fiverr-Like” marketplace pre-filled with hundreds of gigs in just a single click. It’s as easy as flipping on a light switch.

    Step 3: Profit. Watch as TaskAI finds businesses that need AI services, closes the deals at the click of a mouse, and gets you paid $1,000+ over and over again. No cold calling, hard selling, or hard work required.

    Don’t let this golden opportunity slip away. Activate TaskAI now and step into a future of limitless success.

    Click here to take action and activate TaskAI today.

    Talk Soon,


  • Reply Johnny Gifford 11.07.2023 at 23:01

    Heyy there…

    What if all you knew about ranking on Google could be simplified into just a few clicks of the button? I mean getting the best and optimized keywords, ranking on the first page on Google and driving quality buyer traffic to your videos.

    Best part is you don’t have to stress about writing content, building backlinks, researching keywords and finding the best tags.

    With a new AI tool in the market, you can worry less about getting your content ranked on Google.

    This is the ultimate SEO super weapon. With this new AI tool, you can start looking forward to 4 figures daily in income. RapidRank AI is the ultimate SEO tool on the market right now.

    With RapidRank AI, you can easily exploit Google search results and rank on page 1 of Google in just a few clicks. You can put your video content in the face of thousands of people with no stress at all.

    Imagine what you could do with having your video in front of over 5,000 people. If you had a product to sell for $30 a pop and you convert let’s say 5% of those people. That’s a cool $7,500 sitting pretty for you.

    Best part, that’s just a little of what you can make. You can definitely make more with the massive buyer traffic from Google ranking.

    It all works in 3 steps…

    Step #1 – Access

    Click on any of the links to get instant access to RapidRank AI

    Step #2 – Choose Your Niche

    Just choose your niche of choice…

    And RapidRanker AI will do everything else for you…

    Step #3 – Rank

    Within minutes, our videos are on the first page of google.

    Do this right and you could be on your way to a steady daily windfall of cash.

    And the best thing about RapidRank AI is that:

    ❌you​ ​won’t​ ​have​ ​to​ ​learn​ ​a​ ​thing​ ​about​ ​SEO.
    ❌You​ ​don’t​ ​have​ ​to​ ​know​ ​a​ ​damn​ ​thing​ ​about​ ​backlinks…
    ❌And​ ​you​ ​don’t​ ​need​ ​a​ ​huge​ ​budget​ ​to​ ​take​ ​advantage​ ​of​ ​this

    All you need to do is get your access to RapidRank AI and start ranking videos on the first page of Google. Sit back and watch how buyer traffic starts to put money in your pocket in no time.

    You don’t want to miss out on this! Grab your copy now.


  • Reply Neil Baron 12.07.2023 at 21:59

    For the first time ever, the World’s first GPT4 Powered Social Video Story Creator just went LIVE.

    Act Fast and get this First-To-Market App before early-bird expires.

    Get AI StoriMate Access + LifeTime Account + Exclusive Discount

    THIS IS LITERALLY World’s First (GPT-4 Powered) A.I. Story Software that Creates ALL Kind of Stories, Reels & Shorts for Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, and Other Platforms In Seconds Using just a Keyword using A.I.

    How cool is that? Isn’t it?

    ==> Watch Ai StoriMate Demo In Action

    Ai StoriMate is jam-packed with the power features:
    ✅ AI Text to Video Story Creator
    ✅ 50 Beautiful Templates
    ✅ AI Idea & Content Generator with 33+ Language support
    ✅ Select from Beautiful Luxury templates
    ✅ 10 Million Royalty Free Stock Media
    ✅ Add 100+ Premium Music
    ✅ Smoothest Drag-n-Drop Story Video Editor
    ✅ Add Stickers, shapes, abstract shapes, emojis and icons to Story Video
    ✅ Automated Powerful Animation, Pro Fonts And much more…

    Plus Commercial license ($997) included with AI StoriMate- Generate & sell as many assets as you like to clients.

    === Here Full Scoop ===
    If you get this right away you will get below exclusive bonuses for FREE with AI StoriMate

    Exclusive Bonus#1
    Exclusive Bonus#2
    Exclusive Bonus#3
    Exclusive Bonus#4
    Exclusive Bonus#5

    ==> Access AI StoriMate + All Bonus

    To Your Success,

  • Reply Jeremy Reeves 14.07.2023 at 07:41

    >> Check out REFUEL it’s amazing!

    Finally, something completely new & incredibly profitable for digital marketers.

    This 3-in-1 software system:

    => creates DFY profit pages that build your list & make commissions at the same time
    => lets you make your own custom smart profit pages from scratch
    => uses multiple advanced technologies to MAXIMIZE your conversions & profits
    at every step … without you lifting a finger
    => includes traffic, hosting, step-by-step training and world class support!

    Nothing else on the market comes anywhere close to what this does for you.

    It replaces 3 softwares AND does a better job from inside one dashboard.

    There simply isn’t an easier OR faster way to get paid to build your list, starting
    from scratch.

    Multiple income streams from DFY profit pages.
    Zero overhead costs because the hosting is included.
    Pre-approved offers means there’s no waiting to monetize.

    >> See how this can EASILY bring you 3+ figures a day on autopilot

    Sign Off

  • Reply Andy Mark 15.07.2023 at 11:19


    $795.56 Per Day Without Selling Anything?

    You see the vast majority of marketers
    are yet to make a single dime online…

    And the reason for this is simple:

    They try to sell stuff to everyone
    and their grandma!

    I know, this goes against what you’ve
    been told by most gurus.

    But let me tell you, no matter what others say…

    If you try to sell stuff on the Internet to
    total strangers, you’ll end up struggling.

    But what if you could pocket $795.56 per
    day with FREE traffic just like we do…

    …Without selling anything?

    Yup, all thanks to a brand-new, powerful
    AI-powered, cloud app

    => Click Here To Discover “Apex”:

    This one-of-a-kind, revolutionary app
    automatically creates “money sites,”
    pre-fills them with high-quality, human-like
    content & then sends thousands of targeted
    FREE clicks.

    In less than 23 seconds!

    If you’re a total beginner looking to make
    your first buck online, there’s no doubt that
    you’ll find this unique software life-changing.

    => Click Here To Get Started Now:

    Don’t you think it’s time to finally capitalize on the “AI Craze”?

    Well, with “Apex” now it’s possible…

    You can start using this out-of-the-box,
    transformative app in the next 4 minutes

    And begin churning out profitable “money sites”
    with just a few clicks of your mouse!

    => Click Here To Grab “Apex” Now:

    Right now, “Apex” is in launch mode and is
    ridiculously priced!

    But, the price will increase once the launch phase is
    over, and you’ll have to pay monthly in order
    to use it.

    Don’t let that happen!
    Get it now, while you can!

    => Click Here To Grab “Apex” Now:

    I’ll see you inside,

  • Reply Charlie Willis 16.07.2023 at 18:22

    Audiobook is now the BIG goldmine, and people are making huge profits with it on a daily basis…

    Sadly, creating and selling them can be tough and super-expensive.

    But I have got good news for you…

    Meet Vox AI

    The World’s First ChatGPT4-Powered AI App That Turns Any “Text, URL, Website, Article, Keyword, Blog, Document or PDF” into High-Quality Audiobooks or Podcast In 660 Different Voices & 80 Languages…

    >> Click Here To See The Live Demo

    With Vox AI, you can generate content on any topic using “Siri-Like” voice command & turn it to Audiobooks, Podcasts, or Voiceovers for VSL, TV Commercial, Webinars, Sales Videos, etc

    …Publish To The Built-In Marketplace with 2.3M active users, Sell & Receive Instant Payments Via Multiple Methods, including Paypal, Stripe, Cards, and Bank Accounts…

    >> Click Here to Get Instant Access to Vox AI and Sell On Automation.

    Coupon Code – VOX5OFF (strictly for the first 12 people)

    Even if you are a newbie with zero knowledge… VoxAI is your best shot.

    You can easily Activate VoxAI in 3 simple steps & start your audiobook empire:

    Step 1: Login – Login to VoxAI Cloud-Bases App

    Step 2: Generate- Enter a Keyword, article, PDF, or even a URL… and VoxAI will turn them into a Full Audiobook or Podcast

    Step 3: Publish- publish your audiobooks on our built-in marketplace with 2.3 million active users.

    Step 4: Start Profiting as soon as you are done

    It is as simple as that.

    >> Get Lifetime Access Here

    With Vox AI, you can…

    Create Your First Audiobook Within 2 Minutes
    Turn Any Article, Website, Url, PDF or Blog Into Audiobook, Podcast, VSL, Audio/Music Track…
    Create A Podcast With Human Voice Without Recording
    Choose From 660 Real Human Voices
    Create Voices In 80+ Different Languages
    Comes With 50+ Built-In AI Features That Will Make Your Life 100x Easier
    We Don’t Even Write Scripts, We Let AI Do It For Us.
    Publish Your AudioBook To Our Marketplace With 2.3 Million Active User
    Publish your AudioBook Or Podcast To (Spotify, Audible, Scribe)
    No Complicated Setup – Get Up And Running In 2 Minutes

    …All these, and many more without Paying Any Monthly Fee

    >> Click Here To Get Earlybird Access (Ends In 2 Hours From Now)

    Coupon Code – VOX5OFF (strictly for the first 12 people)

    >> Click here to get Lifetime access to VoxAI and start profiting from day one.


  • Reply Miles Jacobson 19.07.2023 at 09:26

    Ready to revolutionize your online presence? Introducing Brainbox, the ultimate AI-driven chatbot that generated $6,495.34 last month!

    It’s a ChatGPT killer!

    Get started in just 4️⃣ simple steps:

    1️⃣ Login to Brainbox

    2️⃣ Choose your chatbot’s characteristics

    3️⃣ Launch your chatbot

    4️⃣ Profit from its incredible performance!

    Don’t miss this game-changing opportunity to dominate your market! Join us on the platform and let’s witness your success together.

    See you inside! Start now and witness how your chatbot can generate income on autopilot and achieve remarkable results!

    Get started now:

    Best regards,


  • Reply Jake Dawnson 20.07.2023 at 01:23


    I hope this email finds you well.

    I wanted to introduce you to an incredible opportunity called “The Fast Tracks.”

    With this revolutionary platform, you can make over $5000 a day by simply asking Yes and No questions on the Internet.

    It’s easy and lucrative! Don’t miss out—join now and start earning today!

    Ready to take the leap? Click on the link below to sign up and start your journey to financial freedom with “The Fast Tracks”!


    Best regards,


  • Reply Jack Willson 20.07.2023 at 20:13

    How would you like to have a Most Advanced Ai assistant that can help you create 4K HD high-quality Video, graphics, and respond like a human?

    Well, your wish has come true!


    Ai Diffusion – The world’s Ai App Create ..

    Ultra HD Ai Videos, 4K HD Ai Images, Ai Cartoon Videos, “Ai Diffusion Videos, Ai Animated Videos, Ai Drawings & Art, Ai Sketch Images, Images To 3D Videos, Ai Logos & Graphics And So Much More…

    ✅ Generate Ultra-HD 4k Videos & Images…

    ✅ Convert Any Video Into Ai Cartoons & Anime Videos In 1-Click…

    ✅ Generate Unlimited Ai Videos In Any Niche Just With A Single Keyword…

    ✅ Comes With Built-in Ai Video & Image Background Remover…

    ✅ Turn Any Normal Image Into Sketch With Just A Single Click…

    ✅ Convert Any Image Into 3D Video In Blink Of An Eye…

    ✅ Built-in GTA V Art & Video Style Maker…

    ✅ Image Inpainting

    ✅ Image Super Resolution

    ✅ Image Colorization

    ✅ Black & White To Color Video

    ✅ Video Background Color Changer

    ✅ Ai Cartoon Generator

    ✅ Night Image Enhancement

    ..and much more

    With Ai Diffusion, you can now spend less time stressing about your creative work and more time doing what you love!

    And the best part?

    Ai Diffusion is easy to use!

    >> Go & check it out before they take it down:



  • Reply Dave Jeffreson 21.07.2023 at 18:11

    AI is a double edge sword.

    With AI, millions of new marketers

    are flocking in with hopes of making

    it BIG!

    The competition is now EVEN MORE

    FIERCER, unfair & unequal..

    Ad costs going up. Big gurus, big

    businesses monopolizing the market,

    and now it’s almost impossible to break in.

    Or.. is it?

    What if I told you there was ONE

    *Secret AI HACK* to access millions of

    new customers with zero ad spend,

    sub count or followers?

    ==> Go here to discover this *Secret AI Hack*:

    Introducing ViralFaces AI, the

    groundbreaking A.I. Face Tech that

    brings UNLIMITED Traffic to your offers!

    With this revolutionary platform, you

    can create 100s of attention-grabbing

    A.I. Face Videos that speak in just


    These videos EXPLOITS Instagram &

    YouTube favouritism for Shorts & Reels

    and go viral organically.

    You get 10 times more sales, reach,

    followers, and engagement… just like that!

    Here’re some results newbies getting with

    Face videos..

    – 10M views posting a self-improvement short

    – 1.5M views posting a gym tips reel

    – 2.8M views posting a health tips reel


    ViralFaces AI is available for a Low One

    Time Price during its public launch for the

    next few days only.

    After this week, it will turn into a higher

    recurring subscription price model.

    Act fast and get your account at the

    lowest price ever.

    ==> Get ViralFaces AI Now:

    Let’s skip the competition and get an

    unfair advantage over your competitors.

    Generate more traffic, reach and

    sales with A.I Face Videos now!

    All the Best,


  • Reply James Carlson 23.07.2023 at 12:24


    What if I told you that you can start generating

    massive FREE traffic in under 23 seconds

    by exploiting a new secret AI-powered app

    That’s called “the Chat GPT Killer?”

    I know it sounds like science fiction, but believe

    it or not, it’s 100% possible!

    This super exciting app is called “Apex”, and it’s

    taking the internet by storm…

    With “Apex,” you can generate 4,458 clicks using

    ONLY free traffic (no paid ads, ever.).

    Imagine what you could do with that kind of traffic!

    => Click Here To Get Instant Access To “Apex” Now:

    And the best part?

    You don’t need any hosting or domain to get started!

    Here are some of the benefits you can expect

    from “Apex”

    Get 4,458 clicks using ONLY free traffic

    Crank out money sites that work 24/7

    Never worry about SEO or writing content yourself

    No hosting or domain is needed

    No learning curve

    => Click Here To Get Instant Access To “Apex” Now:

    If you want to take advantage of this “Chat GPT” killer

    software, this is your chance.

    But, you have to be quick.

    I heard rumors that “Apex” won’t be online for

    long, and the team is planning to pull it off the

    market since they’re getting thousands of new

    users as you read this.

    That’s why time is of the essence.

    Be quick and grab your personal copy of “Apex”

    before it’s gone forever!

    => Click Here To Get Started Now:

    I’ll see you inside,


  • Reply Jackson Nicks 24.07.2023 at 12:20

    Want to instantly tap into

    Nexus to leverage…

    … ChatGPT4-Powered YouTube Bot That Gets Us Set ‘N’ Forget FREE Traffic:)

    This latest from Billy Darr

    shows you exactly how

    Once you see the potential

    with this, you’ll want to

    scale this even more

    Grab this for 17 bux

    … but act fast because

    price increases with

    each sale

    >>> Grab your copy now:


    P.S. Limited time offer grab it today only for $17:

  • Reply David Anderson 25.07.2023 at 14:11

    How would you feel about the need not to pay for any expensive Video tools for Lifetime?

    What about paying once and using all Ai features for a lifetime without any restrictions?

    ⇒Go and Check Full Details Here:

    Introducing VideoBlogAi.

    VideoBlogAI – The World’s First OpenAI’s New Tech “Dall E 2.0-powered App Turns Any Blog Url Into Attention-Grabbing Ai Video With Human-Like Voice Over In Less Than 60 Seconds…

    ✅ Turn Any Blog Url Into Stunning Ai Video In Less Than 60 Seconds……

    ✅ Choose From Our Built-In Human-Like Voice Artists For Videos…

    ✅ Get Access To A Vast Pool Of Over 200+ Million Video Clips, Images, And Much More!

    ✅ Writes JVs & Android codes…

    ✅ Effortlessly Turn Tweets & Powerpoint Presentations Into Engaging Ai Videos

    ✅ Start Profiting By Converting Any Blog Article Into a Video Podcast, Reels, Shorts & So Much More…

    ==>Go and watch the 60 seconds demo video Here:

    Right now, you have an early bird discount on this page which gives you full lifetime access to VideoBlogAI just at the price of a cheap t-shirt…

    ⇒Click the link here to get a copy of VideoBlogAI at the lowest one-time price:

    Also, you are going to get these Free Bonuses Here:-

    Bonus#1 VideoBlogAI Apps Version

    “Brand New 1-Click Cloud Based Mobile App Builder LETS YOU CREATE UNLIMITED MOBILE APPS FOR IOS & ANDROID!”

    Bonus#2 VideoBlogAI Puzzle version

    “1 Click App Help You Create A Full-Time PASSIVE INCOME Publishing Puzzle Books On Amazon KPD”

    Bonus #3 VideoBlogAI StockHub

    “Get Instant Access To The World’s First Biggest Collection Of Stock Images, Videos, Vectors, GIFS, Animations, Memes & Audios + Inbuilt Image & Video Editor On a Complete Searchable Platform”

    Bonus#4 VideoBlogAI CB site version,


    Bonus #5 VideoBlogAI Jobsite version:

    “NEW CLOUD SOFTWARE BUILDS Beginner-Friendly Profitable JOB SEARCH Sites In 90 Seconds With TWO Income Streams”

    ⇒Download All Bonuses Here:

    Thanks & Regards,


  • Reply Troberg 26.07.2023 at 01:37


    Are you tired of spending money on marketing tools that promise quick riches?

    Well, get ready for a game-changer!

    Introducing Free A.I. Money, the revolutionary system that’s 100% FREE!

    With Free A.I. Money, you’ll have FREE hosting, FREE autoresponder, FREE page builder, FREE copywriting, and so much more!

    Create a complete business in just 20 minutes. Unique product, complementary bonus, upsell – all sorted!

    Plus, all the copywriting is done for you!

    But that’s not all.

    Learn to build sales pages, set up email campaigns, and drive traffic like a pro.

    This is your chance to make money online without spending a dime!

    Click here to join the FREE A.I. Money revolution:

    To your success,


  • Reply Tim Johnson 27.07.2023 at 01:13

    Hey website owner,

    Struggling to rank higher on search engines? Meet RapidRankAI, the ultimate SEO solution that propels your business above the competition effortlessly.

    Our AI-driven tool optimizes keywords, enhances content, and analyzes competitors,ensuring your website gains the visibility it deserves.

    With a comprehensive link-building strategy and real-time performance tracking, achieving top search rankings has never been easier.

    Experience the game-changing impact of RapidRankAI, backed by our 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee. Elevate your brand, drive organic traffic, and watch your business thrive online.

    So check it out, give it a serious look, and see for yourself:

    Unleash your websites true potential today – Get RapidRankAI risk-free!

    To your success,


  • Reply Dave Smith 28.07.2023 at 05:36

    There are 3 main reasons why thousands have already switched to MegaSuite Ai…

    Check it out, if you still haven’t:

    Reason #1: It’s NEXT-GEN technology…

    MegaSuite Ai is 100% cloud based & supremely reliable.

    You can store files, host websites & webinars, design graphics,

    build funnels & have access to an auto responder from anywhere.

    Simply select the device of your choice (MAC, Windows or even your Mobile) and begin.

    Reason #2: It’s BETTER than anything out there…

    ✓ Get started with your storage journey at the lowest one-time cost

    ✓ One-of-a kind solution for all major digital problems

    ✓ Unlimited hosting of sites & domains at the tiniest one-time cost

    ✓ No delays- lightning speed loading with SSL encryption

    ✓ Built-in wordpress installer

    ✓ Limitless backup & safe storage of files

    ✓ One-click creation & hosting of webinars & live video conferences

    ✓ Convert customers in real time using top autoresponder integration

    ✓ Instant generation of high converting sales funnels & pages

    ✓ In-built automated designer for stunning graphics

    ✓ Newbies welcome- easier than ABC

    ✓ The ultimate profit booster

    ✓ Top-notch support team

    ✓ Absolute security- 100% malware protected

    ✓ Welcome a worry-free life & your successful future now!

    ✓ Designed to perfection for beginners to make instant profits

    ✓ No recurring fee or success tax

    ✓ And a lot more…

    Reason #3: It’s available for the price of a cup of coffee (…and that too, one-time only)

    Yes – at the moment during this special launch, you can get lifetime access to MegaSuite Ai for a super-low one-time price.

    Once the launch ends – it will turn into a recurring subscription service like other business apps (but still WAYYYY BETTER than them).

    Get access here NOW:

    Talk soon,


  • Reply Oscar Jacobs 29.07.2023 at 08:54

    Thanks to technology, making money online is easier than ever.

    But even with that technology, there’s STILL a learning curve and you

    STILL need to invest in a bunch of different softwares.

    Well not anymore …

    >> This brand new software system AUTOMATES 3 figure daily profits:

    Usually new tech is complicated, but it doesn’t get any simpler than this.

    The product creator told me he designed it SPECIFICALLY for beginners.

    There’s no website building.

    No product creation.

    No figuring out traffic.

    No monthly costs of ANY kind.

    It’s plug & play simple and can work for anyone, with no experience at all.

    The software gets you paid in TWO ways:

    Upfront with automated affiliate commissions – from offers you’re pre-approved

    for with your license …

    And by building you a profitable subscriber list – the best thing you can have as

    a digital marketer.

    With step by step training, epic support and a money back guarantee, this one’s

    a no brainer.

    >> Hurry to get your license to REFUEL now:



  • Reply John Thornhill 30.07.2023 at 02:36

    When it comes to making money online, you want a system that’s backed by logic and facts, right? Well, look no further.

    This brand new training from a Multi Award Winning ClickBank Vendor is here to revolutionize your income stream.

    Here’s what you are about to discover:

    The exact system used to generate $23,000,000+ online… and how to implement this in your business.

    The 3 big reasons most traditional online business models fail… and the ONE missing piece of the puzzle the “gurus” don’t want you to know.

    How to earn up to $3,136.50 commissions from ONE single conversion… without doing any of the selling.

    How to activate the 3 proven “profit levers” to make up to $33,078 a month… even if you’ve never made a dime online before.

    How to get high-ticket automated webinars done FOR you so you can generate sales as an affiliate faster and easier.

    Plus, how you can simply plug this multi-million dollar system into your business in around 27 minutes!

    Go here to get started:

    To your success,


    P.S. Time is of the essence! Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to boost your online income. Click the link above and take the first step towards financial freedom now!

  • Reply Josh Peck 31.07.2023 at 07:48

    Do you want to profit in 2023?

    You have infinite options:

    Affiliate marketing… writing content… build your own app… become an influencer…

    In all the years I’ve been online, I’ve tried ALL of these methods (and 100s more)

    But, millions later – there’s ONE method I recommend – above all others:

    Selling your own digital product.

    And more specifically…

    Selling your own software product, in the Internet marketing niche, and promoting it with affiliate traffic.


    That sounds eerily specific – and it is. Because…

    I shouldn’t need to “convince” you this method works.

    Chances are you got on this list because you at some point bought a marketing software!

    The fact you’re reading this is proof that this method works.

    And… how many marketing tools have you bought to get here?

    But don’t think yours is a unique situation…

    Every week millions buy marketing products in this same way.

    You’ve probably worked this out a long time ago… you already know it’s a billion-dollar business…

    But, until now, you might have thought:

    “yeah but there’s no way I could do that, so I’ll just look at the other methods out there…”

    Maybe you concluded:

    • You can’t create your own software products

    • You don’t know any big affiliates who would promote you

    • There’s no way you could create a professional sales website

    • You simply could never afford a $5k copywriter to write a script

    • Nor can you do all the “little” jobs like logo creation, ecovers etc

    And most of all you probably decided…

    “I would love to have my own legit, unique software business… but just don’t know how to put it all together”

    Well, guess what…

    I’ve just come across a $20 million marketer who automated and simplified all these steps.


    By REMIXING what other six-figure marketers are doing.

    And then automated this entire process!

    This marketer’s name is CHRIS, and…

    This is something he’s been working on for over 2 years!

    In fact, he tried to automate this #1 method… for over a decade…

    But it’s such a big, hairy problem, that he just couldn’t crack it… until now.

    And, as of today, it’s here!

    Now, I can say that, for the first time ever, anyone can tap into the ultimate business model on the planet:

    Selling your own Internet marketing software.

    OK, so here’s the score…

    Go see yourself:


    You won’t find a better solution for you to plug into the #1 business on the planet.

    OK, enough talk.

    If you’re at all curious about what he’s up to, then hit this link and watch the intro video…

    At the very least, it will show you some information that no-one has disclosed before.

    OK, here’s that link:

    Click Here



    P.S. This offer is running for the last few weeks of 2022.

    Then early 2023 Chris is going to increasethe price.

    He threw everything at this, including the kitchen sink…

    He spent $200k+ to make this software for you.

    That’s the good news. The bad news? It’s due a price increase.

    No joke. Go here to see what I mean…


  • Reply Will Baumann 01.08.2023 at 01:00

    Are you eager to unlock your online money-making potential and discover the secrets to earning 6-figures monthly? I have some exciting news for you!

    Introducing “The Ultimate Guide to Making Money Online: Unleash Your Inner Entrepreneur” – your ticket to financial freedom!

    What’s Inside?

    Diverse Opportunities: From eCommerce to freelancing, affiliate marketing to online courses – we’ve got it all covered! Find your passion and profit!

    Expert Tips: Learn from the best! Industry experts share their insights to help you conquer challenges and boost your earnings!

    Step-by-Step Instructions: No more confusion! Follow our simple steps and turn your dreams into reality!

    Success Stories: Be inspired by real stories of online achievers! Their journey can be yours too!

    Get it FREE here!

    That’s right! No strings attached! This eBook is our gift to you! Grab it now and empower yourself!

    Learn how I make 6-figures monthly and replicate my success!

    Click below to download your FREE copy! ⬇️

    ⏰ Act Fast, Limited offer! ⏰

    Time’s ticking! Don’t miss this golden chance! Grab your free eBook before it’s gone!

    Your journey to online success starts NOW!


    P.S. Don’t wait! The clock is ticking on this incredible offer! Download now and soar towards financial freedom! [Download Now!]

  • Reply John Carlson 02.08.2023 at 00:43

    Every business owner needs to make the best use of Artificial intelligence to grow their business & get maximum customers hooked.


    A majority of AI tools available today in the market are either too complex or damn expensive with limited functionalities.


    Just imagine what if we combined both and offered something that’ll take the AI universe by the storm…

    Presenting AI Ninja Kit

    World’s First, Chat GPT 4 Powered AI Technology That Comes Loaded With 200+ Premium Business Boosting Tools To Create & Sell Amazing Marketing Content For Any Offer & Niche With Zero Prior Skills Or Experience

    Check It out:

    Here are some of its amazing features-

    · Create 200+ passive income streams without spending a dime

    · No complicated setup, no tech hassles, no installation or any other headache

    · Get 200+ power packed artificial intelligence tools for the price of peanuts

    · Completely automate your business & take industry by the storm

    · Each tool crafted with utmost perfection by industry experts

    · Stop paying huge fees monthly to expensive third-party apps

    · Grow your business while your competitors are left biting the dust

    · No Complicated Setup – Get Up And Running In Under 60 Seconds

    · ZERO Upfront Cost Or Huge Investment

    · Nothing To Download, Install Or Customize – Get Started In Seconds

    · Limited Time Commercial License Included

    · 100% Easy To Use, Newbie Friendly Technology

    · Iron Clad 30 Day Money Back Guarantee Included

    Sounds amazing, right?

    See Complete Scoop For AI Ninja Kit Here:

    Here’s the really good news…

    Right now,

    AI Ninja Kit is available for a crazy low one-time discounted price.

    And, this crazy discounted price is going to increase very soon.

    I highly recommend checking it out today, all serious marketers will need this in their arsenal without fail.

    So, what are you waiting for?

    Grab AI Ninja Kit At Low Earlybird Price Here:

    To Your Success,


    P.S- Using artificial intelligence to boost your business just got simpler. So, act now & grab your copy before you’re left with nothing at your end…

  • Reply Dawn Paul 03.08.2023 at 01:16

    How would you like to have a personal assistant that can help you create Everything For You?

    Well, your wish has come true!

    Introducing…Ai Suite

    80-In One – The world’s first ChatGPT (OpenAi)

    Powered App Suite…That Does Everything- For you

    ==> Here Full Scoop:

    TOP Features:

    ✅ Real ChatGPT Ai Chatbot

    ✅ Ai Text to Video Generator

    ✅ Ai Content Generator

    ✅ Ai Text to Image Generator

    ✅ Ai Keyword to Video Generator

    ✅ Ai Keyword to Image Generator

    ✅ Ai Image Variation Generator

    ✅ Ai Graphic Editor

    ✅ Ai Product Name Generator

    ✅ Ai Text to Speech

    ✅ Ai Video To Text

    and Many More..

    With Ai Suite, you can now spend less time stressing about your creative work and more time doing what you love!

    And the best part?

    Ai Suite is easy to use!

    All you have to do is chat with it, and it will do the rest.

    So, why wait?

    >> Go & check it out before they take it down:



  • Reply Gary Johnson 04.08.2023 at 01:34

    If you want to make $10-$150

    for an hour of your time working at

    home part-time.

    Then this is the most

    important email you’re ever

    going to read.


    They’re paying for work now.

    Easy and real work you can do from home.

    To Your Success,


  • Reply Tony Vanguard 05.08.2023 at 01:38

    How would you like to have a Most Advanced Ai assistant that can help you create 4K HD high-quality Video, graphics, and respond like a human?

    Well, your wish has come true!


    Ai Diffusion – The world’s Ai App Create ..

    Ultra HD Ai Videos, 4K HD Ai Images, Ai Cartoon Videos, “Ai Diffusion Videos, Ai Animated Videos, Ai Drawings & Art, Ai Sketch Images, Images To 3D Videos, Ai Logos & Graphics And So Much More…

    ✅ Generate Ultra-HD 4k Videos & Images…

    ✅ Convert Any Video Into Ai Cartoons & Anime Videos In 1-Click…

    ✅ Generate Unlimited Ai Videos In Any Niche Just With A Single Keyword…

    ✅ Comes With Built-in Ai Video & Image Background Remover…

    ✅ Turn Any Normal Image Into Sketch With Just A Single Click…

    ✅ Convert Any Image Into 3D Video In Blink Of An Eye…

    ✅ Built-in GTA V Art & Video Style Maker…

    ✅ Image Inpainting

    ✅ Image Super Resolution

    ✅ Image Colorization

    ✅ Black & White To Color Video

    ✅ Video Background Color Changer

    ✅ Ai Cartoon Generator

    ✅ Night Image Enhancement

    ..and much more

    With Ai Diffusion, you can now spend less time stressing about your creative work and more time doing what you love!

    And the best part?

    Ai Diffusion is easy to use!

    >> Go & check it out before they take it down:



  • Reply James Jefferson 06.08.2023 at 03:13

    Yes, this new app will steal any video you want…

    And let you take full control over all of its views and traffic…

    >> The Cart Is Open. Grab The Earlybird Access To vAI Now.

    Use Coupon: “VAI5OFF” & Get $5 OFF On Complete Funnel


    And no, it’s not illegal…

    In fact, it doesn’t break any law, or TOS…

    And once you see it in action you will realize that it’s 100% ethical…

    >> Get vAI Lifetime Account + Commercial License at a One-Time Price

    Use Coupon: “VAI5OFF” & Get $5 OFF On Complete Funnel


    It’s pure genius

    It’s the world’s first AI app that LEGALLY Hijacks any video on the internet, and gives you full control over it within seconds…

    With vAI…

    Hijack any video you want from the internet with a click

    Place optin-forms, buy buttons, CTA buttons, Sell Products, Maps, and more… over any video

    Hijack thousands of clicks almost instantly

    Capitalize on existing traffic instead of starting from scratch

    Embed your hijacked videos anywhere on the internet

    All of that and more is what’s possible with vAI…

    Right now you can get your copy of vAI at a huge discount because of the early bird pricing…

    But that won’t last long…

    Depends on when you are reading this email, but it will expire within a few hours of launch…

    Not only that…

    You will also miss the incredible bonuses pack i have for you 🙂

    Go ahead and secure your copy of vAI by clicking here, and secure earlybird pricing + $10,469.34 bonus pack

    Use Coupon: “VAI5OFF” & Get $5 OFF On Complete Funnel




    PS: By getting your copy of vAI in the earlybird, you will also get a FREE commercial license…

  • Reply Tony Willson 07.08.2023 at 12:26

    How would you feel about the need not to pay for any expensive Video tools for Lifetime?

    What about paying once and using all Ai features for a lifetime without any restrictions?

    ⇒Go and Check Full Details Here:

    Introducing VideoBlogAi.

    VideoBlogAI – The World’s First OpenAI’s New Tech “Dall E 2.0-powered App Turns Any Blog Url Into Attention-Grabbing Ai Video With Human-Like Voice Over In Less Than 60 Seconds…

    ✅ Turn Any Blog Url Into Stunning Ai Video In Less Than 60 Seconds……

    ✅ Choose From Our Built-In Human-Like Voice Artists For Videos…

    ✅ Get Access To A Vast Pool Of Over 200+ Million Video Clips, Images, And Much More!

    ✅ Writes JVs & Android codes…

    ✅ Effortlessly Turn Tweets & Powerpoint Presentations Into Engaging Ai Videos

    ✅ Start Profiting By Converting Any Blog Article Into a Video Podcast, Reels, Shorts & So Much More…

    ==>Go and watch the 60 seconds demo video Here:

    Right now, you have an early bird discount on this page which gives you full lifetime access to VideoBlogAI just at the price of a cheap t-shirt…

    ⇒Click the link here to get a copy of VideoBlogAI at the lowest one-time price:

    Also, you are going to get these Free Bonuses Here:-

    Bonus#1 VideoBlogAI Apps Version

    “Brand New 1-Click Cloud Based Mobile App Builder LETS YOU CREATE UNLIMITED MOBILE APPS FOR IOS & ANDROID!”

    Bonus#2 VideoBlogAI Puzzle version

    “1 Click App Help You Create A Full-Time PASSIVE INCOME Publishing Puzzle Books On Amazon KPD”

    Bonus #3 VideoBlogAI StockHub

    “Get Instant Access To The World’s First Biggest Collection Of Stock Images, Videos, Vectors, GIFS, Animations, Memes & Audios + Inbuilt Image & Video Editor On a Complete Searchable Platform”

    Bonus#4 VideoBlogAI CB site version,


    Bonus #5 VideoBlogAI Jobsite version:

    “NEW CLOUD SOFTWARE BUILDS Beginner-Friendly Profitable JOB SEARCH Sites In 90 Seconds With TWO Income Streams”

    ⇒Download All Bonuses Here:

    Thanks & Regards,


  • Reply Chris Daniels 08.08.2023 at 16:03

    You’ve heard it a million times…

    “If you want to profit.. you need your own product”

    Sounds great, but…

    How long would that take? You’d need to…

    • build a sales website…

    • filled with images & content

    • create ecovers, logos & a brand name

    • develop your own software product

    The first 3 are easy – and can be done for under $1k…

    But what about selling your own software?

    Well, that’s much harder – and more expensive.

    A good “cloud-based” software can easily cost $5-10k!

    PLUS… it’s not just a case of “throwing cash” at a developer…

    You need to come up with the idea, then turn it into a “spec”, hire a designer to make mockups…

    And then find – and pay – a developer who can build it for you!

    Doing all this is another 3-6 months. Ugh!

    So, even with the best will in the world, you’re looking at:

    $5k+ and 6 months to launch your first software product…

    And then you still need to drive buyer traffic to your site when it’s done!

    It’s no wonder, people “know” they should sell their own software product to profit…

    But almost no-one has the time and cash to make it happen!


    What if I told you that I’ve automated the entire process.

    So instead of $7-12k and 6 months, it takes you…

    Less than 10 minutes!?

    Ok, I’m going to stop right there.

    Because, rather than talk, let me just show you:

    Click Here – Watch The Remixable 9:50 Speed Run


    Without My Software, This Would Take 6 Months!

    Watch me create an entirely new brand, software, and website from scratch… in less than 10 minutes (speed demo starts at 4:34 in this video).

    After you’ve watched this, you can go ahead and check Remixable out… and see how in 2023 we’ve integrated Chat-GPT directly into all this!

    But, for now, just watch this one video:

    Click Here – Watch Me Build A New Brand, Logo, Website, Software Product… In 10 Minutes




    P.S. The package I’m building here is built off of my “PushPro” product, which made me over $100k.

    And it’s just one of 30x 50x software tools you can resell with Remixable.

    You can “mix and match” these to create entirely new software packages – just like I’m doing (see my latest proof in the video).

    So watch the video, then learn how my most recent GPT integration works here.

    This weekend could be your time to start profiting with your own software product.

  • Reply Adam Smith 10.08.2023 at 15:07

    Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU

    That’s what hundreds of people told me before

    I asked “for what?”

    And they said “for showing them how to make
    an extra $200 to $300 a DAY using this simple
    method to make easy type of money using the
    brand new CashGiveaway Automated Software”


    You have 8 hours to access this unfair advantage

    NO Websites Needed
    NO Calling
    NO Recruiting
    NO Selling
    NO Experience Needed (Beginners are Preferred)

    If you don’t take advantage of this now, you
    WILL regret it later. So don’t make a mistake.

    See you inside,

  • Reply James Gordon 12.08.2023 at 15:21

    What if I told you that you can start generating

    massive FREE traffic in under 23 seconds

    by exploiting a new secret AI-powered app

    That’s called “the Chat GPT Killer?”

    I know it sounds like science fiction, but believe

    it or not, it’s 100% possible!

    This super exciting app is called “Apex”, and it’s

    taking the internet by storm…

    With “Apex,” you can generate 4,458 clicks using

    ONLY free traffic (no paid ads, ever.).

    Imagine what you could do with that kind of traffic!

    => Click Here To Get Instant Access To “Apex” Now:

    And the best part?

    You don’t need any hosting or domain to get started!

    Here are some of the benefits you can expect

    from “Apex”

    Get 4,458 clicks using ONLY free traffic

    Crank out money sites that work 24/7

    Never worry about SEO or writing content yourself

    No hosting or domain is needed

    No learning curve

    => Click Here To Get Instant Access To “Apex” Now:

    If you want to take advantage of this “Chat GPT” killer

    software, this is your chance.

    But, you have to be quick.

    I heard rumors that “Apex” won’t be online for

    long, and the team is planning to pull it off the

    market since they’re getting thousands of new

    users as you read this.

    That’s why time is of the essence.

    Be quick and grab your personal copy of “Apex”

    before it’s gone forever!

    => Click Here To Get Started Now:

    I’ll see you inside,


  • Reply Gary Johnson 14.08.2023 at 04:10

    If you want to make $10-$150

    for an hour of your time working at

    home part-time.

    Then this is the most

    important email you’re ever

    going to read.


    They’re paying for work now.

    Easy and real work you can do from home.

    To Your Success,


  • Reply Dawn Paul 15.08.2023 at 03:37

    How would you like to have a personal assistant that can help you create Everything For You?

    Well, your wish has come true!

    Introducing…Ai Suite

    80-In One – The world’s first ChatGPT (OpenAi)

    Powered App Suite…That Does Everything- For you

    ==> Here Full Scoop:

    TOP Features:

    ✅ Real ChatGPT Ai Chatbot

    ✅ Ai Text to Video Generator

    ✅ Ai Content Generator

    ✅ Ai Text to Image Generator

    ✅ Ai Keyword to Video Generator

    ✅ Ai Keyword to Image Generator

    ✅ Ai Image Variation Generator

    ✅ Ai Graphic Editor

    ✅ Ai Product Name Generator

    ✅ Ai Text to Speech

    ✅ Ai Video To Text

    and Many More..

    With Ai Suite, you can now spend less time stressing about your creative work and more time doing what you love!

    And the best part?

    Ai Suite is easy to use!

    All you have to do is chat with it, and it will do the rest.

    So, why wait?

    >> Go & check it out before they take it down:



  • Reply Daniel Nordan 16.08.2023 at 01:44

    If you need more traffic for your offers,
    or just better quality traffic, here’s a
    brand new site you’ll definitely want to
    check out.

    Just briefly…

    It’s Instant. Add a link and get traffic
    almost immediately.

    It’s High-Quality. At least 25-30% will
    be proven buyers looking at your offers.

    It’s Easy. I had my first visitor within
    5 minutes of signing up!

    It Converts. (Your example here once you
    get going…)

    It’s Paid-Only. So no clicking or email
    reading crap. Just 100% set-and-forget.

    It’s Affordable. It’s really not expensive,
    but just two referrals and it’s free!

    You can probably see there’s a whole lot
    to it, but it’s incredibly quick to set
    up and easy to use.

    Please check it out and let me know what
    you think!


    To Your Success,

    Daniel. N

  • Reply Adam Carlson 18.08.2023 at 15:43

    Audiobook is now the BIG goldmine, and people are making huge profits with it on a daily basis…

    Sadly, creating and selling them can be tough and super-expensive.

    But I have got good news for you…

    Meet Vox AI

    The World’s First ChatGPT4-Powered AI App That Turns Any “Text, URL, Website, Article, Keyword, Blog, Document or PDF” into High-Quality Audiobooks or Podcast In 660 Different Voices & 80 Languages…

    >> Click Here To See The Live Demo:

    With Vox AI, you can generate content on any topic using “Siri-Like” voice command & turn it to Audiobooks, Podcasts, or Voiceovers for VSL, TV Commercial, Webinars, Sales Videos, etc

    …Publish To The Built-In Marketplace with 2.3M active users, Sell & Receive Instant Payments Via Multiple Methods, including Paypal, Stripe, Cards, and Bank Accounts…

    >> Click Here to Get Instant Access to Vox AI and Sell On Automation:

    Coupon Code – VOX5OFF (strictly for the first 12 people)

    Even if you are a newbie with zero knowledge… VoxAI is your best shot.

    You can easily Activate VoxAI in 3 simple steps & start your audiobook empire:

    Step 1: Login – Login to VoxAI Cloud-Bases App

    Step 2: Generate- Enter a Keyword, article, PDF, or even a URL… and VoxAI will turn them into a Full Audiobook or Podcast

    Step 3: Publish- publish your audiobooks on our built-in marketplace with 2.3 million active users.

    Step 4: Start Profiting as soon as you are done

    It is as simple as that.

    >> Get Lifetime Access Here:

    With Vox AI, you can…

    – Create Your First Audiobook Within 2 Minutes

    – Turn Any Article, Website, Url, PDF or Blog Into Audiobook, Podcast, VSL, Audio/Music Track…

    – Create A Podcast With Human Voice Without Recording

    – Choose From 660 Real Human Voices

    – Create Voices In 80+ Different Languages

    – Comes With 50+ Built-In AI Features That Will Make Your Life 100x Easier

    – We Don’t Even Write Scripts, We Let AI Do It For Us.

    – Publish Your AudioBook To Our Marketplace With 2.3 Million Active User

    – Publish your AudioBook Or Podcast To (Spotify, Audible, Scribe)

    – No Complicated Setup – Get Up And Running In 2 Minutes

    …All these, and many more without Paying Any Monthly Fee

    >> Click Here To Get Earlybird Access (Ends In 2 Hours From Now):

    Coupon Code – VOX5OFF (strictly for the first 12 people)

    >> Click here to get Lifetime access to VoxAI and start profiting from day one:

    Fair Warning – Go In Now To Avoid Paying Monthly Fee Later



  • Reply James Gordon 19.08.2023 at 20:44

    What if I told you that you can start generating

    massive FREE traffic in under 23 seconds

    by exploiting a new secret AI-powered app

    That’s called “the Chat GPT Killer?”

    I know it sounds like science fiction, but believe

    it or not, it’s 100% possible!

    This super exciting app is called “Apex”, and it’s

    taking the internet by storm…

    With “Apex,” you can generate 4,458 clicks using

    ONLY free traffic (no paid ads, ever.).

    Imagine what you could do with that kind of traffic!

    => Click Here To Get Instant Access To “Apex” Now:

    And the best part?

    You don’t need any hosting or domain to get started!

    Here are some of the benefits you can expect

    from “Apex”

    Get 4,458 clicks using ONLY free traffic

    Crank out money sites that work 24/7

    Never worry about SEO or writing content yourself

    No hosting or domain is needed

    No learning curve

    => Click Here To Get Instant Access To “Apex” Now:

    If you want to take advantage of this “Chat GPT” killer

    software, this is your chance.

    But, you have to be quick.

    I heard rumors that “Apex” won’t be online for

    long, and the team is planning to pull it off the

    market since they’re getting thousands of new

    users as you read this.

    That’s why time is of the essence.

    Be quick and grab your personal copy of “Apex”

    before it’s gone forever!

    => Click Here To Get Started Now:

    I’ll see you inside,


  • Reply James Gordon 23.08.2023 at 02:09

    AI is here to change the world, and people are going crazy over it

    So the question is, would you like a piece of that pie?

    BrainBox – The World’s First AI App Let You Launch Your Own “ChatGPT-like” AI Chatbot with 50 stunning AI features

    You can even customize this AI Chatbot with your own domain, branding and style and charge people for using it.

    Forget paying huge fees for Content Writers, Programmers, Designers, Translators, Video Editors, SEO Experts, Customer Support, etc

    BrainBox handles all of that for you 100%

    >> Click Here To See The Live Demo & Get Full Access Before Price Increases

    Use my coupon code:

    To get access to BrainBox you need just 4 easy steps away

    Step1: Login to BrainBox Cloud-Based App ( super-easy to navigate dashboard)

    Step 2: Create- With Just One Click, Create Your Very Own ChatGPT-Like AI Chatbot( this takes just few minutes)

    Step 3: Now Launch- You’re Ready To Charge Millions Of Hungry Customers For Using Your Very Own AI Chatbot.

    Step 4: Start Getting Paid by your Customers and Clients

    BrainBox comes with over 50 AI features that which includes ;

    Write engaging, high quality content for videos, blogs, scripts, emails, newsletters, ebooks literally anything

    Turn plain text into engaging, professional videos that attract thousands of free hits of traffic

    Generate the best AI designs that put 99% of graphic designers to shame, in just seconds

    Design salespages, sales funnels, fully functional blogs

    Proofread your writing without paying anything

    Translate your writing to over 50 different languages and profit

    That’s just a tiny fraction of all the features that BrainBox has to offer…

    Using BrainBox will give you full control and cut down your expenses on hiring freelancers that give you low service .

    >> Get Unlimited Access to BrainBox AI Technology

    And to make this a no-brainer, the first 25 people will get full access to my 100 bonuses.

    PS: If you act now, you will instantly receive [bonuses] worth over $14,659.44… This bonus is designed specifically to help you get 10x the results, in half the time required

    >>Click here to secure your access to BrainBox today



  • Reply John Dawson 24.08.2023 at 02:45

    Every business owner needs to make the best use of Artificial intelligence to grow their business & get maximum customers hooked.

    A majority of AI tools available today in the market are either too complex or damn expensive with limited functionalities.

    Just imagine what if we combined both and offered something that’ll take the AI universe by the storm…

    Presenting AI Ninja Kit

    World’s First, Chat GPT 4 Powered AI Technology

    That Comes Loaded With 200+ Premium Business Boosting Tools

    To Create & Sell Amazing Marketing Content For Any Offer & Niche With Zero Prior Skills Or Experience

    Check It out:

    Here are some of its amazing features-
    · Create 200+ passive income streams without spending a dime
    · No complicated setup, no tech hassles, no installation or any other headache
    · Get 200+ power packed artificial intelligence tools for the price of peanuts
    · Completely automate your business & take industry by the storm
    · Each tool crafted with utmost perfection by industry experts
    · Stop paying huge fees monthly to expensive third-party apps
    · Grow your business while your competitors are left biting the dust
    · No Complicated Setup – Get Up And Running In Under 60 Seconds
    · ZERO Upfront Cost Or Huge Investment
    · Nothing To Download, Install Or Customize – Get Started In Seconds
    · Limited Time Commercial License Included
    · 100% Easy To Use, Newbie Friendly Technology
    · Iron Clad 30 Day Money Back Guarantee Included

    Sounds amazing, right?

    See Complete Scoop For AI Ninja Kit Here:

    Here’s the really good news…

    Right now,

    AI Ninja Kit is available for a crazy low one-time discounted price.

    And, this crazy discounted price is going to increase very soon.

    I highly recommend checking it out today, all serious marketers will need this in their arsenal without fail.

    So, what are you waiting for?

    Grab AI Ninja Kit At Low Earlybird Price Here:

    To Your Success,


    P.S- Using artificial intelligence to boost your business just got simpler. So, act now & grab your copy before you’re left with nothing at your end…

  • Reply Josh Johnson 29.08.2023 at 23:24

    This is it! Your last chance to grab the revolutionary Human Avataars AI at the incredibly low price of $19 is slipping away. The countdown is on, and the offer ends TODAY.

    ⏰ ACT NOW and secure your access for just $19 before the price goes up TONIGHT.

    Grab Human Avataars AI today Before Prices Jumps to $28 TONIGHT →
    Coupon for EXTRA VIP 5 OFF: LASTCHANCEHUMANAI ($5 off Entire funnel)

    But that’s not all! Tomorrow, the price jumps to $28. Yes, you read that right. Act today, and you’ll lock in your membership at the current low price. Delay, and you’ll be paying nearly double!

    Don’t wait until it’s too late. Click the link below and invest in your success:
    Grab Human Avataars AI today Before Prices Jumps to $28 TONIGHT →

    What is Human Avataars AI?
    THIS IS LITERALLY World’s First (GPT-4 Powered) A.I. Video Creator that Create Realistic Human-Like Avatar Videos In Seconds With Just a Single Keyword or Image without Mic, Studio, Camera or Actor.

    Human Avataars AI is jam-packed with the power features:
    ✅ Create Image to Pro Video in Seconds
    ✅ Without mics, cameras, studio or actors
    ✅ Create human-like avatar videos in 37+ languages
    ✅ Over 30+ multi-ethnicity avatars and characters
    ✅ Create AI Video from your own Personal Image
    ✅ Create Viral Celebrity Talking AI Videos
    ✅ Create AI Text To 2D/3D Animated Videos

    And much much more….

    ==Here Full Scoop==>>>

    If you Purchase from Our Link We Give You Best Bonuses

    1. MindPal AI OTO1 + Reseller
    First To Market ChatGPT Alternative Built With Superpowers to generate digital art & images, blog posts, marketing copy, sales emails, FB Ads, SEO content for you And Charge People For Using It…

    2. AiProfits OTO1 + Reseller
    Finally Cracked: Launch Your Very Own ChatGPT ChatBot with This Simple, Yet Powerful Cloud App

    3. FiverrProfitBuilder OTO1 + Reseller
    1-Click Software Creates Profitable Fiverr Affiliate Sites That Make Money 24/7 with Inbuilt Traffic Generation! Auto Loaded with the Top Fiverr Gigs on Trending Niches!

    4. Musikpay OTO 1 + Reseller
    The Brand-New Software Creates 100% Automated
    Music, Podcast & E- audio Affiliate Sites In Just 60 Secs!

    5. 3,000 Email Swipe Bank
    The swipe bank has every kind of email for your email marketing needs… Inside you have; Engagement email Follow email sequence Promotional Emails Newsletters Welcome emails Seasonal campaign emails and many more.
    And here are more

    VIP Bonus6: 350+ Premium SoundTracks
    VIP Bonus7: 100+ Full HD MP4 Video Backgrounds
    VIP Bonus8: From Zero to 100K a Month – Step By Step Training
    VIP Bonus9:Over 300 Million Business Database
    VIP Bonus10:100+ PROVEN TO-GO VIRAL VIDEOS Vault (Big Bonus)

    The clock is ticking, and the doors are closing. Join the ranks of satisfied users who are already transforming their business with Human Avataars AI.

    ==> Grab Human Avataars AI today Before Prices Jumps to $28 TONIGHT →

    Coupon for EXTRA VIP OFF: LASTCHANCEHUMANAI ($5 off Entire funnel)

    To Your Success,

    P.S. Remember, this offer disappears in mere hours. Don’t let regret be your companion – grab Human Avataars AI now for just $19!

  • Reply Ross Willams 31.08.2023 at 00:14

    NEW “AI” Tech Generating Leads For Local Businesses

    Together these 3 Marketing Veterans have 32 Years of experience in developing cutting-edge Marketing Software.

    Their latest creation is their best yet!

    Watch this short video to uncover this goldmine >>

    It’s “Artificial Intelligence” Technology similar to that used by HUGE Fortune 500 companies like:





    The Wall Street Journal

    Pizza Hut



    & Mastercard


    So what’s this all about?


    They’re NEW and rapidly taking over the Internet.

    If you use Facebook Messenger, it’s very likely you’ve interacted with a Chatbot.

    Sometimes it’s actually quite hard to tell whether it’s a Robot or a real human speaking to you!

    It’s an incredibly powerful way, in 2023, to get more customers WITHOUT spending thousands on Live Chat agent employees.


    Most local businesses can’t afford to develop Chatbots for their own Website and their own brand.

    It’s highly sophisticated technology and it costs THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of dollars to develop.

    Allow me to introduce ConversioBot – the Internet’s #1 Chatbot for Business Website Owners.

    It comes with a simple drag-and-drop builder. You can use it to easily create a branded, custom Bot for your business.

    WITHOUT any technical knowledge or special skills.

    It also comes with a range of DONE-FOR-YOU Bots which are designed to get any business more leads and more customers.

    ConversioBot comes with a full Commercial License allowing you to sell Bots to hungry local businesses.

    Their highly experienced team will show you exactly where there’s HOT demand for Chatbots.

    You can sell their Done-For-You Bots directly to local businesses.

    Think about how many businesses out there have a Website and DON’T have a Chatbot.

    It’s very common to sell them for $200 to $500 EACH! Sometimes even more!

    Watch this short video to uncover this goldmine >>

    The team at ConversioBot will also give you “pitch templates” you can copy and paste.

    These will do so much of the selling for you.

    They pitch Chatbots as a no-brainer to the businesses you’re selling them to.

    So you DON’T need:

    – any special skills or experience

    – to build your own Bots

    – any prior selling skills

    Watch ConversioBot In Action On This Page >>

    Chatbots are here to stay.

    Mark Zuckerburg, the founder of Facebook, has built a 10 Year Plan around them.

    This is a HOT business opportunity with serious LONG-TERM potential.

    Get in and ahead of the competition before it’s too late >>



  • Reply James Hardy 03.09.2023 at 22:00

    This is the Secret that Trump wanted to expose to the world…

    And it’s exactly why the FBI raided his home in Mar-a-Lago.

    [Watch the video here before it gets taken down]


    Russian deep state secrets buried since the time of the Soviet Union have resurfaced.

    And it’s sending shivers down President Biden’s spine.

    The craziest part? American Patriots are using these loopholes to make millions.

    [Watch the video while you still can]


    And don’t let the communists hack your dollars.

    Good luck,

  • Reply James Holland 06.09.2023 at 01:04

    Just to remind you that this week I am going to be running a live workshop with two friends of mine who have created an astonishingly effective method for profiting with crypto.

    This is truly *revolutionary* and unlike anything you’ve probably seen before.

    I have had more messages about this than any other training that I’ve done in the past 12 months so I KNOW this is going to be packed.

    There are only limited seats too, so secure yours here as soon as possible.


    Here’s what you’re going to discover on this exclusive training event:

    How to use their PROVEN solution to quickly launch a ‘crypto profit machine’ in 2023 that makes money every day and runs on total autopilot.

    How this system makes money whether crypto is going up or down so you can enjoy consistent, predictable profits without any stress or worry.

    Multiple examples of REAL CAMPAIGNS that ‘run silently in the background’ 24 hours a day and are banking up to $4,000 PER WEEK in profit.

    The secret technology that makes this all possible and how you can get your first PROFITABLE campaign up and running in *60 minutes or less.*

    A behind-the-scenes look at their latest campaign, which generated $8,803 in the first two weeks and is on track to make over $100,000 this year completely HANDS-FREE.

    Mindblowing success stories from their most successful students who have used this method to launch life-changing passive income streams.

    Why ANYONE can and should do this – you don’t need any previous experience or know ANYTHING about crypto investing or trading.

    Secure your place now if you have not done so already, and be sure to turn up 15 minutes early as we’ll be running at full capacity…

    >> Click here to register now:



  • Reply David Johnson 07.09.2023 at 01:42

    $40 per hour, regular work

    Have you ever written short email messages before? We need to talk if you have that skill set.

    We are currently looking for new beginner-paid remote workers who want to start work right away!

    All employers hiring through our company are looking for people with no previous experience but are willing to learn. These are remote positions, meaning that as long as you can work the required hours, you can work from home.

    Click here to complete your application if interested.


    In this position, you will be assigned tasks related to sending promotional email messages

    about various products and services. You must write in clear English with no errors and

    provide consistency so we can rely on you to produce many weekly messages.

    The rate we offer varies depending on what kind of assignment(s) you’ll take.

    Still, generally speaking, it ranges between $40-$80 per hour depending on what service(s) they entail and your level of expertise.

    Interested? Check out this page before completing an application to get everything important!


    Best of luck!


  • Reply Josh Nash 08.09.2023 at 01:50

    By midnight EST today, the timer will hit zero.

    Here is the danger.

    You will miss a rare opportunity to grab Edge AI For a low 1-time fee…

    Only today, if you get Edge AI, you will never pay the subscription fee.

    If not, You will pay monthly!

    Grab Edge AI Fast!


    Why edge AI?

    Edge AI is The World’s First Ever AI Powered By Microsoft CoDI & KosMos can Turn Your Thoughts into real Businesses from scratch to boom without a single work<<<>>

    What are you waiting for?

    There is more, you can access mouthwatering bonuses before midnight today.

    Get bonuses here<<<

    Remember!!! The price goes up by midnight EST Today!

    Grab Edge AI here<<<<

    Delay is dangerous!!!

    See you inside,

  • Reply Adam Peck 09.09.2023 at 00:27

    You can think me later for pointing this out to you. I should actually charge a finders fee for finding something with so much value and information that will increase your blog business X10.

    However, and it is a big however, you only have until Sunday to pick this up at the massively discounted price.

    So it’s this weekend or never I’m afraid.


    The urgency aside, the response has been great for The Bloggers Roadmap. It really is a well put together, highly informative book which you can go back to time and time again.

    I would be inclined to call it a survival manual.

    It covers just about everything you need to know including:

    Community Interaction
    Building Subscribers
    And How to put it all together

    Check it out, you won’t be disappointed.


    Thanks for reading,


    P.S. Remember, this is only available until Sunday night.

  • Reply Billy Adamson 10.09.2023 at 02:37

    Today, I’m going to introduce you to a step-by-step blueprint.

    People just like you (from all walks of life) have used this blueprint to learn how to pocket daily commissions online.

    One 66 year old grandmother even pocketed $480 in online commissions IN A SINGLE DAY!

    The best part is that you can do this system…

    Without needing a fancy website…

    Without needing to create your own products…

    And without needing a bunch of techie skills.

    It’s called the “Daily Commissions Blueprint”, and it lays everything out… step-by-step


    Today, you can access the blueprint for a HUGE discount (87% off)! So you’ll want to hurry and grab it now.

    You’re about to learn more in the next few hours than you will in the next few years trying to figure things out on your own.

    Here’s how to grab the Daily Commissions Blueprint today!



  • Reply David Richards 13.09.2023 at 01:54

    This is super important…

    We need you to confirm this right now…

    GO HERE For Immediate Access Now


    Commission from day 1 for 99% of
    new members…

    Want in?

    I believe in you!

    GO HERE For Immediate Access Now



  • Reply Jacob Conner 14.09.2023 at 13:46

    How would you feel about the need not to pay for any expensive Video tools for Lifetime?

    What about paying once and using all Ai features for a lifetime without any restrictions?

    ⇒Go and Check Full Details Here:

    Introducing VideoBlogAi.

    VideoBlogAI – The World’s First OpenAI’s New Tech “Dall E 2.0-powered App Turns Any Blog Url Into Attention-Grabbing Ai Video With Human-Like Voice Over In Less Than 60 Seconds…

    ✅ Turn Any Blog Url Into Stunning Ai Video In Less Than 60 Seconds……
    ✅ Choose From Our Built-In Human-Like Voice Artists For Videos…
    ✅ Get Access To A Vast Pool Of Over 200+ Million Video Clips, Images, And Much More!
    ✅ Writes JVs & Android codes…
    ✅ Effortlessly Turn Tweets & Powerpoint Presentations Into Engaging Ai Videos
    ✅ Start Profiting By Converting Any Blog Article Into a Video Podcast, Reels, Shorts & So Much More…

    ==>Go and watch the 60 seconds demo video Here:

    Right now, you have an early bird discount on this page which gives you full lifetime access to VideoBlogAI just at the price of a cheap t-shirt…

    ⇒Click the link here to get a copy of VideoBlogAI at the lowest one-time price:

    Also, you are going to get these Free Bonuses Here:-

    Bonus#1 VideoBlogAI Apps Version
    “Brand New 1-Click Cloud Based Mobile App Builder LETS YOU CREATE UNLIMITED MOBILE APPS FOR IOS & ANDROID!”

    Bonus#2 VideoBlogAI Puzzle version
    “1 Click App Help You Create A Full-Time PASSIVE INCOME Publishing Puzzle Books On Amazon KPD”

    Bonus #3 VideoBlogAI StockHub
    “Get Instant Access To The World’s First Biggest Collection Of Stock Images, Videos, Vectors, GIFS, Animations, Memes & Audios + Inbuilt Image & Video Editor On a Complete Searchable Platform”

    Bonus#4 VideoBlogAI CB site version,

    Bonus #5 VideoBlogAI Jobsite version:
    “NEW CLOUD SOFTWARE BUILDS Beginner-Friendly Profitable JOB SEARCH Sites In 90 Seconds With TWO Income Streams”

    ⇒Download All Bonuses Here:

    Thanks & Regards,

  • Reply James Gordon 15.09.2023 at 15:04

    AI is here to change the world, and people are going crazy over it

    So the question is, would you like a piece of that pie?

    BrainBox – The World’s First AI App Let You Launch Your Own “ChatGPT-like” AI Chatbot with 50 stunning AI features

    You can even customize this AI Chatbot with your own domain, branding and style and charge people for using it.

    Forget paying huge fees for Content Writers, Programmers, Designers, Translators, Video Editors, SEO Experts, Customer Support, etc

    BrainBox handles all of that for you 100%

    >> Click Here To See The Live Demo & Get Full Access Before Price Increases

    Use my coupon code:

    To get access to BrainBox you need just 4 easy steps away

    Step1: Login to BrainBox Cloud-Based App ( super-easy to navigate dashboard)

    Step 2: Create- With Just One Click, Create Your Very Own ChatGPT-Like AI Chatbot( this takes just few minutes)

    Step 3: Now Launch- You’re Ready To Charge Millions Of Hungry Customers For Using Your Very Own AI Chatbot.

    Step 4: Start Getting Paid by your Customers and Clients

    BrainBox comes with over 50 AI features that which includes ;

    Write engaging, high quality content for videos, blogs, scripts, emails, newsletters, ebooks literally anything

    Turn plain text into engaging, professional videos that attract thousands of free hits of traffic

    Generate the best AI designs that put 99% of graphic designers to shame, in just seconds

    Design salespages, sales funnels, fully functional blogs

    Proofread your writing without paying anything

    Translate your writing to over 50 different languages and profit

    That’s just a tiny fraction of all the features that BrainBox has to offer…

    Using BrainBox will give you full control and cut down your expenses on hiring freelancers that give you low service .

    >> Get Unlimited Access to BrainBox AI Technology

    And to make this a no-brainer, the first 25 people will get full access to my 100 bonuses.

    PS: If you act now, you will instantly receive [bonuses] worth over $14,659.44… This bonus is designed specifically to help you get 10x the results, in half the time required

    >>Click here to secure your access to BrainBox today



  • Reply James Gordon 16.09.2023 at 23:28

    What if I told you that you can start generating

    massive FREE traffic in under 23 seconds

    by exploiting a new secret AI-powered app

    That’s called “the Chat GPT Killer?”

    I know it sounds like science fiction, but believe

    it or not, it’s 100% possible!

    This super exciting app is called “Apex”, and it’s

    taking the internet by storm…

    With “Apex,” you can generate 4,458 clicks using

    ONLY free traffic (no paid ads, ever.).

    Imagine what you could do with that kind of traffic!

    => Click Here To Get Instant Access To “Apex” Now:

    And the best part?

    You don’t need any hosting or domain to get started!

    Here are some of the benefits you can expect

    from “Apex”

    Get 4,458 clicks using ONLY free traffic

    Crank out money sites that work 24/7

    Never worry about SEO or writing content yourself

    No hosting or domain is needed

    No learning curve

    => Click Here To Get Instant Access To “Apex” Now:

    If you want to take advantage of this “Chat GPT” killer

    software, this is your chance.

    But, you have to be quick.

    I heard rumors that “Apex” won’t be online for

    long, and the team is planning to pull it off the

    market since they’re getting thousands of new

    users as you read this.

    That’s why time is of the essence.

    Be quick and grab your personal copy of “Apex”

    before it’s gone forever!

    => Click Here To Get Started Now:

    I’ll see you inside,


  • Reply Matt Bakac 18.09.2023 at 01:38

    It’s time to escape…

    Here’s Cory’s exact
    $10,256.42+ a month…

    …list building system*

    [Login PROOF]

    Best regards,

    Matt Bakac

  • Reply David Carlson 18.09.2023 at 19:55


    I stumbled upon something that might catch your interest.

    It’s the laziest way I’ve found to make money online. Curious?

    Ready to discover the path to easy online riches?

    Click the link below for your free quick tutorial.


    It starts today,

  • Reply Wayne Richards 20.09.2023 at 00:29

    Look, I have nothing against online hobbyists who surf pages looking for freebies for fun, with no plan of actually really making $ online..

    If they want to stack up endless amounts of worthless freebies on their computer and never actually do anything with them, that’s fine.

    However, those are not the type of people I want to get my programs and offers in front of.

    If you’re like me, you want to get your links in front of people who are serious buyers, and who are looking to take action on whatever it is you have to offer.

    That’s why I like The Click Engine.

    I’m getting real buyer traffic 100% on autopilot every single month.

    Have you watched this short 3 minute video explaining how it works yet?

    Here’s the link
    Watch video===>>>


  • Reply John Davids 22.09.2023 at 15:36

    Audiobook is now the BIG goldmine, and people are making huge profits with it on a daily basis…

    Sadly, creating and selling them can be tough and super-expensive.

    But I have got good news for you…

    Meet Vox AI

    The World’s First ChatGPT4-Powered AI App That Turns Any “Text, URL, Website, Article, Keyword, Blog, Document or PDF” into High-Quality Audiobooks or Podcast In 660 Different Voices & 80 Languages…

    >> Click Here To See The Live Demo:

    With Vox AI, you can generate content on any topic using “Siri-Like” voice command & turn it to Audiobooks, Podcasts, or Voiceovers for VSL, TV Commercial, Webinars, Sales Videos, etc

    …Publish To The Built-In Marketplace with 2.3M active users, Sell & Receive Instant Payments Via Multiple Methods, including Paypal, Stripe, Cards, and Bank Accounts…

    >> Click Here to Get Instant Access to Vox AI and Sell On Automation:

    Coupon Code – VOX5OFF (strictly for the first 12 people)

    Even if you are a newbie with zero knowledge… VoxAI is your best shot.

    You can easily Activate VoxAI in 3 simple steps & start your audiobook empire:

    Step 1: Login – Login to VoxAI Cloud-Bases App

    Step 2: Generate- Enter a Keyword, article, PDF, or even a URL… and VoxAI will turn them into a Full Audiobook or Podcast

    Step 3: Publish- publish your audiobooks on our built-in marketplace with 2.3 million active users.

    Step 4: Start Profiting as soon as you are done

    It is as simple as that.

    >> Get Lifetime Access Here:

    With Vox AI, you can…

    Create Your First Audiobook Within 2 Minutes

    Turn Any Article, Website, Url, PDF or Blog Into Audiobook, Podcast, VSL, Audio/Music Track…

    Create A Podcast With Human Voice Without Recording

    Choose From 660 Real Human Voices

    Create Voices In 80+ Different Languages

    Comes With 50+ Built-In AI Features That Will Make Your Life 100x Easier

    We Don’t Even Write Scripts, We Let AI Do It For Us.

    Publish Your AudioBook To Our Marketplace With 2.3 Million Active User

    Publish your AudioBook Or Podcast To (Spotify, Audible, Scribe)

    No Complicated Setup – Get Up And Running In 2 Minutes

    …All these, and many more without Paying Any Monthly Fee

    >> Click Here To Get Earlybird Access (Ends In 2 Hours From Now):

    Coupon Code – VOX5OFF (strictly for the first 12 people)

    >> Click here to get Lifetime access to VoxAI and start profiting from day one:

    Fair Warning – Go In Now To Avoid Paying Monthly Fee Later


  • Reply Gary Williams 24.09.2023 at 02:14

    If you want to make $50-$150

    for an hour of your time working at

    home part-time.

    Then this is the most

    important email you’re ever

    going to read.


    They’re paying for work now.

    Easy and real work you can do from home.

    To Your Success,

  • Reply Chris Johnson 26.09.2023 at 17:12

    You’re just one click…

    From plugging Chat-GPT…

    Into Amazon, ClickBank…

    Product launches, Warrior…

    In fact: ANY affiliate program making $100k pm!



    OK, so..

    I’m sure you’ve heard the hype about Chat-GPT.

    How it’s changing everything we do as marketers.


    Basically, Chat GPT’s training data ENDS in 2021.

    That means it has NO idea about anything in 2023.

    That’s BAD news for marketers like us, who want to..

    – Promote the hottest affiliate programs
    – Sell today’s new hot product
    – Jump on new trending niches
    – Crush new ecom opportnities
    – Profit on the bleeding-edge

    So, what’s the solution?

    Well, up until now there wasn’t one.

    You were stuck trying to shoe-horn “2021 GPT” into your 2023 use-case.

    But today, all that changes.

    Now, you can give the most powerful AI LIVE access to EVERYTHING.

    How? By plugging Chat-GPT into 1000s of affiliate programs:


    This new AI tool plugs your copy of GPT…

    Into EVERY new and top-selling affiliate program…

    On ClickBank, Amazon, Digi, Warrior and more…

    Simply load the app and browse 1000s of affiliate programs…

    Then click on one and watch as GPT builds your campaign!

    The feed refreshes EVERY DAY – as does your AI CASH FLOW!

    If you are looking for a HUGE edge over even other GPT users?

    Then upgrade your copy of Chat-GPT NOW!


    PS. Do it now, the price jumps IN THE NEXT FEW MINUTES.

    And then again.. and AGAIN.. EVERY hour after that!



  • Reply James Gordon 27.09.2023 at 21:24

    How would you like to have an AI assistant that can help you create high-quality videos, turns Cartoons into 3D Character Videos, and powered with human like voice over?

    >>Well, your wish has come true!


    World’s First AI Tech That Creates, Customizes & Sells World-Class Professional Looking AI Cartoon Videos, Doodle Videos & 3D Character Videos Using Done-For-You Video Templates In 180 Different Languages…

    Check it out here:

    ✅ Start saving and stop paying through your nose to outdated, expensive third party softwares and services…
    ✅ Say goodbye to the hassle of creating & selling ai cartoon videos…
    ✅ Say goodbye to the struggles of hiring expensive video creators & freelancers…
    ✅ Say goodbye to the expensive ai tools & servies for video creation…
    ✅ Skyrocket your businesses to the next level…

    With Ai Cartoonz, you can now spend less time stressing about your creative videos and more time doing what you love!

    And the best part?

    Ai Cartoonz is easy to use!

    All you have to do is chat with it, and it will do the rest.
    So, why wait?

    >> Go & check it out before they take it down:

    Special 30% Off Coupon- ‘CARTOONZ’ (Expires In An Hour Time)

    Here are our complimentary bonuses for you today:-

    Bonus#1 VERVE:
    Exclusive: The Incredible $8 BILLION LinkedIn Loophole That Pays us $500 Per Hour Working 1-2 Hours A Day With A Done For You Set & Forget System!

    Bonus#2 NFT Finder
    1 Click NFT App Lets You Find the Profitable NFTs and Sell On The Blockchain automatically Within Minutes!

    Bonus#3 CB Income Bot
    1 Click Push Button App Creates AutoPilot ClickBank Sites with in build 2 million+ Articles That Make Us $53.62/Hour In 60 Seconds Flat!

    Bonus#4 PLR Plenty
    Get instant access to the World’s First PLR Website and mobile App Creator with over 400,000 PLR Products in 20+ niches. All at an incredibly low one-time price!

    Bonus#5 Music Maker
    Discover How You Can Ditch Spotify And Apple Music And Launch Your Own Music Service by Only Paying Once!!

    >>Access All Bonuses Here:



  • Reply Alex Holland 29.09.2023 at 00:12

    Hey Guys,

    In case you haven’t noticed, email marketing is getting a revamp.

    How? Thanks to this new-gen autoresponder that can handle email management better than you could ever do it yourself.

    We’re talking about 350 billion emails sent and received every day!

    That’s a clear sign you HAVE to step in and take your share.

    And what better way to do this than using an Ai-powered autoresponder that writes emails for you, finds you leads and comes with SMTP sending servers…all for a one-time price!

    => Get started with this new “all inclusive” autoresponder

    Today you can get stronger than ever before with your email marketing campaigns while leaving ALL hurdles behind.

    Introducing ProfitReply Ai – the best and only autoresponder you’ll ever need (99% uptime, 99% deliverability, 100% reliability!)

    It comes with built-in sending servers & dedicated IPs to get your offers inboxed in a matter of seconds.

    YES, smoothly send your emails to thousands of people at the same time without worrying about additional costs, restrictions or technical problems.

    Don’t have a list? Don’t know how to write an email? Ai to the rescue!

    Just watch it find top quality leads that you can upload, clean and start mailing from the very first moment.

    ProfitReply Ai even has an automated solution for email writing.

    No more racking your brains trying to become a copywriter overnight – let the Ai do the writing (subject lines included!)

    All these and more are waiting for you inside!

    Go check it out HERE

    I bet you’re curious to know all about this cutting-edge cloud autoresponder so here are some of its main features:

    [+] Unlock the “unlimited” package – unlimited emails,
    leads, SMS texts, Instagram messages, email copy, imports
    [+] Dedicated SMTP sending servers already preconfigured
    [+] Dedicated IP pools preconfigured for optimal delivery
    [+] Ai gets you fresh leads to email right away
    [+] Ai does all the email writing for you on autopilot (no more
    stressing about being creative)
    [+] Proven top deliverability and uptime stats that never
    disappoint – watch the sales pour without restrictions
    [+] Highest list leads limit for an autoresponder (keep up to
    1 million leads!)
    [+] Instant import, no double opt-in/verification required
    [+] NEW: send SMS messages to ANYONE from the very same app
    [+] List cleaner included for high open rates
    [+] Zero monthly fees, pay once and enjoy the full benefits package
    FOREVER with no restrictions
    [+] Mobile responsive & newbie friendly (anyone can earn with it!)

    And there’s more but you really have to see it for yourself to believe it.

    ProfitReply Ai has exceeded all expectations.

    There are thousands of customers relying completely on this app for their email marketing needs and the feedback is incredible!

    The Ai component is taking everything to the next level: Zero work, maximum profit!

    Are you ready to enter this new age of email marketing with us?

    => Secure your copy at the early bird price

    Good Luck,

  • Reply David Johnson 30.09.2023 at 01:59

    If you haven’t started thinking about using FlipBooks for your business, You are leaving huge money on the table…

    This is your last chance to grab AIFlipBook and after the launch ends, the price will be doubled.

    Watch AIFlipBook Demo Video ===>>>

    The truth is, I’m not here to make a quick buck.

    I’m here to help you become a successful internet marketer, which will allow me to establish credibility.

    [+]This AIFlipBook App is for those who want to take their business to the next level…
    [+]For those who don’t want to leave money on the table…
    [+]Those looking to treat this like a real business…
    If those 3 points sound like you, then you need this AIFlipBook App.

    Click the button below right now to get started with AIFlipBook.


    (If you purchase AIFlipBook Through This Link Today, You Will Get FREE AIFlipBook RESELLER Upgrade With Front End Product)

    Here is what you get with AIFlipBook:
    [+]Create A Fully-Functional FlipBook From: PDF, Text and Images.
    [+]Pre-Loaded With 2,000 Ebooks In 50 Niches To Start Creating Your Own FlipBooks
    [+]Done-For-You FlipBook Content Builder (From Built-in ChatGPT and Real Time AI Chatbot)
    [+]AI-Powered Text To Graphics Module
    [+]Web-Based App, So There’s Nothing To Install.
    [+]Share Or Embed Your Flipbooks Anywhere
    [+]All FlipBooks Are 100% Customizable – Change Name, Description, Color, Logo, Background In Just 1-Click
    [+]Series of in-depth training videos shows all the ins and outs of the software.
    [+]Special Bonus: Get Reseller License If You Purchase Today.

    =>Build Your First FlipBook And Profit From UNTAPPED World Of FlipBook Marketing Without Big Costs


    (If you purchase AIFlipBook Through This Link Today, You Will Get FREE AIFlipBook RESELLER Upgrade With Front End Product)

    This is as simple as it gets…

    Because for the early users of AIFlipBook , we are offering access for just a low one-time price equivalent to the price of a takeout dinner for a couple.

    Click the button below right now to get started with AIFlipBook


    See you inside,

  • Reply Chase Reener 03.10.2023 at 01:11

    Ready to earn hundreds a day from home? Our TikTok course can make it happen.

    See what I mean!

    Students make money in 24 hours!

    Good luck,

  • Reply Adam Smith 04.10.2023 at 02:08

    Want to create stunning content in seconds?

    Try AI Creative Suite, an AI-powered content creation platform.

    Generate all high-quality content your company or website can need without writing a word, On any topic.

    Click here see what I am talking about


  • Reply David Johnson 05.10.2023 at 13:20

    Unlock a world of profit with AIFlipBook! Act now to secure your exclusive, limited-time offer at its lowest price ever.

    Don’t wait, watch the mesmerizing Demo: ===>>>

    Elevate your business with AIFlipBook – click to seize the opportunity: ===>>>


  • Reply Josh Davids 13.10.2023 at 18:09

    Today, My friend Ashwath has released another premium Software that can get you Unlimited Backlinks for your website & Youtube Channel With the push of a button – without any manual work.

    Yes, you read that right.

    You Can Now Easily Get Unlimited HQ Backlinks & Real Buyers Traffic … With Commercial EVEN FOR A LIFETIME!!

    => Click Here to Get It Now Before Deal Ends:
    Special $4 Off – ‘BLINK4’ (Expires in an hour time)

    Let me introduce you to AI Backlinks…
    “Award Winning” ChatGPT4 Powered Software Gets You UNLIMITED REAL BACKLINKS & FREE BUYER TRAFFIC On Autopilot With Zero Monthly Fee
    “Guaranteed” Rank Your Site on Top of Google, Yahoo & Bing…

    How cool is that?

    Now you won’t have to pay for Backlinks & Other SEO Services On Other Online Platforms Like Fiverr, Upwork etc

    So let me ask you…

    Aren’t you tired of Spending 1000’s Of Dollars for getting non related backlinks or fake traffic even ?

    Thanks to the brand new AI-powered software AI Backlinks you’ll get Unlimited Backlinks & Real Human Traffic to your website & Youtube channels.

    This is a professional cloud-based platform that comes with a Commercial.

    For Evergreen Income WITHOUT Any Special Skills, Experience, Or Learning Curve.

    => Grab AI Backlinks With Exclusive Bonuses Now:

    Special $4 Off – ‘BLINK4’ (Expires in an hour time)

    This is an irresistible offer, with AI Backlinks you’ll be able to:

    Create Unlimited HQ Backlinks For Your Blogs, Website Etc On Autopilot
    Get Higher Rank Easily On Google, Bing & yahoo etc With No Extra Efforts
    Get Unlimited Real & Related Buyer Traffic & Sales
    Fully Autopilot.. No Manual Work
    Get Faster Indexing For Your All Webpages
    Automatic Updates With No Extra Installation Hassels
    No Limitations – Completely Free
    Sell Unlimited Backlinks & Rest Services to Earn Like The Big Boys
    No Special Skills or Experience Required
    Step By Step Training & Videos
    $200 Refund If It Doesn’t Work For You

    And much more…

    => Get Your AI Backlinks Lifetime Account + Commercial Licence at a One-Time Price
    Special $4 Off – ‘BLINK4’ (Expires in an hour time)

    This is turning into monthly recurring very soon.

    AI Backlinks is very easy to use, Trust me, once you have AI Backlinks you’ll be able to Rank #1 On Google, Bing & yahoo etc in 3 easy steps:

    Step 1 – Login & Enter to the Friendly Dashboard

    Step 2 – Enter Your Website Or Youtube Link & Click “Get Backlinks” & DONE!

    Step 3 – AI Backlinks Will Send Automatically Send Backlinks To The Most High Authority Websites

    150 TOP Agency Owners, Marketers & more than 2000 customers have started making money with AI Backlinks.
    Till Now AI Backlinks Has Successfully Sent 18M+ Real & High Quality Backlinks To Customers Website, Blogs & Youtube Channels.
    IT’S HUGE!!

    => Get Your AI Backlinks Lifetime Account + Commercial Licence at a One-Time Price :
    Special $4 Off – ‘BLINK4’ (Expires in an hour time)

    If you get AI Backlinks during the special launch period, you’ll get the following bonuses for no extra cost:

    Puzzlinks OTO1 + Reseller – WORLD’S FIRST Cloud Based 1-Click Puzzle & Maze Book Creator Platform Along With 1 Million+ Pre Made Puzzles & Mazes With PLR Licence

    Funnelinks OTO1 + Reseller- Brand new, drag n’ drop page builder that builds stunning websites, sales pages, powerful sales funnels, memberships landing pages, blogs & email marketing campaign in minutes with no skills required!

    DriveLinks OTO1 + RESELLER- DriveJam can be said as the world’s most secure and fastest loading servers are ready to store your unlimited data

    GraphLinks With OTO1 + Reseller- Simple Canva Like App With New Technology Creates & Sells Unlimited Jaw Dropping Designs, Video, Logos & Banners

    EZYLinks With OTO1 + Reseller- WORLD’S FIRST Builder Platform To Create Unlimited Stunning Videos + Thousands Of Pre Made Video Templates With Unique Inbuilt Video & Image Editor

    AI Backlinks AppBuilder Edition With OTO1 + Reseller- The World’s First Mobile App Builder Allows You To Turn Your Existing Website into a Lightning Fast Future Ready Mobile App

    AI Backlinks Logo Generator Tool- A premium tool that helps you create beautiful, unique Logos/Icons for your business and your clients’ business.

    But remember after this week, AI Backlinks will turn into a recurring subscription.
    So act fast and get your account at the lowest price ever.


    To Your Success,

  • Reply Adam Johnson 18.10.2023 at 01:28

    Discover the Incognito Traffic Formula – a proven path that turned Facebook friends into $10,000 with no ad spend.

    It’s a treasure map to financial success.

    No catch, just a golden opportunity for action-takers.

    Hurry, doors are closing. Click here for details and let’s prosper together!

    Find out what I am talking about:

    Good Luck,

  • Reply James Smith 18.10.2023 at 22:28

    Exciting News! The World’s First A.I-Powered “Set ‘n’ Forget” Faceless YouTube App, called “Sapphire,” is now LIVE!

    Discover this incredible app that can effortlessly bring you 349 bucks a day by automating your YouTube channel. Without Tech Skills, Creating Videos, Subscribers Or Any Experience… Don’t miss out on this game-changer!

    ==> Discover the Power of Sapphire NOW:

    Here’s A Sneak Peek of Cool Features
    ✅ Tap Into YouTube AI Magic
    ✅ Get FREE Buyer Traffic From 1 Dashboard
    ✅ Built-In A.I Powered Video Creator
    ✅ Create Animated Youtube Video, Intro and Shorts
    ✅ Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Interface
    ✅ Find The Hottest Viral Content In 1-Click
    ✅ AI Thumbnail Maker
    ✅ AI Chatbot Integration
    ✅ Headline, Description, Video Scripts Generator
    ✅ 1-Click YouTube Keyword Finder
    ✅ 200+ Templates To Choose From
    ✅ Auto Like/Comment Campaign
    ✅ Voice commands activated
    ✅ Blast YouTube Videos To 100+ Sources
    ✅ Hundreds Of Stock Assets Included For Free
    ✅ OpenAI & GPT-4 Integration
    ✅ Biz-In-A-Box Commercial Licence Included
    … and much more!

    ==> Click Here to Get Started with Sapphire:

    But wait, there’s more! If you decide to take action and purchase Sapphire through our link, you’ll receive an exclusive set of bonuses, including a Reseller License and VIP support. We’ve handpicked these bonuses to further enhance your journey to success!

    Also, We are offering a 5% discount for the entire funnel.

    Coupon Code: Sapphire5OFF

    ==> Unlock Sapphire’s Potential + Claim Your Bonuses:

    Take action now, and let “Sapphire” become your ally in reaching new heights of success in your online ventures.

    To Your Success,

  • Reply Quinn Dawson 19.10.2023 at 23:57

    If you’ve struggled to make EASY bank as an affiliate marketer …

    Or have ever been jealous of people making INSANE profits for doing
    basically nothing …

    >> Check out this brand new 2-in-1 profit app!


    What this does is REALLY exciting.

    It takes today’s hottest niche … Artificial Intelligence …
    And builds you automated, DFY A.I sites that let you cash in from all the hype!

    You make recurring affiliate commissions.
    You make FREE commissions!
    You even can build your list of subscribers at the same time.

    Best part of all?
    Absolutely free, A.I-targeted buyer traffic is built-in!

    Easy commissions today …
    While growing long term profits tomorrow.
    100% DFY.

    >> Grab yours at the early bird special while you can!


    Good Luck,

    P.S. This has been developed by one of the top super affiliates of the past 7 years … you’re getting a winning solution stacked with results with this

  • Reply Josh Davids 21.10.2023 at 01:18

    Today, My friend Ashwath has released another premium Software that can get you Unlimited Backlinks for your website & Youtube Channel With the push of a button – without any manual work.

    Yes, you read that right.

    You Can Now Easily Get Unlimited HQ Backlinks & Real Buyers Traffic … With Commercial EVEN FOR A LIFETIME!!

    => Click Here to Get It Now Before Deal Ends:
    Special $4 Off – ‘BLINK4’ (Expires in an hour time)

    Let me introduce you to AI Backlinks…
    “Award Winning” ChatGPT4 Powered Software Gets You UNLIMITED REAL BACKLINKS & FREE BUYER TRAFFIC On Autopilot With Zero Monthly Fee
    “Guaranteed” Rank Your Site on Top of Google, Yahoo & Bing…

    How cool is that?

    Now you won’t have to pay for Backlinks & Other SEO Services On Other Online Platforms Like Fiverr, Upwork etc

    So let me ask you…

    Aren’t you tired of Spending 1000’s Of Dollars for getting non related backlinks or fake traffic even ?

    Thanks to the brand new AI-powered software AI Backlinks you’ll get Unlimited Backlinks & Real Human Traffic to your website & Youtube channels.

    This is a professional cloud-based platform that comes with a Commercial.

    For Evergreen Income WITHOUT Any Special Skills, Experience, Or Learning Curve.

    => Grab AI Backlinks With Exclusive Bonuses Now:

    Special $4 Off – ‘BLINK4’ (Expires in an hour time)

    This is an irresistible offer, with AI Backlinks you’ll be able to:

    Create Unlimited HQ Backlinks For Your Blogs, Website Etc On Autopilot
    Get Higher Rank Easily On Google, Bing & yahoo etc With No Extra Efforts
    Get Unlimited Real & Related Buyer Traffic & Sales
    Fully Autopilot.. No Manual Work
    Get Faster Indexing For Your All Webpages
    Automatic Updates With No Extra Installation Hassels
    No Limitations – Completely Free
    Sell Unlimited Backlinks & Rest Services to Earn Like The Big Boys
    No Special Skills or Experience Required
    Step By Step Training & Videos
    $200 Refund If It Doesn’t Work For You

    And much more…

    => Get Your AI Backlinks Lifetime Account + Commercial Licence at a One-Time Price
    Special $4 Off – ‘BLINK4’ (Expires in an hour time)

    This is turning into monthly recurring very soon.

    AI Backlinks is very easy to use, Trust me, once you have AI Backlinks you’ll be able to Rank #1 On Google, Bing & yahoo etc in 3 easy steps:

    Step 1 – Login & Enter to the Friendly Dashboard

    Step 2 – Enter Your Website Or Youtube Link & Click “Get Backlinks” & DONE!

    Step 3 – AI Backlinks Will Send Automatically Send Backlinks To The Most High Authority Websites

    150 TOP Agency Owners, Marketers & more than 2000 customers have started making money with AI Backlinks.
    Till Now AI Backlinks Has Successfully Sent 18M+ Real & High Quality Backlinks To Customers Website, Blogs & Youtube Channels.
    IT’S HUGE!!

    => Get Your AI Backlinks Lifetime Account + Commercial Licence at a One-Time Price :
    Special $4 Off – ‘BLINK4’ (Expires in an hour time)

    If you get AI Backlinks during the special launch period, you’ll get the following bonuses for no extra cost:

    Puzzlinks OTO1 + Reseller – WORLD’S FIRST Cloud Based 1-Click Puzzle & Maze Book Creator Platform Along With 1 Million+ Pre Made Puzzles & Mazes With PLR Licence

    Funnelinks OTO1 + Reseller- Brand new, drag n’ drop page builder that builds stunning websites, sales pages, powerful sales funnels, memberships landing pages, blogs & email marketing campaign in minutes with no skills required!

    DriveLinks OTO1 + RESELLER- DriveJam can be said as the world’s most secure and fastest loading servers are ready to store your unlimited data

    GraphLinks With OTO1 + Reseller- Simple Canva Like App With New Technology Creates & Sells Unlimited Jaw Dropping Designs, Video, Logos & Banners

    EZYLinks With OTO1 + Reseller- WORLD’S FIRST Builder Platform To Create Unlimited Stunning Videos + Thousands Of Pre Made Video Templates With Unique Inbuilt Video & Image Editor

    AI Backlinks AppBuilder Edition With OTO1 + Reseller- The World’s First Mobile App Builder Allows You To Turn Your Existing Website into a Lightning Fast Future Ready Mobile App

    AI Backlinks Logo Generator Tool- A premium tool that helps you create beautiful, unique Logos/Icons for your business and your clients’ business.

    But remember after this week, AI Backlinks will turn into a recurring subscription.
    So act fast and get your account at the lowest price ever.


    To Your Success,

  • Reply Chris Peterson 22.10.2023 at 03:25

    Did you join MidCash yet?

    If you act now, you can still get $75/hour…

    By combining MidJourney.. with a secret, unknown website:

    Click Here – Explot SECRET $10.7 Billion Loophole – With MidJourney (Or ANY AI Graphics App).


    See, YES, you can plug into a NEW website using ANY graphics AI…

    But you’ll NEED to act quick…

    Launch MidCash to monetize a mega-site – flipping AI photos – that NO-ONE knows about…

    The price is now jumping on this 2-in-1 AI suite, which exploits this “stock-photo-killing” secret-site…

    So watch this short-video, and make a decision.

    Join MidCash — Before Imminent Price Increase



    P.S. Remember – MidCash is increasing in price in just a few minutes’ time. so…

    You need to take action in the next few hours. Click here, watch the video, then get started


  • Reply Josh Pecks 24.10.2023 at 01:50

    Explore 100 AI Business Ideas for Profit

    Get access to our list of 100 AI business opportunities and learn how to monetize them.

    Ready to kickstart your AI side hustle?

    Find out how you can start making money today!

    Explore Now:

  • Reply Josh Davids 25.10.2023 at 02:42

    The top Website Owners & Digital Marketers in the world are using AI Backlinks for Getting Traffic & Backlinks to boost their sales online.

    Now you have an opportunity to join them, improve your Google Rank & Get 10X Traffic with a new AI-based app called AI Backlinks.

    => The Cart is Open… Go Fast & Secure Your Earlybird Access to AI Backlinks Now:

    Special $4 Off – ‘BLINK4’ (Expires in an hour time)

    With AI Backlinks, you can get Unlimited Backlinks for your websites & Youtube channels and also same time you can generate unlimited real traffic for boosting your sales & Revenue

    AI Backlinks is very easy to use, Trust me, once you have AI Backlinks you’ll be able to Rank #1 On Google, Bing & yahoo etc in 3 easy steps:

    Step 1 – Login & Enter to the Friendly Dashboard

    Step 2 – Enter Your Website Or Youtube Link & Click “Get Backlinks” & DONE!

    Step 3 – AI Backlinks Will Send Automatically Send Backlinks To The Most High Authority Websites

    => Grab AI Backlinks With Exclusive Bonuses Now:

    Special $4 Off – ‘BLINK4’ (Expires in an hour time)

    You are getting AI Backlinks with a free commercial licence so you can send Backlinks to your clients websites Or Youtube Channels as well

    And start generating an evergreen income WITHOUT any hard work.

    Here’s the BEST part:

    If you get AI Backlinks during the special launch period, you’ll get the following bonuses for no extra cost:

    Puzzlinks OTO1 + Reseller – WORLD’S FIRST Cloud Based 1-Click Puzzle & Maze Book Creator Platform Along With 1 Million+ Pre Made Puzzles & Mazes With PLR Licence

    Funnelinks OTO1 + Reseller- Brand new, drag n’ drop page builder that builds stunning websites, sales pages, powerful sales funnels, memberships landing pages, blogs & email marketing campaign in minutes with no skills required!

    DriveLinks OTO1 + RESELLER- DriveJam can be said as the world’s most secure and fastest loading servers are ready to store your unlimited data

    GraphLinks With OTO1 + Reseller- Simple Canva Like App With New Technology Creates & Sells Unlimited Jaw Dropping Designs, Video, Logos & Banners

    EZYLinks With OTO1 + Reseller- WORLD’S FIRST Builder Platform To Create Unlimited Stunning Videos + Thousands Of Pre Made Video Templates With Unique Inbuilt Video & Image Editor

    AI Backlinks AppBuilder Edition With OTO1 + Reseller- The World’s First Mobile App Builder Allows You To Turn Your Existing Website into a Lightning Fast Future Ready Mobile App

    AI Backlinks Logo Generator Tool- A premium tool that helps you create beautiful, unique Logos/Icons for your business and your clients’ business.

    But you need to hurry as the Early Bird discount is expiring a few hours from now.

    => Get Your AI Backlinks Lifetime Account + Commercial Licence at a One-Time Price:

    Special $4 Off – ‘BLINK4’ (Expires in an hour time)

    To Your Success,

  • Reply David Williams 27.10.2023 at 13:44

    The AI Plug & Play Commissions launch is coming to a close.

    >> Grab it before the price goes WAY up:

    Just in case you need reminding what it’s all about …

    Here it is in a nutshell:
    Multiple passive income streams from DFY websites …

    Using OTHER people’s content and 100% free traffic …

    With list building built in AND hosting included.

    Beginner friendly, no tech skills.

    One-time site setup then it’s maintenance-free.

    Proof of results all over the page.

    AI Plug & Play Commissions is the most complete, set & forget system ever.

    >> Why pay more later when you can get it for less NOW?! :

    You can not wait any longer to change your life!

    Good Luck,

  • Reply James Davids 29.10.2023 at 01:34

    I am excited to introduce you to The World’s First App That Creates Your Very Own “Set N’ Forget” AI Platforms Like Mid-Journey, Jasper Ai & Chatgpt…

    And Lets You Charge People $500 To $1000 Monthly Just For Using It…

    Introducing…BusinessBox AI



    BusinessBox AI app is designed to help you effortlessly create and own your very own online ai platforms and compete with big dogs….

    Finally, This Next-Gen Futuristic All-In-One App Lets You…

    Say Goodbye To The Hassle Of Creating Ai Platforms On Your Own…

    Say Goodbye To Your Expensive Third-Party Ai Tools & Services…

    Say Goodbye To The Expensive Software Developers & Freelancers

    The best part? BusinessBox AI works on complete autopilot, meaning you can sit back and relax while it does all the heavy lifting for you. It’s like having your own personal assistant!

    ✅ Create Ai Platforms Like Chatgpt, Mid-Journey & Jasperai…

    ✅ Charge Your Customers Weekly, Monthly, Or Annually

    ✅ Easily Profit $500 To $1000 Monthly Per Customer…

    ✅ Start Your Own Online Ai Eshops & Charge People For Downloading

    ✅ Built-In 200+ Ai Tools Included For Maximum Profits!

    ✅ 1-Click Payment Integration, Accept Payments Through Paypal, Stripe

    ✅ Broadcast Mass Messages To Your Customers With Our 1-Click

    ✅ Unlimited Website Hosting, Unlimited User Registrations

    ✅ Unlimited Commercial Rights Included…

    ✅ In-Depth Customer Login Details, Revenue Details & Traffic Details…

    If you’re ready to take your AI Content creation game to the next level, BusinessBox AI is the tool you need. It’s fast, efficient, and will save you hours of time and effort.

    Don’t wait any longer to get started. Download BusinessBox AI today and see the results for yourself.

    Best regards,

  • Reply Adam Smith 30.10.2023 at 03:09

    Want to create stunning content in seconds?

    Try AI Creative Suite, an AI-powered content creation platform.

    Generate all high-quality content your company or website can need without writing a word, On any topic.

    Click here see what I am talking about


  • Reply James Smith 05.11.2023 at 04:09

    Are you currently fed up with paying a monthly subscription for hosting charges you have to pay for hosting companies, like GoDaddy, Hostinagor, and many more!

    ⇒Then Check this Alternative Here:

    And how amazing would it be if you could pay a single one-time Fee and be able to host all your websites (WordPress, eCommerce, and even Affiliate sites basically anything)
    This is what EverHosting offers you.

    EverHosting is a Powerful Hosting Solution To Host All Your Websites With High-Speed Servers & Low Downtime!

    =>>Click here to know more about EverHosting:

    So when you switch to the EverHosting platform you will be getting:

    Fast & reliable hosting for users or businesses
    Pay ONE small fee to get the LIFETIME HIGH-SPEED HOSTING
    Get access to our Customizable Cloud Hosting Platform lots of fast, 1-click installation apps that you can use to create & host even more profitable websites
    Be 100% safe with an SSL-Encrypted connection
    Get COMPLETE access over your websites with 99.999% Uptime, maximum speed loading, and free SSL licenses that will bring your EVEN MORE TRAFFIC.
    ZERO-RISK hosting.
    One-time Payment, Lifetime Hosting Access
    Pay once and use forever.

    And with this high-speed hosting cloud-based software that comes with 24/7 customer support is an incredible opportunity to maximize your earnings for LIFE and never have to worry ever again!

    Also you are going to get 155 Free Bonus Bundle along with

    >>Get instant access and secure your spot here


    P.S. EverHosting saves you HUNDREDS of dollars a year
    in cloud hosting fees while providing a better,
    faster and more marketer-friendly service than ANY
    of our competitors.

  • Reply James Williams 08.11.2023 at 17:35

    Money talks,

    And nothing talks louder than making $212,910 /month.

    This is exactly how much Michael is raking in,

    It’s more than most people make in a year.

    Impressive huh!

    For the longest time, I’ve watched Michael keep his method under wraps…

    But now he’s finally going to teach a select amount of people how to do this.

    Starting with handing all the goods packaged within his Partner & Profit Program.

    The fortune favors the bold here, go buy it NOW;

    Talk soon,

  • Reply James Bond 15.11.2023 at 16:20

    Given the continual financial challenges that everyone has been facing, it seems clear that ‘Running a Business ONLINE’ – is the BEST way to earn money with little to no overhead.

    And starting a profitable online business need not be tedious and expensive.

    Want to start a 6-figure Online Business in the next 5 minutes?

    Click here!

    NewBSuite is the World’s #1 Complete Online Business Innovation Toolset.

    Now Create EVERYTHING You Need To START-RUN-SCALE A Profitable Online Business In Just A Few Simple Steps…

    STEP 1 – PICK A TEMPLATE: Simply select whatever* you want to create and choose a template for it… or start with a blank canvas.
    (*Landing Page, Offer Page, Optin Page, Scratch-Off Page, Social Media Graphics & Posts, YouTube Thumbnails, Facebook & Insta Ads, Logos Etc.)

    STEP 2 – CUSTOMIZE: Easily drag-n-drop the elements. Change their size, color and just about everything with point-n-click simplicity.

    STEP 3 – USE & PROFIT: Use it to grow your business or sell to clients for the top dollar. (Please Note: A FREE Commercial License is included Today ONLY as a part of this special offer)

    You can:

    CREATE everything you need to START-RUN-GROW a profitable business

    STAND OUT – Make Yourself Stand Out From Your Competitors & Help Your Clients Do The Same

    FREE COMMERCIAL LICENSE – A Free Commercial License Is Included To Help You Start Your Own Agency That Helps Offline Businesses Go Digital

    EASY TO USE – Create Professional-looking pages, graphics & designs with no Technical Know-how. 100% Beginner-Friendly

    CLOUD-BASED – Nothing to Download or Install. Login and Access from anywhere at any time
    And so much more….
    There’s still more!

    You also get exclusive bonuses, absolutely free with this offer and a free limited-time upgrade for only the first few action takers!

    Watch NewBSuite In Action…

    You won’t find anything like this, anywhere else:
    [+] Quickly Create STUNNING Pages In Just 3-Clicks

    [+] Fully customizable, ready-to-convert templates created by world-class professionals help you grow your email list

    [+] No design experience needed to use the landing page templates

    [+] Create Offer Pages that get the word out quickly and easily

    [+] Optin Pages make it seamless for your readers to convert to subscribers

    [+] Get that tempting lead magnet out quickly and easily by using Scratch-Off Pages

    [+] Create Social Media Graphics & Posts With the Click of A Button!

    [+] Create STUNNING visuals for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Google Ads

    [+] Includes pre-designed fully customizable graphics with an easy-to-use drag-n-drop editor

    [+] Add text, change background, font, and text as you like

    [+] Download and share immediately to post across social media

    [+] Place your photos using pre-made templates and add personal touches with overlays, text, and more, as you like

    [+] Simply save, download, and share your image on all of your social media accounts

    [+] Create unique and creative YouTube thumbnails for your videos

    [+] Skyrocket your views and subscribers without any technical know-how or expensive graphic design software

    [+] Just Drag-n-Drop To Create Engaging & High Converting Ads

    [+] Make attention-grabbing, high converting ads without any prior experience

    [+] Built-In Library of STUNNING Insta & Facebook Ad Templates

    [+] In Just 1-Click… generate a variety of logos for you to pick from

    [+] Track all your affiliate links to find success and do it again and again

    [+] Say goodbye to monthly subscriptions and complicated software tools… like PhotoShop, ClickFunnels, Canva, Adobe Illustrator, & CouponTools

    [+] And a lot more…

    Grab the Early-Bird Discount Here…

    Bonuses worth THOUSANDS are included when you purchase this TODAY…

    Click on the Buy Button Right Now to grab this UNBELIEVABLE offer, or you’ll have to pay a monthly fee later!

    Get this today, at an all-time-low, exclusive, one-time “early bird” price that is the LOWEST price you can ever get it at.

    See you soon

  • Reply Tom Johns 17.11.2023 at 02:48

    Yaay! BrainBox is Finally Live!!!

    You can now launch your own “ChatGPT-Like” AI Chatbot and get access to it’s 50+ superpower Advanced Features that automates everything you could ever need for your success in the online space without running bankrupt.

    >>>Click to Effortlessly launch your own ChatGPT Like AI Chatbot – Zero Monthly Fee, Zero Coding! (Earlybirds and 11 fastest fingers only!)


    Henceforth, you will stop working tirelessly like a pendulum and quit spending enormously for freelancers and expensive third-party platforms for their pesky tasks.

    It doesn’t matter your rank in the online space, whether you’re a pro marketer or a beginner. Once your AI Chatbot is up and running, you are good to go!

    >>Activate your own “ChatGPT-Like” AI Chatbot here (Earlybirds and 11 fastest fingers only!)


    With this Unique tool in your hands, You will unlock the success-secret of the top affiliates and 500 fortune companies just by simply describing what you need either through voice commands or typing…
    …without experiencing a single downtime or paying outrageously monthly.. and trust me your result is ready within a twinkle of an eye!

    Sounds great right?

    >>>Click to Effortlessly launch your own ChatGPT Like AI Chatbot and see more Amazing Benefits (Earlybirds and 11 fastest fingers!)

    No Bluffing, No Xtra Payment!

    This is 50X better than the popular ChatGPT. As easy as it is, You can customize your chatbot’s appearance, voice, and personality to match your brand and your audience’s preferences even if you don’t have tech or design experience.

    And with the powerful analytics dashboard, you can track your chatbot’s performance, monitor user feedback, and optimize your chatbot’s features and responses over time.

    The sweetest of all is,

    It comes equipped with a built-in buyers generator that will fetch out for you thousands of hungry buyers in every corner of the universe day by day to pay for your chatbot services and ultimately bring in for you $5k-$10K per month in side-income on complete autopilot.

    Isn’t this mind-blowing?

    >>Go here to create your own ChatGPT-like app and charge people for it. (Earlybirds and 11 fastest fingers)


    See there’s more benefits for you with this Brand New Innovation… you just need to go in and see them all for yourself… and they will be all yours today for a very low one time fee and enjoy for your lifetime.

    No upgrading ​fee, No reselling fee, ​​No Upsells required!

    >>Go here to Claim your earlybird benefits and your Exclusive Launch Benefits. (Earlybirds and 11 fastest fingers)



  • Reply John Troberg 25.11.2023 at 02:35

    Unlimited FREE Buyer Traffic – with Chat-GPT AI

    Do you want to get YouTube traffic…

    To ANY website or affiliate link…

    With CHAT-GPT doing ALL the work?

    So you can make commissions with the #1 affiliate site, ClickBank?

    Then you need this “NEW* YouTube AI”…


    Presenting Vid GPT!

    The world’s first cloud-based software suite…

    That does everything YOU need to finally crush YOUTUBE…

    With scripts, slides, ElevenLabs voice-overs, royalty-free videos, images, editing, transitions, monetization, keywords and traffic – all PRELOADED…

    It’s the FIRST EVER YouTube app that is 100% AI powered.

    Just imagine getting REAL daily buyers like THIS:


    This is a blazing NEW way to drive FREE YouTube traffic…

    To ANY website or affiliate program…

    So you get FREE traffic from YouTube, 24/7!

    100% automated and unlimited…

    And in LESS TIME than was ever possible before.

    It’s a complete “360” in how average people can profit in 2023…

    Check out this all-in-one app to see what I mean!



  • Reply Oscar Willson 26.11.2023 at 13:13

    AI is here to change the world, and people are going crazy over it

    So the question is, would you like a piece of that pie?

    BrainBox – The World’s First AI App Let You Launch Your Own “ChatGPT-like” AI Chatbot with 50 stunning AI features

    You can even customize this AI Chatbot with your own domain, branding and style and charge people for using it.

    Forget paying huge fees for Content Writers, Programmers, Designers, Translators, Video Editors, SEO Experts, Customer Support, etc

    BrainBox handles all of that for you 100%

    >> Click Here To See The Live Demo & Get Full Access Before Price Increases

    To get access to BrainBox you need just 4 easy steps away

    Step1: Login to BrainBox Cloud-Based App ( super-easy to navigate dashboard)

    Step 2: Create- With Just One Click, Create Your Very Own ChatGPT-Like AI Chatbot( this takes just few minutes)

    Step 3: Now Launch- You’re Ready To Charge Millions Of Hungry Customers For Using Your Very Own AI Chatbot.

    Step 4: Start Getting Paid by your Customers and Clients

    BrainBox comes with over 50 AI features that which includes ;

    Write engaging, high quality content for videos, blogs, scripts, emails, newsletters, ebooks literally anything

    Turn plain text into engaging, professional videos that attract thousands of free hits of traffic

    Generate the best AI designs that put 99% of graphic designers to shame, in just seconds

    Design salespages, sales funnels, fully functional blogs

    Proofread your writing without paying anything

    Translate your writing to over 50 different languages and profit

    That’s just a tiny fraction of all the features that BrainBox has to offer…

    Using BrainBox will give you full control and cut down your expenses on hiring freelancers that give you low service .

    >> Get Unlimited Access to BrainBox AI Technology

    And to make this a no-brainer, the first 25 people will get full access to my 100 bonuses.

    (List your bonuses here).

    Hurry! Price is increasing every hour and my bonuses is time sensitive

    >> Click Here To Get Access:


  • Reply Tristan Peterson 29.11.2023 at 16:37

    Step Right Up! Witness the Greatest Show in the Digital Circus!

    Let me take you back to a time of wonder and excitement –

    the Grand Digital Circus! Amidst the jugglers and acrobats,

    there was one act that had everyone talking: The Invisible Website.

    People would come from miles around just to NOT see it.

    But, as the spotlight shone and the drums rolled, the Invisible Website remained… well, invisible.

    Until! From the shadows emerged a mysterious figure known only as

    ** **. With a flourish and a flash,

    the once invisible website was bathed in the light of adoring fans and showers of gold coins!

    Now, for a rave review from a member of our awestruck audience:

    **”I’d heard of the Invisible Website, but what I saw (or didn’t see) left me speechless.

    Then, Lead Hero stepped in, and BOOM! The transformation was nothing short of magic!”** – **Tristan the Traffic Titan**

    It’s time for your website’s main event! No more empty seats, no more silent applause. It’s showtime!

    Your ticket to the big top:

    1. **Take a leap to ]**

    2. Select the website package that fits your spectacle.
    3. Sit back, enjoy the popcorn, and behold as the audience (aka high-converting traffic) pours in!

    Don’t let your website be the act that nobody sees. Step into the limelight with Lead Hero and give your audience a performance they’ll never forget.

    Until the curtain rises,
    Ringmaster of Lead Hero Circus

    P.S. Behind every great act is a secret ingredient. Yours? ** **. Unveil the showstopper your website was meant to be! ️

  • Reply Josh Jackson 30.11.2023 at 16:48

    ❌(Last Chance) … Get Your Hands on BusinessBox AI – Create & Launch Your Own AI Platforms & eShops Like ChatGPT, MidJourney & JasperAI

    I wanted to reach out and let you know about a final opportunity to get your hands on BusinessBox AI!

    >> BusinessBox AI launch is closing forever In 4 hours.

    The World’s First App That Creates Your Very Own “Set N’ Forget” AI Platforms Like Mid-Journey, Jasper Ai & Chatgpt…

    And Lets You Charge People $500 To $1000 Monthly Just For Using It?

    Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to transform the way you work.

    >>> Act now and get BusinessBox AI

    As you may already know, BusinessBox AI is designed to revolutionize the way you do AI Business.

    Here are some of the key features of BusinessBox AI:

    ✅ Create Ai Platforms Like Chatgpt, Mid-Journey & Jasperai…

    ✅ Charge Your Customers Weekly, Monthly, Or Annually

    ✅ Easily Profit $500 To $1000 Monthly Per Customer…

    ✅ Start Your Own Online Ai Eshops & Charge People For Downloading

    ✅ Built-In 200+ Ai Tools Included For Maximum Profits!

    ✅ 1-Click Payment Integration, Accept Payments Through Paypal, Stripe

    ✅ Broadcast Mass Messages To Your Customers With Our 1-Click

    ✅ Unlimited Website Hosting, Unlimited User Registrations

    ✅ Unlimited Commercial Rights Included…

    ✅ In-Depth Customer Login Details, Revenue Details & Traffic Details…

    But here’s the catch: this is the last chance to take advantage of our exclusive offer and get BusinessBox AI at a discounted price.

    That’s right, time is running out and you don’t want to miss this opportunity to enhance your productivity and streamline your work process.
    So what are you waiting for?
    Get your hands on BusinessBox AI today and experience the future of artificial intelligence. Hurry, this offer won’t last long!

    Access BusinessBox AI Now :

    Best regards,

  • Leave a Reply